
  • 网络home page;homepage;personal homepage;Personal Home Page;Webpage
  1. 在个人主页上发布作业并通过电邮发给我地址。

    Post the assignment on your home page and send me the address .

  2. 老师叫我自学如何制作个人主页。

    The teacher asked me to teach myself how to make a home page .

  3. 他说:当你主动联系HR或猎头时,他们常常会浏览你的个人主页。

    When you contact HRs and headhunters , they often look at your page , he said .

  4. 首先介绍开发工具ASP,HTML等技术,然后详细讲解了个人主页的开发。

    First introduced development kit ASP technology and HTML technology , then in detail explained individual main page development .

  5. •谷歌(Google)正在开发一款具有人脸识别功能的移动应用程序,以帮助用户获得被拍摄者的谷歌个人主页(GoogleProfile)联系信息。

    • Google is developing a mobile app with facial recognition technology that pulls up the Google profile contact info for people snapped in photos .

  6. 但在LinkedIn的个人主页上,现年37岁的库姆有着更多不引人注目头衔和经历。

    But on his LinkedIn page , the 37-year-old Koum flies more under-the-radar .

  7. 和其它社交网络一样,Facebook同样允许其用户创建一个个人主页并建立与亲朋好友的在线连接。

    Like other social networks , the site allows its users to create a profile page and forge online links with friends and acquaintances .

  8. 在Facebook的个人主页上,他贴了一张这只鸡的照片,还有一份用这只鸡做的各式佳肴的菜单。

    He posted a photo of the bird on his Facebook page , along with a list of the dishes he made from it .

  9. 在我的Youtube个人主页上,有很多不喜欢我的人就会对我说一些很疯狂的话

    On my youtube page , there are so many like haters that just say crazy stuff like .

  10. 她在自己的YouTube个人主页上传了78段视频——从化妆、美甲教程到舞蹈应有尽有,超过1.3万的粉丝关注了她的Facebook主页。

    She now has 78 videos on her official YouTube page - ranging from makeup tutorials and nail art to dancing and her Facebook page boasts over 13000 fans .

  11. 尽管卖家似乎对于自己的发现采取严肃认真的态度,但在其eBay个人主页上是,网友都在拿这件荒诞的事找乐。

    But although the seller seems somewhat serious about his find , the commenters on his eBay page are finding the obvious humor in the ridiculous story .

  12. 近来BLOG正迅速发展,通过BLOG可以书写网络日记及评论,它集历程记录、交流、反思、知识管理、个人主页等为一体,可以部分的解决以上问题。

    BLOG is developing rapidly now . It gathers together course record , intercommunication , reflection , knowledge management and personal homepage through writing and commenting . By this it can partly solve the problems .

  13. Blogging是社会交谈艺术,已替代个人主页,这可以更有力地表达思想和想法。

    Blogging is the art of social conversation and have replaced personal home pages and this helps for a more consolidated flow of thoughts and ideas .

  14. 客户可以把这些照片上传到Facebook或Instagram个人主页来向大家展示自己的生活是多么有趣,而不会让任何人察觉这是付费营造的假象。

    Clients can then post these pics on their Facebook or Instagram pages to show everyone how fun their life is , without anyone knowing it 's all a paid-for illusion .

  15. 一些商学院允许申请人提交PowerPoint的演示文件、而不用提交申请短文,还有一些商学院鼓励申请人在个人主页上增加一些链接。有的申请者可以提交视频形式的“申请短文”。

    Some schools allow applicants to submit a PowerPoint presentation rather than an essay , others encourage applicants to add links to personal blogs , while other applicants can submit video essays .

  16. 研究人员发现,65%的Facebook使用者每天登录个人主页,经常多次刷新页面,唯恐漏掉一条新留言,每次登录后逗留的时间短则几分钟,长则一个多小时。

    They found that 65 % of Facebook users accessed their account daily , usually checking it several times to see if they had received new messages . The amount of time spent on Facebook at each log-in varied from just a few minutes to more than an hour .

  17. MySpace致力于成为人们的网上家园,社区内用户的个人主页既是在线联系地址,也是分享在线音乐、视频、新闻和人们感兴趣的内容的平台。

    MySpace aspires to become people 's homes on the Internet , with profile pages serving as online addresses as well as springboards to online music , video , news and other contents conducive to their tastes and interests .

  18. 如何免费放置个人主页

    How to put your Homepage in the Internet freely A Free Meal

  19. 大家好,欢迎您来到我的个人主页!

    Hello everyone , welcome you to visit my web !

  20. 欢迎进入个人主页,正在建设中

    Welcome to my homepage ! The page is under construction

  21. 个人主页的设计、管理、宣传与维护

    The Personal Page ′ s Design , Management , Propagation and Maintenance

  22. 只有20%的人的个人主页对所有人开放。

    Only 20 percent have made their profile completely public .

  23. 她的个人主页显示了她的照片和她的专业——神经科学。

    Her profile page shows her picture and her specialty -- neuroscience .

  24. 后来他将照片在其个人主页删除。

    The photo has since been removed from his page .

  25. 欢迎您访问中国翻译网个人主页!

    Welcome to visit personal webpages on chinatranslate . net !

  26. 这是一个个人主页,不应该被缓存。

    This is the personal main page , which should not be cached .

  27. 我没有假的个人主页。

    I don 't have a fake profile .

  28. 我们网上的个人主页和社交媒体的账户在我们去世之后会发生什么。

    what happens to our online profile and our social media accounts after we die .

  29. 试论个人主页设计中的审美艺术

    Individual Main Page Design and Esthetic Art

  30. 让个人主页变得更完美

    Make the Personal Home Page more Perfect