
zhuān lì ɡōnɡ bào
  • patent gazette
  1. 本文就高校学报和专利公报与专利索引的分类进行讨论。

    This paper discusses the classification of the university journal , patent bulletin and patent index .

  2. 而专利公报与专利索引宜入技术领域或干脆不分类。

    It is the best to classify the patent document into the technology field . That the patent document is not classified is practicable .

  3. 第八章专利登记和专利公报

    Chapter VIII Patent Registration and Patent Gazette

  4. 但是,撤回专利申请的声明应当在以后出版的专利公报上予以公告。

    However , the declaration to withdraw an application for a patent shall be announced on the subsequently published Patent Gazette .