
  • 网络World system theory;The Theory of World System
  1. 世界体系理论的源流主要有三:一是马克思主义。

    World system theory comes from three theories : Firstly , Marxism .

  2. 对当前所知世界体系理论进行理性的批判。

    To make a rational criticism on the World System Theory that we know ;

  3. 折衷与综合:世界体系理论对马克思主义的继承

    Compromise and Synthesis : The Inheritance of World-System Theory from Marxism

  4. 现代世界体系理论及其当代价值

    The Theory of " Modern World System " and Its Contemporary Value

  5. 恩格斯与现代世界体系理论

    Engels and Theories of Modern World System

  6. 沃勒斯坦和现代世界体系理论受到一些学者的尖锐批评,这促进了世界体系理论的衍化和重构。

    Wallerstein and modern world system theory are sharply criticized by some scholars , which impels world system theory to develop and reconstruct .

  7. 沃勒斯坦的世界体系理论产生了巨大的影响。

    Among them , the world system theory in the field of macro-historiography study , founded by Immanuel Wallerstein , brought huge impact .

  8. 作为一种新的理论范型,世界体系理论自有其一套概念和方法,并在批评和自我批评中不断地衍化和重构;

    As a new theoretical paradigm , world system theory has its concepts and means and continuously develops and reconstructs in criticizing and self-criticizing ;

  9. 世界体系理论发展了年鉴学派对资本主义的批判,并以此作为价值导向之一。

    Thirdly , the world system theory develops the Annales School 's critique of capitalism , and takes it as one of its value orientations .

  10. 在两个重要问题上,现代世界体系理论没有马克思主义认识得那样深刻、准确。

    But the author points out that in two aspects the theory of modern world system is not as profound and accurate as that of Marxism .

  11. 总之,世界体系理论在年鉴学派的基础上进一步解构了学科的神话、国家的神话和资本主义的神话。

    In a word , the world system theory further deconstructs the myths of discipline , nation-state and capitalism on the basis of the Annales School .

  12. 本文将以沃勒斯坦的世界体系理论为基础分析发展国家的现状,并结合发展中国家的典型代表&中国来谈谈经济全球化下发展中国家的发展策略。

    Based on the Wallerstein 's Theory of World System , the essay will analyse these countries ' actuality and taking example by China , talk about their developing strategies .

  13. 在探求广大发展中国家的发展道路的历程中,也先后出现过现代化理论、依附理论、世界体系理论以及世界多元化发展理论等。

    In the course of seeking development paths of developing countries , the following view of social development appeared successively : modernization theory , depending-on theory , global system theory and theory of pluralism development of world , etc.

  14. 美国当代著名社会学家沃勒斯坦批判地继承了西方资本主义经典现代化理论、依附论的思想,创造性地提出了一套完整的现代世界体系理论。

    As a famous contemporary American sociologist , Wallerstein critically inherits the western capitalism classic modernization theories and the Dependency Theory , at the same time he also creatively puts forward a complete set theories of Modern World System .

  15. 世界体系理论的创建人沃勒斯坦与年鉴学派的渊源颇深,年鉴学派对世界体系理论的影响表现在跨学科理论、大范围长时段分析方法和对资本主义的批判上。

    Some thoughts of Wallerstein , the founder of world system theory , originate from The Annales . The influence of The Annales on world system theory are shown as the interdisciplinary theory , large-scale and long-term analyzing method , and the critique to capitalism ;

  16. 世界体系理论作为西方马克思主义的流派之一,它吸收并折衷了马克思的资本积累和剩余价值理论、罗莎?卢森堡的第三市场理论、列宁和布哈林的帝国主义理论。

    As a school of western Marxism , world system theory assimilates and makes an eclectic use of Marx 's theory of capital accumulation and surplus value , Rosa Luxemburg 's theory of " the third market ", Lenin and Bukharin 's theory of imperialism ;

  17. 整合与分化:世界体系研究理论评析

    Integration and Splitting : Comment and Analysis of the Theory of the Study of World System

  18. 早期对非洲不发达原因的调查以及对拉美社会依附性特点的解释,推动了世界体系研究理论结构的形成。

    The early stage investigation of the causes of underdevelopment of Africa and the explanation of the attachment of Latin American countries promoted the formation of theoretical structure of the study of the world system .

  19. 世界体系论和依附理论只是在这同一块逻辑基地上、按不同价值取向对第三世界国家的发展及其与发达国家的关系作了不同的描述。

    World system theory and adherence theory explain differently the modern development of the third world and its relationship with developed countries in terms of different value tropism .

  20. 《现代世界体系》是当今西方“世界体系”理论的主要代表人物伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦的代表性学术著作。

    The Modern World system , written by Innanoel Wallerstein the main representative of the theory of " world system " in the West , is his academic masterpiece .

  21. 对中心和外围互动关系以及世界体系起源及资本积累周期问题的认识分歧,导致世界体系理论分化和研究的多样性。

    The divergence in the recognition of the problems of interactive relation between the centre and periphery and the origin of the world system and the cycle of fund accumulation , have led to the splitting of the theory of the world system and the diversity of study .