
  • 网络CHINA AUTO;China Automobile;Landwind
  1. 第二部分,对世界汽车工业的发展进行分析,回顾了中国汽车工业的发展历程,分析了加入WTO对我国汽车工业的影响,对未来汽车市场发展趋势作出了判断。

    In the second part , analyses are conducted on the development history , recalling the history of China auto industry , analyses the influence to China auto industry while China enter WTO , and make the predicate for the China 's auto market trends .

  2. 研读中国汽车产业发展政策

    Study on The Policy for The Development of China Auto Sector

  3. 加入WTO后中国汽车企业的金融创新

    The Finance Innovation of Chinese Automobile Corporation after entering WTO

  4. 中国汽车金融服务X赢利模式研究

    An Study on the Auto Finance Profit Pattern in China

  5. 加入WTO中国汽车产业发展战略思考

    Consideration for Developing Strategy of China Automotive Industry after China Entering into WTO

  6. WTO与中国汽车工业

    The WTO and China 's Auto Industry

  7. WTO对中国汽车产业影响的一般均衡分析

    A General Equilibrium Analysis on Impact Produced by WTO Entry to China 's Automobile Industry

  8. 但较少有学者详尽论证金融运作对中国汽车业进入WTO的积极作用。

    Of Chinese automobile industry .

  9. 加入WTO对中国汽车工业的影响标准化与贸易技术壁垒&入世后车辆产品标准化面临的新课题

    Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization

  10. 中国汽车产业:SCP范式的分析

    China 's Automobile Industry : an Analyzing of SCP Model

  11. 论JIT环境下制造商和供应商之间的关系&中国汽车工业中的JIT采购与供应

    Manufacturer supplier relationship in JIT environment : jit purchasing and supply in Chinese automobile industry

  12. 加入WTO,中国汽车工业必然要参与到国际化的进程中,中国汽车工业参与跨国并购既具有可行性也具有必要性。

    With WTO accession , China automotive industry has merged certainly in the international progress , participating the transnational consolidation by China automotive industry has the feasibility and necessity .

  13. 论加入WTO给中国汽车零部件工业带来的机遇和挑战&兼论东风汽车零部件企业的应对策略

    Opportunities and Challenges Brought out by the WTO Entry to China 's Auto Components and Parts Industry & Discussion on the Countermeasures Taken by Dongfeng Auto Components and Parts Enterprises

  14. 中国汽车工业协会(ChinaAssociationofAutomobileManufacturers)昨日宣布,国内汽车生产商今年1至2月共售出自有品牌乘用轿车45.7万辆,较去年同期下降了21%。

    The China Association of Automobile Manufacturers said yesterday that domestic carmakers had sold 457,000 own-brand passenger saloons in January and February , a 21 per cent decline from the same period last year .

  15. 经过四届比赛的运作,CCC在中国汽车运动领域已经开拓出一片属于自己的土地,捌有了自己的发展空间。

    After the operation of four years , CCC has its own space to develop in motor sport field .

  16. 本文采用Suits(1977)提出的Suits指数和洛伦兹曲线,首次估计和比较了中国汽车消费税和燃油税的累进性。

    This paper uses Suits index and Lorenz curve proposed by Suits ( 1977 ) to explore the progressivity of consumption and fuel tax in the Chinese auto industry .

  17. 文章分析了中国汽车工业实行OEM的可能性,以及OEM为中国汽车工业发展带来的好处。

    The article analyzes the possibility of China automobile industry to execute OEM and the advantages OEM brings to the development of China automobile industry .

  18. 加入WTO,中国汽车产业由于政策所带来的销售优势将由于市场的开放、外资介入汽车销售领域而逐渐消失。

    After admittance into the WTO , the market will be more open and foreign capital will come into automobile sale 's market . So the advantages of China automobile industry coming from government 's policy will disappear .

  19. 本文拟在前人研究FDI对就业效应的基础上,通过理论分析和实证研究,重点探讨中国汽车制造业FDI对就业的影响。

    The thesis , based on previous study of relation of FDI and employment , will focus on the effect of FDI on employment in automobile manufacture industry through theoretical analysis and empirical research .

  20. 正当中国汽车市场出现了比预期更糟的放缓迹象时,通用汽车(generalmotors)以及其它陷入困境的汽车制造商正期待通过中国销售的增长来缓冲美国市场问题造成的影响。

    Signs of a worse-than - expected slowdown in the Chinese car market come at a time when general motors and other troubled carmakers are counting on growth in China to cushion the effect of problems in the US market .

  21. 加入WTO后,国家为汽车产业所筑起的关税和非关税壁垒将很快消失,中国汽车产业将面临全球化的竞争环境。

    After entering into WTO , the tariff and non - tariff barriers that Chinese government has set up to protect the automobile industry will disappear rapidly . The automobile industry in China will face up to the global competitive environment .

  22. 如果问西方的汽车业高管,是否将有一家中国汽车企业会继丰田(Toyota)和现代(Hyundai)之后,成为全球汽车制造商,那么答案绝对是肯定的。

    Ask a western car executive if a Chinese company will follow Toyota and Hyundai to become a global automaker , and the answer is a resounding yes .

  23. 中国汽车安全走进NCAP时代

    Chinese car enters into NCAP Era

  24. 就在去年夏天,中国汽车部件制造商万向集团(WanxiangGroup)曾提出以4.5亿美元,收购A123公司的控股股权。

    Only last summer , the Wanxiang Group , a major Chinese auto parts maker , had offered to buy a controlling interest in A123 for $ 450 million .

  25. 经过优化匹配,乘员的头部伤害指标HIC降低了51%,并且满足了中国汽车正面碰撞安全法规的要求。

    The head injury criterion HIC is reduced by 51 % after the optimization , so that it now meets the Chinese vehicle frontal impact regulation .

  26. 本文通过实证和规范研究论证自主GVC模式是中国汽车产业升级的可靠路径。

    Based on empirical study and standardize research , this paper demonstrates that independent GVC model is the dependable upgrading path for Chinas automobile industry .

  27. 大多数中国汽车制造商目前都不提供此类“车载智能通讯(telematics)”服务,不过预计很快就会有更多制造商推出这项服务。

    Most Chinese car manufacturers do not offer such " telematics " services , though more are expected to launch them soon .

  28. 中国汽车工业面对WTO的挑战,迅速建立起高效、完善的现代化汽车销售流通体系是中国汽车工业参与国际竞争和自主发展的当务之急,同时也是保护中国这一未来潜在的巨大汽车市场的需要。

    In order to take challenges of WTO , the establishment of an efficient and perfect selling network has become a task of top priority in Chinese automotive industry not only for joining to international competitions and developing independently but also for streamlining conditions of Chinese auto market .

  29. 本文正是以此大环境为背景,在对一汽-大众公司目前的国产化外协件采购管理、供应链管理和JIT理论进行研究的基础上,探讨适应未来的中国汽车行业发展的采购管理模式。

    According to this kind of background and based on the research for current localization management of purchasing parts , SCM and JIT method , this article is to discuss future SCM which would adapt to the development of China .

  30. 2006年中国汽车消费者满意指数(CACSI)表明主要的瑕疵包括轮胎,空调,刹车系统,车锁与方向盘。

    The2006 China Automobile Customer Satisfaction Index ( CACSI ) said major defects involve tyres , air conditioning and braking systems , locks and steering wheels .