
dōnɡ dào ɡuó
  • host country;host nation
  1. 旅费由东道国负担。

    All the travelling expenses will be borne by the host country .

  2. 跨国公司RD投资对国家创新系统的影响基于东道国的分析

    Effect of Multinational Corporation 's R D on National Innovation System Based on Host Country

  3. 也有人说,新来的人学习东道国的语言是理所当然的,因为这是确保他们能够为社会做出贡献的一个条件。

    Others say it 's only natural that newcomers learn the language of their host nation , seeing it as a condition to ensure they can contribute to society .

  4. 东道国FDI政策国际比较研究

    International Comparative Study of FDI Policy of the Host Country

  5. 产业集群&东道国吸引FDI的特殊优势分析

    Industry Cluster : Special Advantages of Host Countries Attracting FDI

  6. 第二章为FDI对东道国经济增长质量的作用机制分析,是本文的理论基础。

    Chapter 2 analyzes the mechanism of FDI effect host economic growth quality .

  7. 发展中东道国服务业引进FDI战略探讨

    Developing Host Countries ' FDI Strategy in Service Sectors

  8. 不完全信息条件下东道国的FDI竞争

    Host Countries ' Competition for FDI Under Incomplete Information

  9. 东道国政策激励与跨国公司FDI技术水平的选择

    How Does Host Country Policy Influence on the Choice of FDI Technology by MNC

  10. 东道国经济环境的差异性决定了跨国公司FDI进入方式的多样性。

    The discrepancy of a country 's economic environment determines the various FDI entry modes .

  11. FDI对东道国环境的影响效应研究

    Environmental Effect of FDI on Host Country

  12. 新制度经济学理论认为制度是影响经济增长的内生要素,因此FDI对东道国技术外溢的效果需要有利的东道国制度的支持。

    New Institution Economics Theory thinks institutions are endogenous factors that can affect economic growth .

  13. 从基础性优势到集聚性优势:东道国吸引FDI的二重优势研究

    From Primary Advantage to Agglomerate Advantage : The Research of Host Country Dual Advantage in Attracting FDI of Transnational

  14. 论内向型FDI与国际贸易的关系&中国作为东道国的面板数据分析

    The Relationship between Inward FDI and International Trade & the Panel Data Analysis with China as the Host Country

  15. 东道国的法律框架直接影响着BOT项目。

    BOT project is affected directly by the legal framework of the host country .

  16. 大量研究表明,FDI对东道国经济的增长起着重要作用。

    Shown by a large number of studies , FDI plays an important role in economic development of host countries .

  17. 研究发现,FDI通过技术溢出促进经济增长的效果受到东道国的吸收能力的制约。

    The study found that the FDI technology spillover effect toward economic growth is restricted by absorptive capacity host country .

  18. 探讨了BOT特许协议的定位、东道国作为BOT主体的身份确认等法律问题。

    An inquiry is made about the BOT special-Permit-Agreement and the adjustment of its subject capacity .

  19. 外国直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,缩写FDI)对东道国就业的影响,在很大程度上取决于FDI进入的产业。

    The influence of Foreign Direct Investment ( FDI ) to the employment of host country is decided by the type of the industry which FDI enters .

  20. 接下来,通过建立委托-代理价格决定的N人博弈模型,分析代理行的价格决定,以及跨国银行进入东道国的方式选择。

    Afterwards , this dissertation analyzes the decision of agency value and the choice of entry mode by build a gambling model of commission agent price decision .

  21. 外国直接投资(ForeignDirectinvestment,FDI)已成为国际资本流动的主要方式,对东道国经济发展产生愈来愈重要的影响。

    The foreign direct investment has already become the international capital circulation main way , has had a more and more important impact on economic development of host country .

  22. 跨国公司进入东道国具有多种市场进入模式,在大多数研究文献中,对于FDI这种市场进入模式是不加区分的,也就是不区分新设投资和跨国并购。

    The MNCs can enter the foreign market by many modes , but most of the existing ar-ticles do not differentiate them .

  23. 尤其是FDI的技术溢出效应,已经成为东道国提高本国技术水平的重要手段之一。

    Especially , FDI technology spillover effect has become the most important way in which the host countries improve the level of technology .

  24. 当FDI挤出效应相当大时,FDI对东道国的福利以负面影响为主。

    When the CO effect of FDI is rather strong , FDI have a mainly negative influence on the welfare of host countries .

  25. 第一,加强金融创新,优化金融结构,推导FDI促进东道国经济增长。

    First , strengthen financial innovation and optimize financial structure , push in-flowed FDI to boost the economic development in the host countries .

  26. 造成国际投资仲裁裁决损害东道国主权的主要原因在于缔约国签订了高度自由的BIT,让渡了过多的主权。

    International investment arbitration awards causing damage on the sovereignty of the host country is mainly because that the host country has transferred too much sovereignty in signing BIT .

  27. 介绍国际上的FDI方式,并从正反两个方面介绍外商直接投资对东道国的经济影响,通过比较国内外经验,找出西部地区在利用FDI时可以借鉴的方面;

    Introduces methods of FDI , and describes effects of FDI on both positive and negative sides , compares experiences outside and inside China .

  28. 东道国ESP系统与跨国公司OIL系统矛盾运动的结果决定国际直接投资地域结构的基本特征;

    The result of contradictory moving , the system of host countries ' ESP and investor 's OIL make up the basic characteristics of FDI region structure .

  29. 本文首先从FDI在东道国技术溢出效应的一般理论入手,回顾了国内外的理论、经验、实证研究成果,在前人的研究成果之上分析了FDI在东道国的技术溢出机制。

    First the papers recalled the theory , experience and empirical research results on technical spillover effects from FDI , and analysis the technological spillover mechanism .

  30. 有关FDI的研究大多侧重于讨论跨国公司与东道国之间的关系。

    Most international negotiations on foreign direct investment ( FDI ) focus on issues involving the paired relationship between transnational corporations ( TNCs ) and host countries .