
  • 网络neutralization;neutralization process
  1. 中和法测定复方硼酸软膏中硼酸的含量

    Determination of Boric Acid in Compound Boric Acid Ointment by Neutralization

  2. 石灰中和法处理含重金属离子酸性废水

    Lime Neutralization Processed Acid Waste Water Containing Heavy Metal Ions

  3. 过滤中和法在VC生产废水预处理中的应用

    The Application of Filter-neutralization in Pretreatment to Vc Wastewater

  4. 探讨了石灰-硫酸铁三级中和法处理重金属酸性废水过程中pH值的设定。

    Discuss pH value enactment in treating heavy-metal acidic waste water with lime-sulphuric iron three steps neutralizing method .

  5. 化学中和法采用控制pH为7.0,培养温度分别为30℃、30℃、35℃的培养条件。

    The neutralization culture , the pH was controlled for 7.0 , the culture temperatures were 30 ℃, 30 ℃, 35 ℃ .

  6. 方差分析表明离子交换法、非水滴定法与中和法之间差异有统计学意义(P0.05);

    ANOVA showed significant difference between the methods of ion exchange and neutralization , or nonaqueous titrimetry and neutralization ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 中和法测定工业二氧化硒中SeO2的含量

    Determination of SeO_2 Amount in Industrial Selenium Dioxide Using Neutralization

  8. 在中性醇中的碱中和法简便、准确,RSD为0.1%;

    Potentiometry method is simple , rapid and accurate . The coefficient of variation was 0.1 % .

  9. 从电路板蚀刻液回收硫酸铜及制作再生蚀刻液进行了工艺探索,得出中和法可从蚀刻液中脱除约90%的铜,沉淀氢氧化铜的最佳pH值为56~60。

    The recovery of copper sulfate and making a regenerated etching solution from spent etching solution were studied . About 90 % copper can be removed from the spent etching solution by neutralization .

  10. 过磷酸钙肥料中SO4~(-2)和PO4~(-3)离子交换&中和法测定的研究

    Study of Determination of SO_4 ~ ( - 2 ) and PO_4 ~ ( - 3 ) in Superphosphate Fertilizer Using Ion Exchange-Neutralization

  11. 综合碱性中和法和缓冲法的优点,优化了云母钛珠光颜料的制备工艺,并分别以尿素和氢氧化钠作为pH值稳定剂进行实验。

    Combined the advantages of basic neutralizing method and buffer method , the preparation technology of titanium-mica pearlescent pigments was improved , and the experiments were carried out using ( NH_2 ) _2CO and NaOH as neutralization matter .

  12. 采用二段中和法研究了硫酸铜结晶母液制备砷酸铜的工艺过程,用XRD图探讨了砷酸铜的分子结构式。

    This paper relates the process for producing of copper arsenate from solution after crystallization of copper sulfate by applying two times precipitation method , and discusses structural formula of copper arsenate through XRD .

  13. 以四个厂家共16批新生牛血清用蚀斑减少中和法(PRNT)对其中的乙脑抗体进行了检测。

    16 lots of newborn bovine serums were tested by PRNT .

  14. 用虹鳟脾细胞系RTS已分离出鱼病毒。用血清中和法已确认此病毒为鱼传染性胰脏坏死病毒(IPNV-VR299)。

    The pathogenic virus was isolated with rainbow trout spleen cell line ( RTS ) and was identified to be the Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus ( IPNV ) by serum neutralization test .

  15. 方法在细胞培养系统中筛选获得PZ逃逸株,测定其全长F基因序列,用微量中和法评估逃逸株对PZ的抗性,在棉鼠模型体内观察逃逸株对PZ预防的抗性差异。

    Methods PZ resistant viruses were selected in cell culture , analyzed for F gene sequence and tested for susceptibility to PZ in cotton rats to further define the potential for RSV to resist prophylaxis .

  16. 方法对2-3月龄婴幼儿免疫IPV,并采集双份血样118份。来用特异性抗原抗体中和法,分别对血清中抗脊髓灰质炎病毒3个型的中和抗体进行测定。

    Methods Double serum samples were collected from 118 2-3 month-old healthy infants immunized with inactivated poliomyelitis vaccine and detected for the neutralizing antibodies to poliomyelitis virus of 3 types by a specific antigen-antibody neutralization test .

  17. 通过研究,综述了炼油废碱液的利用技术主要有熬制工业硫化碱、结晶提取Na2S、废碱液造纸制浆、沉淀法再生废碱液和中和法回收环烷酸等。

    After the study , the utilization of lye change consists of production of alkali sulfide with evaporation process for industry purpose , extracting Na2S after crystallisation , paper pulp making , regenerating lye with precipitation measure and recycling naphthenic acid with neutralization method .

  18. 研究了以浸出氧化中和法处理闪速炉电收尘(FFEP)烟灰,并将其中的砷以砷铁渣形式脱除。

    A new technic for treating with flash furnace electric precipitation ( FFEP ) dust by leaching , oxidation , neutralization and removal arsenic by producing ferrous arsenate slag is studied .

  19. 德兴铜矿矿山酸性废水中SO2-4含量大,如采用常规的石灰中和法,中和过程中产生的硫酸钙结垢严重,给工艺运行造成很多困难。

    There are a great quantity SO 2 - 4 in acidic waste water of mine in Dexing Copper Mine . If common neutralization method is used , the CuSO 4 which be produced in neutralization will form dirt seriously , which will bring much difficulty to process production .

  20. 工业酸洗废水中和法处理工艺的研究溶剂萃取法对苯甲酸废水预处理的研究

    Study on the Process of Neutralization for Acid Cleaning Wastewater Treatment

  21. GB/T2462-1996硫铁矿和硫精矿中有效硫含量的测定燃烧中和法

    Pyrites and concentrate Determination of effective sulfur content Combustion neutralization method

  22. 中和法处理印钞废水浓缩液的实验研究

    Study on Treatment of Intaglio Printing Wastewater Concentrate by Neutralization Method

  23. 用曝气-中和法处理煤矿井下酸性废水

    Treatment of acidic wastewater from coal mine by aeration neutralization process

  24. 双指示剂中和法测定强酸中的肼

    Determination of hydrazine in strong acid with double-indicator neutral method

  25. 石灰石&石灰乳二段中和法处理矿山酸性废水

    Two stage neutralization of lime stone and lime treat mineral acidic wastewater

  26. 方法中和法。此方法适用于中控和成品分析。

    This method is feasible for the process control and final products .

  27. 碱中和法从分铜液中提碲的试验研究

    Study on Tellurium Extracting from Copper Leached Solution by Alkali Neutralization Process

  28. 二级曝气中和法处理酸洗废水的研究及工程应用

    The Research and Experiment of Two-stage Aeration Neutralization Process on Acid Washing Wastewater

  29. 三级石灰乳中和法处理制酸污水的实践

    Practice of three-stage neutralization process by lime milk for treating acid waste water

  30. 分段中和法处理重金属废水的研究及应用

    Study on Heavy Metal Industrial Wastewater Treatment in Substeps Neutralization process and Application