
  • 网络the World Park;Beijing World Park
  1. 打扰一下,去世界公园乘哪路公共汽车?

    Excuse me . Which bus goes to the World Park ?

  2. 我们从阳光城乘长途汽车去世界公园。

    We went to the World Park by coach from Sunshine Town .

  3. 世界公园定向组织(简称PWT)自1995年正式成立以来,每年在世界各地公园举行职业定向精英巡回赛。

    Since its founding in 1995 , Park World Tour organization has been holding . The Park World Tour orienteering series annually .

  4. 北京世界公园照明设计

    Reflections on the Design of Illumination Within Beijing World Park

  5. 我们可以参观世界公园,或者周游全世界。

    We can visit the world park or travel around the world .

  6. 探索·创新&北京世界公园规划设计谈

    Explore · Creation & Talk about the Planning Design of Beijing World Park

  7. 世界公园大会权衡自然资源保护与人类需求

    World 's Parks Weigh Conservation And Human Needs

  8. 从学校到世界公园花了半个小时。

    It the World Park from school .

  9. 欢迎来到东海世界公园。

    Welcome to the Donghai world park .

  10. 环境保护团体竭力主张把南极洲这块最后的洁净大陆作为世界公园来保护。

    Environmental groups push to preserve Antarctica as a world park , the last unsullied continent .

  11. 从历届世界公园大会议题看国际保护地建设与发展趋势

    The Trends of Protected Area Development by Analyzing Changes of lssues Presented in World Park Congresses

  12. 昨天我的表妹邀请我参加他们学校去世界公园的郊游。

    My cousin invited me to join in their school trip to the World Park yesterday .

  13. 如果我去世界公园,我会了解很多有关世界名胜。

    I will learn a lot about the world if I go to the World Park .

  14. 在北京世界公园,我们可以在一天之内环游世界。

    It is a big park . There , we can travel around the world in a day !

  15. 北京世界公园是规模雄踞亚洲同类公园之冠,所收微缩复制品的数量也堪称亚洲之最。

    The Beijing World Park is the largest park of its kind , with mini replicas on the largest scale in Asia .

  16. 三个海洋世界公园(奥兰多,圣地亚哥,俄亥俄州的奥罗拉)完全以海洋生物为主题。

    The three Sea World parks ( Orlando ; San Diego ; and Aurora , Ohio ) are devoted to marine life .

  17. 北京世界公园自开放以来已吸引了许多海内外游客前来观赏美景。

    Since the opening , the Beijing World Park has attracted a great number of visitors from home and abroad with its splendid sights .

  18. 今天我想向各位推荐北京第三大旅游场所,北京世界公园。

    Today , I 'd like to introduce to you the Beijing World Park , the third major tourist destination ( tourist site ) in Beijing .

  19. 在中国最大的主题公园世界公园中,游客们可以看到来自30多个国家的楼房,城堡和雕塑。

    At the world Park , one of the largest theme parks in China , visitors can look at buildings , castles and statues from more than thirty countries .

  20. 一个中国女人坐在象鼻子上做手势,吸引游客为大象拍照。摄于北京世界公园。

    Chinese woman gestures while sitting on an elephant 's trunk to attract customers to have their picture taken with the elephant at Beijing World Park Monday , May24,2010 .

  21. 北京世界公园是一种新型园林,本文通过北京世界公园规划的设计工作,谈园林创作的个性追求。

    Beijing world park is a new type of park and garden . In the paper , on individuality in landscape architectural creation from the design of a project in Beijing World Park .

  22. 与传统游乐场不同,中国最大的主题公园之一的世界公园给游人们留下的印象是它把娱乐与学习的机会结合在一起。

    Unlike traditional amusement parks , the impression the world park , one of the largest theme parks in china , makes on visitors is that it combines fun with the opportunity to learn something .

  23. 不过,该迷你电影并不会在影院上映,据悉电影主要是为了配合各地的哈利波特主题公园,其中包括位于美国佛罗里达州的哈利波特魔法世界公园,已经目前还在建设中的加利福尼亚和日本的主题公园。

    However , the film is not due a cinema release and will instead be shown at some of the franchises theme parks , including The Wizarding World of Harry Potter attraction in Florida and at two other parks in California and Japan which are still under construction .

  24. 北京观光客自然都会游览故宫和长城,这是因为故宫和长城是举世闻名的旅游景点。而今天我却想向各位推荐北京第三大旅游场所,北京世界公园。

    While the Palace Museum and the Great Wall , the two world-famous scenic spots , are known to all a must tourist destination for people visiting Beijing , today , Id like to introduce to you the Beijing World Park , the third major tourist site in Beijing .

  25. 兴文石海世界地质公园SWOT分析和产品营销战略

    Marketing Strategy Based on SWOT Analysis of the Xingwen World Geopark

  26. 基于AVC的兴文世界地质公园旅游景观评价

    Evaluation of Tourism Landscape for Xingwen Karst Global Geo-park Based on AVC

  27. 丽江世界遗产公园距丽江市约2公里,按国家AAAA级景区标准建设。

    The park is2 kilometers away from Lijiang old town , it was built according to the AAAA state-level .

  28. 法拉利还要与总部位于迪拜的阿尔达房地产公司(AldarProperties)在阿布扎比开发一座专门展示法拉利品牌的主题公园,该公园将是规模更大的一级方程式世界主题公园的一部分。

    Ferrari is also developing a theme park devoted to the Ferrari brand in Abu Dhabi with Dubai-based Aldar Properties , part of a larger Formula One World theme park .

  29. 为验证ANP评价模型的科学性以及合理性,以雁荡山世界地质公园为主要研究对象,并以黄山、庐山和泰宁世界地质公园作为其比较研究对象,对地质公园旅游竞争力进行实证研究。

    In order to verify the ANP evaluation model is scientific and reasonable or not , the paper taking the Yandang world geological park as the main research objects and Huangshan , Lushan Mountain and Taining world Geopark as a comparative object to study .

  30. 庐山世界地质公园旅游可持续发展策略探讨

    Exploration on Sustainable Development Strategy for UNESCO Lushan Global Geopark Tourism