
  • 网络China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation;CCECC
  1. 周三,尼日利亚宣布签署一个15亿美元的铁路项目合同,由国有的中国土木工程集团有限公司(ChinaCivilEngineeringConstructionCorporation)承建。

    On Wednesday , Nigeria announced the signing of a $ 1.5bn railroad project to be built by the state-owned China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation .

  2. 它由中国政府提供优惠贷款资金支持,中国土木工程集团有限公司(简称“中土集团”)承建并提供运营技术服务。

    It was financed by the Chinese government with concessional loans , and constructed by the China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation , which also provides technical services in operation .

  3. 中国大型国有企业在尼日利亚随处可见,尤其是中国土木工程集团有限公司(CCECC)。中土正在拉各斯和阿布贾建设轻轨网络,还在其它地区修建公路和铁路。

    Large state corporations are visible , in particular China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation , which is building light rail networks in Lagos and Abuja , as well as road and rail links elsewhere .