
  1. 专利维持制度是专利制度促进创新的重要机制之一。

    The patent maintenance system is an important mechanism to promote innovation of the patent system .

  2. 从创新主体的类型来看,工矿企业专利维持时间最长,个人次之,科研院所专利维持时间最短。

    In terms of innovation subject types , the patent maintenance times of enterprises are the longest , followed by individuals , institutes and universities .

  3. 研究专利维持制度对提升创新主体运用和管理专利能力,提高专利制度运行绩效和我国国家知识产权战略实施效果具有重要意义。

    Research of the patent maintenance system is of great significance for the enhancement of the capacity to run and manage patent of innovation subjects and the improvement of patent system performance and the implementation effect of the National Intellectual Property Strategy .

  4. 专利权维持的时间较短,这一方面反映专利申请的质量不高,另一方面也反映专利成果的实施转化率很低;知识产权流失现象在一定程度上存在,而且保护措施效力不大。

    The shortness maintain of the copyright or patent reflecting the low quality of applying for patent and the low rate of putting into practice ;

  5. 老一辈的药师靠处方和专利药来维持生意。

    Old-time druggists depended on the prescription and patent medicine trade to sustain their operations .

  6. 官司也需要一个国家一个国家的打,国家法院实际上能够推翻EPO所认证的专利,也能维持那些被EPO所驳回的专利。

    Litigation is country by country , and national courts can in effect overturn patents granted by the EPO , or uphold patents which have been invalidated by it .

  7. 专利申请的每年维持费

    Annual maintenance for a patent application

  8. 基于专利情报视角的专利维持时间影响因素分析

    The Analysis to Influencing Factors on Patent Maintenance Time Based on Patent Information Perspective

  9. 文章通过分析专利的期限收益曲线、专利维持模型,首次提出国内企业和国外企业的专利成本的不同,并对此现象进行了解释。

    This paper analyses the revenue curve of patent duration and the model of maintaining patent , and then for the first time , explains the difference of patent costs between at home and abroad .

  10. 药品的专利保护为专利原研药维持较高价位提供了强有力的法律依据,保障制药企业收回研发成本、保持研发热情。

    Pharmaceutical patent protection provides a strong legal basis for original patented drags in order to maintain higher prices , to cover research costs of pharmaceutical companies as well as maintain their R & D enthusiasm .

  11. 专利制度目的的实现必须以专利维持制度为依托。

    The achievements of the ultimate purpose of the patent system depend on effective practice of the patent maintenance system .

  12. 专利制度中现有技术和创造性标准、专利维持年费和侵权赔偿等制度对专利维持制度具有重要影响。

    The judgment of prior art and inventiveness standard , the patent maintenance annual fee system , and the tort reparation system all exert an important influence on the patent maintenance system .

  13. 在合同有效期内,许可方应根据中国专利局的有关规定按时缴纳专利费用,以维持专利的有效性。

    Within the validity period of the contract , Licensor shall pay the cost of maintaining the patent on time in accordance with related stipulation of the China Patent Office so as to maintain the patent effectiveness .