
zhuān lì hào
  • patent number
  1. 方法取用普通注射器、针头等加工制作成提拉式穿刺检测器(专利号:032169450)。

    Methods The lift-draw style puncture instrument was made of an ordinary injector , needle and et al . ( the patent number : 032169450 ) .

  2. 合同应当写明有关专利号或者专利申请号、商标注册号和附具商标式样。

    A contract shall state clearly the relevant patent number or patent application number or the trademark registration number and shall attach a sample of the trademark .

  3. MAZ燃料添加剂由美国MagnumEnvironmentalTechnologies,Inc公司研制,专利号US6319294B1,在世界约120多个国家(包括中国在内)获得产品专利保护认可。

    MAZ fuel additives are developed by Magnum Environmental Technologies , Inc. U.S. and have been patented in more than 120 countries all over the world including China ( original Patent No . US 6 319 294 B1 ) .

  4. 本文介绍我们在中西医结合骨折复位固定器疗法基础上,利用我们在生物力学原理指导下研制的卡式骨圆针变形传感器(专利号ZL00201477.7),对骨折治疗过程定量研究的方法。

    In this paper the quantification method on the fracture treatment progress by inventing and applying the deformation transducer of the bone threading pins ( ZL00201477.7 ) was introduced .

  5. 提出一种由偏心减速机构、滤波花键机构及三向止推轴承组成的新型滤波减速器(专利号CN1699793A)。

    Presented a new type of filtering gear reducer ( China patent CN1699793A ), which consists of eccentric reducing mechanism , filtering spline gear mechanism and three-way antithrust bearing , and its structure , theory and trains were introduced .

  6. 介绍了近几年国内外新报导的化学农药品种及相关专利号。

    This paper introduces some of the newly developed chemical pesticide varieties .

  7. 采用作者自行设计的实用新型一次性骨髓穿刺针(专利号ZL01277203.8)对43例年龄2月-15岁的患者进行了骨髓穿刺。

    A new type of single-use puncture needles designed by us ( Patent No.01277203.8 ) have been applied to bone marrow aspiration examinations in 43 patients of 2 months-15 years of age .

  8. 目的:通过新型痔钳(黄乃健,专利号200720025325)在混合痔临床治疗中的应用,观察外痔切除内痔缝固术治疗混合痔的疗效,探索混合痔的新疗法。

    Objective : Through the new hemorrhoid forceps in mixed Hemorrhoids , We observe the application of Excision external hemorrhoids plus Suture fixation with internal hemorrhoids in the Treatment of Mixed hemorrhoids and explore a new treatment .

  9. (三)未经许可,在合同中使用他人的专利号,使人将合同涉及的技术误认为是他人的专利技术;

    Without authorization , using the patent number of another person in the contract entered into by him or it , so as to mislead other persons to regard the technology referred to in the contract as the patented technology of another person ;

  10. 专利分类号单项服务

    Individual request for patent classification

  11. 以国际专利分类号成长曲线的生命周期,技术皆都处于成熟初期。

    Applications of medical , security and disaster in growth curve of IPCs all are on technology maturity stage .

  12. 另一研究结果指出,罗吉斯成长模型所建构出之应用领域成长曲线与关键国际专利分类号成长曲线,两者间有些微落差。

    And this study finds out that there is a gap between growth curve of application and growth curve of IPCs .

  13. 重要的是,给予临时申请的优先权日期和专利受理号在一年内有效。

    Importantly , a provisional application is given a priority date and a patent pending number and is valid for one year .

  14. 尽管不在于其本身,一项临时性申请已足以垄断一项发明,它仍将向申请人提供所有重要的优先权日期和专利受理号。

    Although , not in itself , enough to monopolise an invention a provisional application will provide an applicant with an all important priority date and patent pending number .

  15. 聚苯乙烯轻质混合土是刘汉龙教授等人开发的一种新型轻质填土材料(专利申请号为02112812.X)。

    Being a new kind of light filling materials , Lightweight Soil Mixed with Expanded Polystyrene ( hereafter as LSM-EPS ) has been developed as a new technique for foundation treatment at present ( Patent No. : 02112812 . X ) .

  16. 此结构已经获得了专利(专利号:ZL200420117234.6)。

    The structure has gotten application patent ( Pat . No : ZL200420117234.6 ) .

  17. 已获国家实用新型专利(专利号:ZL200420067652.9)。

    Have got the practical new patent in nation ( patent number : ZL200420067652.9 ) .

  18. 该系列产品二次开发后重新获得国家专利(专利号:ZL00245138.7)。

    This series of product gains the national patent again after the secondary development ( Patent No. : ZL00245138.7 ) .

  19. 。本菌株已申请专利,申请号:200510038424.8,本专利已公开,公开号:CN1670180A。

    The strain has been applied for patent ( application number : 200510038424.8 ) and the patent has been published ( publish number : CN1670180A ) .

  20. 作为一个具有现实商业意义的新产品,0.15%苦皮藤素微乳剂已申请国家发明专利(申请号:99109275.9)。

    As a competitive new product , the patent has been applied .

  21. 该产品已获得了国家专利,专利号为:ZL002382849。

    This product has obtained a national patent of China : ZL00238284.9 .

  22. 本机获国家专利(专利号为ZL92228016.9)。

    The seeder has been patented ( Patent Number : ZL 92228016.9 ) .

  23. 并以此申请国家发明专利(专利号:201110414297.2)。

    And thus declared a national invention patent ( patent number : 201110414297.2 )

  24. 已申报实用新型专利,申请号为03223855.X。

    It was declared patent of practicality new type , its application number is 03223855 . X.

  25. 设计了一种差动式光纤微弯式传感器(已申请发明专利,申请号为:200510035613.X)。

    A differential microbending optical fiber sensor is invented in this dissertation ( Patent applying number : 200510035613 . X ) .

  26. 已申请一项国家发明专利,申请号2005102003946。

    At the mean time The DAS-ELISA detection kit is the necessary foundation of the study of golden colloid kit , and one inventive patent was applied based on this study and the patents acceptance number is 2005102003946 .

  27. 为我国传统药食兼用果品&枣的科学开发利用提供了新的思路,此项加工工艺已申请国家发明专利(申请号02130757.1)。

    This technology provide a new thought of developing and using Chinese Jujube-the Chinese traditional fruit with edible and remedy function concurrently . This technology had apply the national invention patent ( application number was 02130757 . 1 ) .

  28. 这一用于PTC金属化的膜系结构及其制备方法在国际上尚属首次,已经申请了国家发明专利,专利申请号为201110322220.2。

    This film structure applied in PTC metallization is of the first time and a national patent has been applied on it . 4 .

  29. 本文介绍此项专利技术(专利号CN1072667A)。

    The technology of the patent ( NO. CN1072667A ) is introduced hereof .

  30. 获批实用新型专利,其专利号:ZL03261522.1。已申报扬州市科技进步奖。

    This has been attained the practical new patent . It 's patent number : ZL03261522.1.We have reported the YangZhou technological award .