
  • 网络zen
  1. 它的兴起给这一时期的文化带来了巨大的影响,这种影响又和中国禅对中国文化的影响模式相类似。

    This kind of influence is similar with the influence pattern of Chinese Zen to the Chinese culture .

  2. 作为中国古典诗歌的一种特殊类型,中国禅诗除了具有诗歌的一般特点外,还具有自己的特征。

    Chinese Zen poetry , as a kind of classical poetry , is full of these characteristics . Besides , it has its own features .

  3. 禅宗自西天达摩东传以来,经历了种种考验,从印度禅发展到拥有独自特色的中国禅,这一路上流淌着历代禅宗祖师们辛勤的汗水,以及无比坚韧的毅力。

    Zen buddhist dharma preached from the east , since India zen with characteristic of Chinese zen , alone experienced all kinds of tests during all the way in the patriarch zen flowing industrious sweat , and extremely tough perseverance .

  4. 论中国佛禅的诗学方向

    On the Poetics Orientation of Chinese Zen

  5. 用中国佛学禅的境界来关怀主体自身心性结构,用马克思的交往实践唯物主义来对交往主体进行主体际关怀。从而创造一个和谐社会。

    Show solicitude for subject body and nature structure using Chinese Buddhism , Show solicitude for subject boder using Marxist communicative practical materialism , so that we can create a harmonious society .

  6. 意蕴无限&中国画与禅

    The Immensity of Connotation & Chinese Painting and Zen

  7. 诗歌内容方面更能体现佛经的影响,特别是在禅宗出现以后,中国诗歌以禅入诗,更显空灵色彩。

    The content of poems also reflected the influence of Sutras . Especially after Zen Buddhist appearance , the Chinese poems began to show more fairy colors .

  8. 普遍认为王维是中国绘画史上禅画这一画种的创始人。

    It is often thought that Wang Wei is the first man who initiated Zen painting in the history of Chinese-drawing .

  9. 妙悟是严羽诗学思想的核心概念,也是中国美学史上禅、艺合流的内在理论基础。

    " Miraculous awakening " is the core of the Yanyu 's poetic theory , which is also the foundation of the integration of dhyana and art in Chinese aesthetic history .

  10. 从真正意义上讲,禅宗的产地是中国,只有当禅进入中国士阶层的精舍书斋之后,它才成为具有哲学意义的并具备无形体系的禅宗。

    From the real sense , the origin of Zen in China , only if Zen scholar class in China , after his study of the Vihara , it became a philosophical meaning and have an invisible system of Zen .