
  • 网络special investigation
  1. 利用人口GIS,可以拓宽抽样调查和专项调查应用领域;

    Broaden the applications of sampling investigation and special investigation ;

  2. 从而展开对专项调查通用系统的开发与设计。

    To the special investigation launched generic system development and design .

  3. 本次研究采用内部访谈和调查问卷分析相结合的方法,对SZ移动公司客户流失现状进行了专项调查。

    This paper uses internal interview combined with sampling questions to analyze the problem of customer defection happening to SZ Mobile Telecommunication Company .

  4. 农村公路专项调查流程设计

    Design of Special Investigative Process for Rural Highway

  5. 首先是一个饼形图,该图数据来自对中国购买者的专项调查。

    The first is a pie chart generated from that proprietary survey of Chinese buyers .

  6. 论文首先分析了全国运输量专项调查的起因,提出了专项调查的必要性。

    Firstly , the paper analyzed the causes of special investigation , and put forward the necessity of special investigation .

  7. 第二次全国土地调查基本农田专项调查为本研究提供了必要的数据基础。

    The special investigation of prime farmland which included in the second national land survey provides the necessary basic data .

  8. 利用专家咨询法和专项调查,在对有关参数进行标化和量化的基础上核算了7种设备18个项目的标准成本。

    18 standard costs of health services for 7 types of medical equipment were accounted by Delphi study and field sur-vey .

  9. 这是日本动漫在多年来遭受网络盗版漫画侵扰的情况下,政府出面首次进行的大规模专项调查。

    This is Japanese anime cartoons online piracy over the years suffered harassment case , the government has first large-scale special investigation .

  10. 目前,我们小组正在北京进行一个专项调查,你可以成为我研究组的不错候选人。

    Presently , my group is making panel survey in Beijing , so you can be a good candidate of my research student .

  11. 《投资参考》对中国城市居民所做的专项调查发现,过去12个月,受访者到影院观影次数为人均10次。

    FTCR 's proprietary survey of urban residents found respondents made an average 10 visits to the cinema over the past 12 months .

  12. 2002年8月19日至24日对宁国市万家乡梅花鹿资源进行了专项调查。

    A special survey on the resource of Sika deer ( Cervus nippon kopschi ) was conducted in Ningguo city , south of Anhui Province .

  13. 该方法首次用于我国南黄海倾废专项调查,其结果可为海洋污染源的确认提供科学信息。

    The method is first used for the investigation of the South Yellow Sea . The results provide the information about marine contaminative source . 2 .

  14. 2008年11月,交通运输部联合国家统计局在全国开展了公路水路运输量专项调查。

    November 2008 , the Ministry of Transport and the National Bureau of Statistics carried out in the country special survey of highway and waterway traffic .

  15. 对军人体育消费的专项调查研究表明:现今军人体育消费水平折射出社会体育消费水平较10年前有大幅提高;

    A special investigation in this field showed us thai the sport consumptive level of military personnel is much higher than it was 10 years ago .

  16. 专项调查(1:5万)的内容有:盐渍土,侵蚀土(水土流失),土壤环境质量,农业土壤地质等。重点研究内容应为:水土保持措施与土地灾害的防治;

    The contents of special survey ( 1:50000 ) are : the investigation of saline soil , erosion soil , soil environment quality , soil agriculture chemistry .

  17. 其次,分析了江苏省公路货车运输量专项调查的内容及方法,并分析了数据验证的原因及验证数据调查方法。

    Secondly , the paper analyzed the content and methods of freight special investigation in Jiangsu Province , and the reason and methods of data certification investigation .

  18. 1997~1999年在中国东部沿海地区对黑嘴鸥进行了专项调查。

    From 1997 to 1999 , a special survey for the distribution and population of the Saun-ders ' gull was conducted at the eastern coast of China .

  19. 接受客户委托,进行专项调查、调研、分析、提供决策建议、参研实施指导等工作;

    Being entrusted by clients to make special investigations , researches , analysis , and provide suggestions on decision making , and to participate in the implementation and guidance , etc. ;

  20. 2002年8月和2003年7&8月笔者对当地满族萨满教进行了专项调查,本文就是根据这两次调查的素材而撰写的。

    I investigated the local Shamanism people of Manchu in both August , 2002 and July and August , 2003 . This article is based on the material of the two investigations .

  21. 据国家海洋工作会议消息,此次调查将对部分重要海岛进行地形地貌专项调查,这些海岛就包括南海的岛屿。

    According to a national conference on maritime affairs , work will also be undertaken to monitor the geological features of the country 's important islands , including those in the South China Sea .

  22. 经过对猕猴资源进行专项调查,结果表明,红河州共有140~143群、1992~2168只猕猴,分布于12个县市和自然保护区的101个点。

    The thematic investigation on Macaca mulatta resource indicates there are 1992-2168 individual Macaca mulatta , belonging to 140-143 groups , which distributes in 101 spots of nature reserve and 12 counties ( cities ) .

  23. 第四,开展课外培训效果专项调查,帮助家长认识课外培训稍费的局限性,树立理性消费观。

    Fourth , we must carry out special survey to know the effect of extra-curricular training , and to help parents understand the limitations of extra-curricular training in consumption , establish a rational view of consumption .

  24. 方法:东莞市卫生局组织调查人员分两组对56家医院消毒供应室从建筑环境、基本设备配置、组织管理、质量管理四部分进行专人、专项调查。

    Methods : Fifty-six sterilization and Supply rooms were randomly divided into two groups to be checked in the aspects of construction environments , primary equipments , organization management and quality management by the Dongguan Health Board .

  25. 部门预算编制和专项调查是国家财政部根据预算管理与改革的需要,为规范资金管理,提高资金使用率,而采取的科学管理方法。

    In order to standardize capital management and raise its utilization rate , Chinese Ministry of Finance adopts the following scientific management methods : department budget compilation and special survey according to the requirements of budget management and reform .

  26. 使用直接计数法和专项调查法于1996年5月~2003年7月对湖北省珍稀濒危保护水禽物种多样性和种群数量进行了研究。

    Based on field survey from May 1996 to June 2003 , species diversity , distribution and population sizes of rare , endangered and national key protected wetland waterfowls in Hubei province of central China were studied with direct counting and special survey .

  27. 本文在分析福建省中等职业教育现状基础上,对福建省中职学校教师的工作、学习、生活、职业态度进行了专项调查。

    Through analyzing the present situation of teachers ' team of the secondary vocational school in Fujian province , and make specific issues survey about teachers ' job , study , live and occupational attitude , on that basis we drawing the experience lessons from foreign regions .

  28. 本论文通过建立EC+IO联合模型,不仅估算了未编表年份的投入产出表数据,而且把年鉴数据和投入产出专项调查数据相结合,给出了解决上述困难的具体方法。

    Through the establishment of integrated EC + IO model , this thesis not only estimates the IO table of non-compilation years but also combines the data from Yearbook with the special survey data for IO , and gives the concrete method to solve above difficult . 2 .

  29. 1996年5月至2003年7月,使用直接计数法、样方法和专项调查法研究了湖北省湿地水禽资源,包括物种多样性、分布和种群数量。

    Based on the field survey data obtained from May 1996 to June 2003 , the resources of waterfowl in Hubei province of Central China , including species diversity , distribution and population number were studied with systematic sampling such as direct count , quadrat and special survey methods .

  30. 德安华大中华地区商业情报和调查主管、董事总经理何越(VioletHo)不愿透露任何客户的名字,但她认同一下观点:即对于很多中国企业进行专项尽职调查,存在着一种特殊的需求。

    Violet Ho , managing director and head of business intelligence and investigations , Greater China , for Kroll , would not reveal the names of any clients but agrees there is a particular need for specialist due diligence with many Chinese companies .