
  • 网络wrc;World Rally Championship;FIA WRC;FIA World Rally Championship
  1. 在赢得了过去七年的世界汽车拉力锦标赛年度车手总冠军之后,驾驶雪铁龙道达尔世界拉力车队DS3拉力赛车的勒布,能否夺得第八个冠军成为时下最大的焦点。

    Having won the WRC drivers'title for the last seven years , Loeb is a safe bet to take an eighth crown in his Citroen Total World Rally Team DS3 WRC .

  2. 或许赛恩斯还会为谣传参加世界汽车拉力锦标赛的大众车队进行测试或者管理工作。

    Or instead , Sainz might slot into a testing or management role at Volkswagen 's much-rumoured WRC team .

  3. 除了创纪录地连续七次摘得世界汽车拉力锦标赛(WorldRallyChampionship)这一著名多路况赛事的桂冠外,36岁的勒布还在其它各项赛事中名列前茅。

    Besides a record seven consecutive titles in the World Rally Championship , racing 's preeminent multi-terrain circuit , the36-year-old has excelled in various motorsports .

  4. 我和我之前在世界汽车拉力锦标赛的经历完全不同。

    It 's completely different to anything I 've driven in WRC before .

  5. 我不认为人们能够理解对于一位新车手来说,参加世界汽车拉力锦标赛是多么艰难的一件事。

    I don 't think many people understand just how difficult it is for a new driver to come into the WRC .

  6. 同时本站比赛也是本赛季世界汽车拉力锦标赛量产车组别的首演,以及相互独立的瑞典国家级比赛的首秀。

    The event also features the opening round of the Production Car World Rally Championship and a separate national rally for Swedish crews .

  7. 到2011赛季的世界汽车拉力锦标赛来到11月举行的威尔士英国拉力赛的时候,塞巴斯蒂安·勒布将会年满37岁。

    Sebastien Loeb will be37 by the time the2011 World Rally Championship season draws to a close on Wales Rally GB in November .

  8. 2008年世界汽车拉力锦标赛青年组冠军奥吉尔,在上个赛季首次参加瑞典拉力赛就发现自己很难跟上勒布,以及雪铁龙私人车手皮特·索伯格。

    Ogier , the2008 Junior world champion , made his Rally Sweden debut last season and could find it hard to outgun Loeb and Citroen privateer Petter Solberg .

  9. 布洛克也并非第一位测试一级方程式赛车的世界汽车拉力锦标赛车手:托米·马基宁测试过威廉姆斯赛车,而科林·麦克雷过去也驾驶过乔丹赛车。

    Block is not the first WRC star to sample Formula One machinery : Tommi Makinen tested a Williams while Colin McRae drove a Jordan in the past .

  10. 在缺席世界汽车拉力锦标赛一年之后的阿根廷站将在下周回归,这也是本赛季13站比赛中最为艰苦的分站赛事之一。

    Argentina , which returns to the World Rally Championship trail next week following a one-year absence , is ranked as one of the most taxing yet important events on the13-round schedule .

  11. 不过对于那些有幸看到他那天测试的人来说,毫无疑问塞纳具备走向世界汽车拉力锦标赛最高处的能力。

    But for those privileged enough to watch him test that day , there was no doubt that Senna had everything it took to go straight to the top of the WRC .

  12. 而这个拥有如画般风景的地中海岛屿已经阔别世界汽车拉力锦标赛两年了,期间组织者也得以对意大利站的赛道进行修复。

    It 's been two years since the picturesque Mediterranean island has graced the WRC trail and organisers have used the short break to revamp the route of Italy 's world championship counter .