
  • 网络RealEstate Interest
  1. 本部分首先介绍了不动产物权登记的概念和种类。

    Firstly , this part introduces the definition of realty registration .

  2. 其次,有不动产物权变动的请求权存在。

    Secondly , there is the claim of real right alteration .

  3. 不动产物权变动登记外的公示方式

    Public Note Mode of Real Property Right Change except Register

  4. 非依法律行为之不动产物权变动

    Change of Title to Realty Based on Non-juristic Acts

  5. 第一章不动产物权登记概述。

    Chapter I : Overview of real property registration .

  6. 第五章是对我国不动产物权登记制度现状的分析。

    Chapter V is the status of our Real Property Registration System Analysis .

  7. 第五章完善不动产物权登记机关赔偿制度的有关建议。

    Chapter V : Some advises to improve real property registration office compensation system .

  8. 不动产物权善意取得是否应当存在,学者们一直争论不休。

    Whether bona fide acquisition of real should be , debated in academic field .

  9. 论不动产物权变动中的公证制度

    On notary system in changes of real right

  10. 不动产物权登记的法律效力

    The Law Effect of the Registering of the Property and Power of the Real Estate

  11. 第二部分,不动产物权登记制度基本理论问题研究。

    Part two : the research of elementary theory on real property right registration system .

  12. 第二部分,交付在不动产物权变动中的对外效力。

    Part Two : The external effect of delivery in the alteration of real right .

  13. 从民法学的角度来讲,所谓土地所有权是指以土地为权利客体的不动产物权。

    From the civil law , the so-called land ownership refers to estate real right .

  14. 第三部分是分析不动产物权善意取得的成立要件。

    The third part , analysis elements of the establishment of bona fide acquisition of real .

  15. 试论中国不动产物权登记的立法模式和法律基础

    On the Legislative Pattern and the Legal Base of the Registration of Real Property in China

  16. 登记顺位是判断不动产物权之间优先力的重要标准。

    The registration sequence is a very important criterion judging the priority of the real right .

  17. 论不动产物权登记的效力以X-衍射为分析手段研究了溶剂对C。

    On effect of registration of property right The effect of solvent on crystallization property of C.

  18. 第二章不动产物权登记机关损害赔偿的性质、归责原则。

    Chapter II : The nature of damages of real property registration authority and the liability principles .

  19. 在审判实践中又存在不动产物权变动涉及民事、行政交叉诉讼的情况。

    There exists real property related to the existence of civil and administrative litigation cases cross in trial practice .

  20. 论我国不动产物权变动交易安全保护模式之选择

    The Choice of the Pattern Protecting Transaction Safety for Alternating the Real Property Right in Rem in Our Country

  21. 空间权作为一种不动产物权主要由两部分组成,即空间所有权和空间利用权。

    Space rights as a real property right consist of two parts : proprietary rights and utilization rights of space .

  22. 动产物权的善意取得为原始取得,而不动产物权的取得则为继受取得。

    Movable property made in good faith of the original , and real property acquisition was made following the subject .

  23. 登记作为不动产物权的公示方法,是将物权变动的事项登载于特定国家机关的簿册上。

    Registration publicity as real property , is righting change matters posted on the books of the specific state organs .

  24. 基于交易行为发生的不动产物权变动,其法律上的原动力是交易当事人所达成的物权变动合意。

    The legal driving force of real property changes based on transactions , is the parties ' consensus in property transaction .

  25. 本文运用法哲学、法经济学和比较研究的方法,对不动产物权登记的效力的有关问题进行了研究。

    The thesis explores thoroughly the effect of real property registration by law philosophy , law economics and comparative analysis method .

  26. 本文主要对不动产物权登记的模式以及现实中存在的问题进行了研究和探讨,以期能对我国不动产物权登记制度有所裨益。

    The thesis mostly studies and analyzes the patterns of the registration of real property and problems existing in our country .

  27. 第二章:几个典型国家不动产物权变动制度研究。

    The second chapter research on the systems of the real property right alternation of the several typical countries in the world .

  28. 地役权以其内容的巨大包容性在不动产物权中扮演着重要角色,发挥着独特的功能。

    With great inclusiveness of its content , it plays an important and unique role in the Security law of real estate .

  29. 通过对不动产物权登记制度的不同立法体例进行比较,结合其在中国的现状和存在的问题,提出了完善我国不动产物权登记制度的相关对策。

    Through the comparative studying of different legislative structure , leads related responses to perfect the country 's real property registration system .

  30. 论不动产物权登记信息公开制度&兼评《物权法草案》第18条

    On the system of real estate register 's informaton disclosure & Comment on the article 18 of the draft of Property Law