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  • 网络Eastern State
  1. 论东州流民与刘焉刘璋的关系

    A Discussion about the Relationship Between the East State Refugees and Liu Yan and Liu Zhang

  2. 对面为哈萨克斯坦东哈州,对方阿连谢夫卡口岸与中方口岸隔河相望。

    Kazakhstan opposite to the East Kazakhstan state , the other side Allende Xie Fuka points with the Chinese side across the river port .

  3. 乔治亚州,奥古斯塔(美联社)——一小偷在东乔治亚州某购中心偷走了一整袋的女式内裤。有关当局正展开调查。

    AUGUSTA , Ga. ( AP ) - Authorities areinvestigating after a thief at an east Georgia shopping mall made off witha bagful of women 's unmentionables .

  4. 结果关于航天飞机解体的情况一份雷达记录也没有&雷达只记录了那些从东德克萨斯州上空飘落,并最终进入空中交通管制范围内的金属雨。

    As a result , no radar record of the breakup exists & only of the metal rain that drifted down over East Texas , and eventually came into the view of air-traffic control .

  5. 我不知道斯图尔特有没有告诉你今晚你的对手是谁,不过站在你面前的人就是东德克萨斯州青年基督徒圣保龄同盟会冠军队的联盟队长。

    I don 't know if Stewart told you what you 're up against tonight , but before you stands the co-captain of the East Texas Christian Youth Holy Roller Bowling League championship team .

  6. 东德克萨斯州的孔茨高中的啦啦队队员,把圣经里的话当做鼓励奔跑在田径场上的足球运动员。

    The cheerleaders at Kountze High School in East Texas took their words of encouragement to a whole new level when they wrote Bible verses on the banners that football players run through when taking the field .

  7. 在美国的东海岸,加利福尼亚州就可以发现有这样的例子。

    One example of this is found in California , on the West Coast of the United States .

  8. 地理分布:香港岛、屿山。海南、东、西、州和云南。老挝、南。

    Distribution : Hong Kong Island , Lantau Island . Hainan , Guangdong , Guangxi , guizhou and Yunnan . Laos , Vietnam .

  9. 预计这股风暴在向东移动到新泽西州,马里兰州和纽约市南部时会逐渐减弱。

    The storm 's expected to weaken as it moves east to New Jersey , Delaware , northern Maryland and southern New York .

  10. 蓝莓主要产地包括东海岸的缅因州、新泽西州、北卡罗来纳州和佛罗里达州,中西部地区的密歇根州,西海岸的俄勒冈州、华盛顿州和加利福尼亚州。

    Major production states include Maine , New Jersey , North Carolina and Florida on the East Coast ; Michigan in the Midwest ; and Oregon , Washington and California on the West Coast .