
  • 网络non-aligned countries;aligned countries;nonaligned country
不结盟国家 [bù jié méng guó jiā]
  • [nonaligned country] 指执行独立自主、和平、中立和不结盟的政策,参加不结盟会议的国家

  1. 针对发展中国家和不结盟国家的友好政策。

    A policy of friendship toward the developing and non-aligned countries .

  2. 不结盟国家政府间新闻协调理事会;

    Intergovernmental Coordinating Council for information of the Non-Aligned countries ;

  3. 不结盟国家和其他发展中国家劳工部长会议

    Conference of the Labour Ministers of Non-Aligned and other Developing Countries

  4. 不结盟国家科学和技术专家会议

    Meeting of Experts on Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned Countries

  5. 新条约体现了大多数不结盟国家的愿望。

    The new treaty embodies the aspirations of most nonaligned countries .

  6. 不结盟国家支援老挝和越南重建基金

    Non-aligned Solidarity Fund for the Reconstruction of Laos and Vietnam

  7. 不结盟国家通讯社联盟协调委员会;

    Coordinating Committee of the pool of news agencies of Non-Aligned countries ;

  8. 安全理事会不结盟国家成员国集团;

    Group of non-aligned countries which are members of the security council ;

  9. 不结盟国家无线电广播组织合作委员会

    Committee for Cooperation of Radio Broadcasting Organizations of Non-Aligned Countries

  10. 不结盟国家协调局工作组

    Working Group of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries

  11. 不结盟国家联合国问题工作组

    Working Group of the Non-Aligned Countries on the United Nations

  12. 我宣布到外面去用餐不结盟国家外长会议宣言

    Declaration of the Conference of Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Non-Aligned Countries

  13. 不结盟国家运动协调局部长级会议

    Ministerial Meeting of the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement of Non-aligned Countries

  14. 二十个不结盟国家敦促签订禁止太空武器的条约。

    A group of20 nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons .

  15. 不结盟国家外交部长会议最后宣言;

    Final declaration of the conference of foreign ministers of the Non-Aligned countries ;

  16. 第六委员会不结盟国家会议

    Meeting of the Non-Aligned Countries of the Sixth Committee

  17. 不结盟国家纳米比亚问题十八国小组

    Group of Eighteen of the Non-Aligned Countries on Namibia

  18. 不结盟国家关于南南合作的部长特别会议

    Extraordinary Ministerial Conference of Non-Aligned Countries on South-South Cooperation

  19. 不结盟国家无线电和电视组织会议

    Conference of Radio and Television Organizations of Non-Aligned Countries

  20. 不结盟国家债务和发展问题部长级会议

    Ministerial Meeting of Non-Aligned Countries on Debt and Development

  21. 不结盟国家外交部长会议

    Conference of Foreign Ministers of the Non-Aligned Countries

  22. 不结盟国家九国委员会

    Committee of Nine of the Non-Aligned Countries

  23. 不结盟国家广播组织

    Broadcasting Organizations of the Non-Aligned Countries

  24. 地中海不结盟国家集团;

    Group of Non-Aligned Mediterranean countries ;

  25. 不结盟国家首脑会议常设局

    Permanent Bureau of Non-Aligned Summit Conference

  26. 在联合国中,印度和其他不结盟国家加强了,要求停火的压力。

    At the un , India and other non-aligned countries stepped up the pressure for a cease-fire .

  27. 不结盟国家经济合作行动纲领协调国会议

    Meeting of the Coordinating Countries of the Action Programme for Economic Cooperation of Non - Aligned Countries

  28. 不结盟国家通讯社联营组织

    Pool of Non-Aligned News Agencies

  29. 结盟使结成同盟或成为同盟的一部分不结盟国家通讯社联盟

    To form into or become part of a confederacy . News Agencies Pool of Non-Aligned Countries , Pool

  30. 不结盟国家集团协调委员会

    Declaration adopted on 12 September 1974 by the Coordinating Committee of the Group of Non - Aligned Countries