
  • 网络china earthquake administration;China Seismological Bureau;CEA;
  1. 自从DEMETER项目在6年前开始,中国地震局的科研人员一直在帮助分析这些数据。

    Since the DEMETER mission began six years ago , CEA researchers have been helping to analyse the data .

  2. 只要有5个台以上的震相数据,网外地震定位(5°~10°)与邻省或中国地震局的定位结果偏差一般不超过30km,最大偏差也不超过50km。

    The distance deviation is usually less than 30 km and the largest one is about 50 km compared with location of China Earthquake Administration . The more phases and stations the better operation result for location of far earthquakes ( 5 °~ 10 °) .

  3. 扼要介绍计算机网络安全结构及Internet网络应用中的数据服务。国家数字地震台网分中心设在中国地震局地球物理研究所内。

    This paper briefly describes the security structure of the computer network , and the service problem of the Internet in the NC-CSB ( National Center of China Seismological Bureau ) .

  4. 中国地震局地震科学研究所的资深研究员、CSES工作组负责人申旭辉说该卫星最终将与一个更大的观测系统连接起来。

    Group , said the satellite will eventually be connected to a larger observation system .

  5. 近年来,我们将Oracle数据库技术、应用服务器和门户网站技术应用于地震信息共享研究中,初步构建了中国地震局地质研究所的地震信息共享服务平台,取得了较好的成效。

    In recent years , techniques of Oracle Database , Application Server and Portal website have been used in seismic information sharing , and a preliminary servier platform for this work has been established in our institute .

  6. 系统介绍了将VPN技术引入地震监测网络远程维护工作的技术思路,以及该技术思路在中国地震局卫星数据通信网中的实现方法。

    The design idea and implementing method about VPN ( virtual private network ) access service in remote maintenance for seismic monitoring network is introduced . It is also discussed that the realization of VPN in China Seismic VSAT Network .

  7. 1988年3月~2001年3月中国地震局和中国计量科学院合作用NIMⅡ仪器在香山地震台进行了58次绝对重力测量,其中44次同时量测了地下水水位。

    From March , 1988 to March , 2001 , 58 times of absolute gravimetries were carried out by China Seismological Bureau cooperating with China Institute of Metrology with the instrument NIM ⅱ at Xiangshan seismostation , and 44 times of groundwater level measurements were carried out simultaneously .

  8. 中国地震局代表团赴欧洲进行紧急救援工作考察

    Search and Rescue Work Investigation in Europe by the Chinese Delegation of CSB

  9. 四川汶川地震发生后,中国地震局已启动一级预案。

    Chuan Wenchuan earthquake , the China Seismological Bureau has launched a plan .

  10. 中国地震局刘玉辰副局长的讲话

    The Opening Speech of LIU Yu-chen , Vice-director of Earthquake Administration of China

  11. 中国地震局分析预报中心20年的回顾及展望

    Reviewing the past 20 years of the Center for Analysis and Prediction and its prospecting

  12. 中国地震局地震监测台网技术人员赴德国培训

    Training in Germany of the Technical Personnel from Seismograph Monitoring Networks of China Seismological Bureau

  13. 中国地震局青年科技代表团赴土耳其、希腊进行地震工作考察

    Seismological Investigations in Turkey and Greece by the Youth Scientific and Technological Delegation of CSB

  14. 中国地震局国际交流与合作信息管理系统客户端应用程序中的若干技术方法

    Some Technique Methods in Applied Program at Client Port in Department of International Cooperation Network

  15. 地震发生后,中国地震局派遣的工作组对文成县的水库大坝进行了现场调查。

    The reservoir dams were investigated by working group sent by China Earthquake Administration after the earthquakes .

  16. 中国地震局要求各台网每月上网传输地震目录,并提供了文件格式。

    China Seismological Bureau requires each network to transmit earthquake catalogue every month in a special document form .

  17. 所有实验都是在中国地震局地质研究所地震动力学国家重点实验室的高温高压固体介质三轴实验系统上完成的。

    All the experimental were performed at the state Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics , Institute of Geology , China Earthquake Administration .

  18. 中国地震局监测预报司副司长车时博士出席了本次会议。

    Che Shi , deputy director of the Department of Earthquake Monitoring and Prediction of China Earthquake Administration , attended the workshop .

  19. 全部实验是在中国地震局构造物理开放实验室的活塞-圆筒式固体介质实验装置上完成的。

    All the experiments have been run on the piston-cylinder apparatus with solid confining media in Laboratory of Tectonophysics , China Seismological Bureau .

  20. 中国地震局表示,尽管近期世界各地频频发生强震,但我国大陆地震活动处于平均地震活动水平。

    Seismic activity on the Chinese mainland will remain at an averagelevel despite a recent spate of disastrous earthquakes worldwide , theChina Earthquake Administration said .

  21. 中国地震局说,地震发生频率是不均衡的,这是地壳活动的一个正常现象。

    The administration cited that the frequency of the quakes were uneven . " It is a normal phenomenon of earth movement ," it said .

  22. 中国地震局的专家结束了审核上周发生地震的数据,已经把地震级别上调到里氏8级。

    China Seismological Bureau experts finished reviewing data from last week 's quake and have revised its magnitude upward , to8 on the Richter Scale .

  23. 中国地震局《大陆强震机理与预测》项目学术交流代表团赴美考察

    Investigation in the United States of America by the Delegation of the Project on Mechanism and Prediction of Strong Continental Earthquakes of the China Seismological Bureau

  24. 通过对期刊方阵构成,科学指数数据库的介绍,认识科技期刊引证及评价指标;了解地球科学类期刊的划分排序及中国地震局数据中心的科学查新。

    Through the introduction of constitution of the periodical array and data base of scientific index , scientific and technological periodical quotation and evaluation norms are recognized .

  25. 2000年4月29日河南内乡发生地震,对这次地震,河南地震局台网和中国地震局台网震级量度之间有一定差异。

    The magnitude of the earthquake with M L4 7 occurred in Neixiang , Henan Province on April 29,2000 determined by Henan Seismograph Network is different from that by China Seismograph Network .

  26. 本文以中国地震局全国年度地震趋势会商的情况例,对这一问题进行了探讨。

    Using the results of annual prediction in China based on the national annual consultation meeting on the likelihood of future earthquakes , this paper discussed this controversial problem in a statistical perspective .

  27. 为了研究地震的发震机理以及进行地震监测和预报,国土资源部会同科技部和中国地震局组织实施汶川地震断裂带科学钻探工程。

    In order to study the mechanism of the earthquake and seismic earthquake monitory and prediction , ministry of land and resources joint China Seismological Bureau to organize the earthquake fault scientific drilling project .

  28. 利用该方法对中国地震局地球物理勘探中心在首都圈内6条人工地震宽角反射/折射剖面资料进行了重新处理和解释,得到该地区的地壳三维速度结构和构造特征。

    The method is used to reprocess and reinterpret data from 6 wide angle reflection / refraction DSS profiles conducted in the Capital Area by the Research Center of Exploration Geophysics , China Seismological Bureau .

  29. 城市活断层探测与地震危险性评价项目是中国地震局为贯彻《防震减灾法》,减轻城市地震灾害而开展的重大建设项目。

    Exploration and seismic risk assessment of active faults in urban areas is a major construction project of China Seismological Bureau for putting Law of Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Mitigation into effect and mitigating urban disaster .

  30. 该网络程序可以自动检索和收集各地方台站上报的数据,然后将其按照规定的格式编排,通过纠错子系统检查无误后传至中国地震局数据中心。

    This program can search and collect the data that transferred from earthquake station and compile it according to prescriptive format and check it by corrective subprogram , then transmit it to the data center of seismic bureau of China .