
ɡè àn
  • individual case;case
  • cases
个案 [gè àn]
  • [cases] 一个社会单位的问题称为个案。如一个人、一个家庭、一个学校、一个团体、一个政党、一个社区、一个社会的任何问题,都可以视为个案

  • 邀请大陆海外留学生来台参观问题拟予开放,但将以个案考虑

  1. 通过快递物流企业的个案分析,探讨基本作业成本法(ABC法)在物流成本核算中的可行性。

    Analyzing the individual case of logistics enterprises , the paper discusses the feasibility of applying ABC method in logistics cost calculation .

  2. 方法采用统一的个案调查表对广东省各市IAP首发病例进行调查,对其密切接触者也进行流行病学调查,分析各市首发病例流行病学特征、续发病例情况及各市首发病例之间的联系。

    Methods Standard individual case inventory was adopted to conduct a investigation of index cases and their close contact persons in Guangdong province .

  3. 那位部长拒绝对具体个案发表评论。

    The minister refused to comment on individual cases .

  4. 综合分析之后是5个个案研究。

    General analysis is followed by five case studies .

  5. 学习方法包括讲课、导师辅导、个案研究与实习。

    The methods of study include lectures , tutorials , case studies and practical sessions .

  6. 截至去年十一月,该秘书处分处处理的区内仲裁个案有120宗

    By November last year , it was administering 120 arbitrations that were conducted in the region .

  7. 对X省X市改进教育局长考核评价方法的试点个案追踪研究

    The Research of Assessment of Education Bureau Director

  8. 第二章和第四章对Gonewiththewind的三个中译本做了个案研究。

    Chapter Three and Chapter Four are a case study of three Chinese translations of Gone with the Wind .

  9. 本研究正是在这一理论的指导下,采用质的研究方法,对南京市B幼儿园进行了个案研究。

    Under the guidance of the theory , this research uses qualitative research , carries out case study in B kindergarten of Nanjing .

  10. 这篇论文在通过对eye的个案研究进行英语身体词汇一词多义现象的概念隐喻分析。

    This thesis presents a conceptual metaphorical analysis of English polysemous body terms based on the case study of " eye " .

  11. 婚姻支付变迁与姻亲秩序谋划&辽东Q镇的个案研究

    The Vicissitude of Marriage Payments and the Equilibrium of Power in Affinal Relationships : A case study in Q county of Liaoning province

  12. 但从其实质看,PBL是个案研究性学习的一种形式,本身也有一些不足。

    In the fact , PBL is a kind of individual inquiry learning form and there is some shortcoming .

  13. 本文运用个案研究与问卷调查相结合的方法,以导入ERP系统的国内企业为研究对象,探讨系统导入前后企业会计功能的变化情况。

    Using the case study and questionnaire methods , the authors focus on the change of function in accounting domain of domestic enterprises by the use of integrated information systems ( ERP ) .

  14. 本文在回顾已有研究的基础上,以苏北P村为个案,运用实地调查的方法,深入地阐述了土地征收补偿款在村级分配过程中存在的矛盾。

    Taking the P village in northern Jiangsu province as a case , applying the method of the field investigation , looking back the researches that have been taken , the thesis deeply expatiated conflict points during the process of village-level distribution of landless farmers ' expropriated payments .

  15. 本研究采用个案研究法,研究对象是x中学,该校建校以来一直非常重视教师的培养,在促进本校教师专业发展的实践中取得了一定的成绩并积累了丰富的经验。

    The case chosen in this study is X middle school . The school has been attached great importance to the training of teachers , and has made some achievements and accumulated rich experience in the practice of promoting teacher professional development .

  16. AA/福建/411/02(H3N2)的基因序列分析及个案调查

    Gene sequence analysis of influenza virus strain A / Fujian / 411 / 02 ( H3N2 ) and its clinical case investigation

  17. 以江苏省盐城市X村老年人照料现状为个案,在农村老年人照料过程中存在着家庭照料功能弱化;

    This article takes X village in Yancheng , Jiangsu province in China as a case , and draws the conclusions that there are many problems in the old care in countryside : firstly , the functions of family care for the senior citizens have been declining ;

  18. 本文选取山东省X县作为调查研究个案,通过问卷调查及实地走访,从就业服务对象需求的角度出发,对X县公共就业服务体系的供给现状进行了分析。

    The paper selects X county of Shandong Province , as case study . Through questionnaires and site visits , the paper which starts from the point of view of the employment service object needs studies on the supply status of the X county public employment service system .

  19. 第五章马实证分析,以某公司马个案,通过实地采访和问卷调查收集资料,对CRM中各种因素之间作用机制,运用SPSS软体进行实证分析,对有关假设进行检验。

    Chapter 5 provides demonstration analysis by taking some companies as examples to collect data by interviews and questionnaires and use SPSS software for the case study analysis on the mechanism between factors in the CRM , and carry out the examination on related assumption .

  20. 文章从教学内容、方法、个案方面阐述了在遗传与优生教学中渗透STS教育实践,目的是提高学生的科学素养、创新精神和社会责任感。

    This paper sets forth STS education in teaching genetics and orthogenics based on teaching contents , methods and cases . The purpose for it is to improve students ' scientific quality , innovative spirit and the sense of social responsibility .

  21. 辩护生物学发现中的巧合:对Meselson-Stahl实验的个案分析

    To Justify the Coincidences in Biological Discoveries : An Analysis of the Case of the Meselson-Stahl Experiment

  22. 通过对英国Moodle虚拟学习环境的个案分析研究,介绍了虚拟学习环境系统的功能,对当前虚拟学习方式进行分析评价,总结其优缺点。

    Through analyzing the virtual learning environment & Moodle as case research , this article introduces the function of virtual learning environments system , comments on virtual learning , and summarizes its good and bad points .

  23. 以关注为本采用模式(简称CBAM)为理论基础,以教师实施探究教学的状况为切入点,考察了个案学校新课程的实施状况。

    Regarding the Concerns-Based Adoption Model as the theoretical foundation , using the condition of inquiry teaching implementing as the breakthrough point , we investigate the whole condition of the New Curriculum implementation in the school which we study .

  24. 第三章为小说影像化叙事的个案分析。

    The last chapter is about the analysis of narrative novels .

  25. 公益广告功能语篇个案分析

    Functional Discourse Analysis on Public Service Advertising : A Case Study

  26. 排除重复研究、经验总结和个案报告。

    Same study , experience summarization and case report were excluded .

  27. 阳光依旧灿烂&一个心理问题学生的个案研究

    A Study on a Case of a Student With Psychological Problem

  28. 第四节为性灵诗人黄立世的个案研究。

    The fourth section is a case study of Huang Lishi .

  29. 本文是一项个案方法的调查研究。

    The article is an empirical study that uses case method .

  30. 英语写作错误分析的个案研究(英文)

    A Case Study on Error Analysis of English Writing ;