
  1. 中国民族资本主义企业的社会主义改造经历了不同的阶段。

    Socialist transformation of Chinese national capitalist enterprises had different stages .

  2. 买办与中国民族资本主义的发展

    Comprador Class and Development of National Capitalist in China

  3. 中国民族资本主义发展历程述论

    Comment On The Development Course Of Chinese National Capitalism

  4. 这在很大程度上也反映出了那个时代中国民族资本主义发展的状况。

    The subject largely revealed the situation of the development of Chinese national capitalism in that era .

  5. 到了同世纪末年和二十世纪初年,到了四十年前,中国民族资本主义便开始了初步的发展。

    About forty years ago , at the turn of the century , China 's national capitalism took its first steps forward .

  6. 中国民族资本主义企业产生的条件主要是商品市场、劳动力市场的形成和外国资本主义的刺激。

    The conditions for it to appear were the formation of outlets for goods and the market for labor forces and the stimulation of the foreign capitalism .

  7. 从中国民族资本主义经济发展的史实进行分析,可以看出资本帝国主义和封建主义的联盟与中国人民大众的矛盾是近代中国社会的主要矛盾。

    This paper analyzes the historical facts about the economical development of the Chinese national capitalism and explains the Chinese major social contradiction in the modern times is the contradiction between the alliance of the capitalist-imperialism and the feudalism and the broad masses of the Chinese people .

  8. 如何正确认识和对待中国的民族资本主义,是中国革命过程中面临的一个重要课题。

    How to correctly understand and treat Chinese national capitalism is a severely important task in the course of Chinese revolution .

  9. 中国的民族资本主义企业产生相对较晚,并且是一出生就在夹缝之中生存,因此发展就更为艰难。

    The national capitalism of China was born relatively late , and the condition for its birth and development was very terrible .

  10. 从19世纪六七十年代开始,中国逐渐出现民族资本主义企业。

    Since 1860s and 1870s , the national capitalist business emerged gradually in China .

  11. 日本对沦陷区工矿业的掠夺,造成了中国工矿业的畸形发展,使中国民族资本主义陷入了绝境,也截断了中国工业化的进程。

    Japanese plundering of mining industry in the occupied regions deformed China 's economic development , reduced China 's national capitalism into an impasse , and held back the proceeding of China 's industrialization .

  12. 近代实业家张謇在其“实业救国”的历程中,充分认识金融现代化的巨大功效,痛感近代中国金融体制极度落后,大力倡导金融现代化,以适应和推动中国民族资本主义发展。

    He keenly felt the lag of financial system to the most in modern China , utmostiy advocating financial modernization in order to adapt and promote the development of nationality capitalism .

  13. 使中国出现了发展近代民族工业的“黄金时期”。辛亥革命对中国民族资本主义发展的巨大贡献,应该得到充分肯定。

    It is beyond doubt that the Revelution of1911 made great contributions to the development of Chinese national capitalism .