
  • 网络paraplegia
  1. 1例患者术中无电位变化,术后3小时出现双下肢瘫痪,MRI证实为术后血肿引起。

    One patient who had no intraoperative potential changes , got complete paraplegia 3 hours after surgery . MRI revealed a postoperative hematoma formation .

  2. 他下肢瘫痪,两腿丧失机能。

    His lower body was paralysed , so he lost the use of his legs .

  3. Reiter综合征伴双下肢瘫痪1例报告

    Report on a Reiter syndrome case complicated with paralysis of two lower limbs

  4. 3组大鼠均制作脊髓横断损伤模型,造成大鼠下肢瘫痪,早期移植组、延期移植组大鼠分别在伤后3d及3周移植胎鼠脑组织神经干细胞。

    Rats in the 3 groups were made into spinal transsection injured models . Hind limb palsy was established . Rats in the early transplantation group and postpone transplantation group were selected to remove NSCs of rats at day 3 and week 3 after injury .

  5. 下肢瘫痪使他只好坐轮椅

    Paralysis of the lower limb condemned him to a wheelchair

  6. 方法:对33例急性中风所致下肢瘫痪患者进行分析。

    Methods : The analysis was performed to33 patients with anacote ischemic stroke affecting the lower extremity .

  7. 虽然残奥会的单词是瘫痪和奥运会的合成词,但是与瘫痪或者下肢瘫痪没有直接联系。

    No relation with paralysis or paraplegia is intended , though the word Paralympic was originally a portmanteau combining paraplegic and Olympic .

  8. 我看到有的残疾人——有些是下肢瘫痪,有些是四肢瘫痪——他们克服障碍,又重新过上充实快乐的日子。

    I 've seen people who are paralyzed - paraplegics and quadriplegics - overcome their disabilities and lead full and happy lives .

  9. 死亡2例,存活病人中1例一侧肢体偏瘫,1例双下肢瘫痪。

    Patients died after operations . In the rest of patients , 1 developed hemiparalysis and 1 paralysis of both lower extremities .

  10. 后来李老师因锻炼身体,不幸跌伤了左腿造成骨折,卧床不起面临下肢瘫痪的危险。

    Li was due to exercise , unfortunately hurt his left leg causing a fracture , bed-ridden and facing the risk of lower limb paralysis .

  11. 为探讨自制康复助走器治疗对下肢瘫痪的临床效果,将100例下肢瘫痪患者随机分为康复组、对照组各50例。

    To investigate the clinical effect of helping walking tool on lower limbs paralyses , 100 patients were randomly divided into two groups , rehabilitation group ( 50 patients ) and control group ( 50 patients ) .

  12. 下肢肌肉瘫痪的18例中,肌力完全恢复12例,未恢复2例。

    The muscular paralysis of the lower limb were fully recovered and unchanged in 12 ; in 2 respectively .

  13. 他年轻的时候下肢就瘫痪了,可是他一直坚韧地忍受着这种苦楚。

    He was paralysed from the waist down as a young man , but he has borne his cross patiently .

  14. 结论:TIPSS术后出现进行性下肢痉挛性瘫痪、不伴有感觉障碍者应考虑HM。

    Conclusion : Spastic paralysis with intact of superficial sensation in the lower extremity fol - lowing TIPSS should be considered as HM.

  15. 结果:5例于TIPSS后4周~4个月出现进行性下肢痉挛性瘫痪,1例伴上肢无力,1例伴有尿失禁。

    Results : Spastic paralysis in the lower extremities occurred progressively during 4 weeks to 4 months after TIPSS in the five patients . Weakness of the upper extremities presented in one patient , and urinary incontinence was in another one .

  16. 结论功能性脊神经后根手术是治疗下肢痉挛性瘫痪的有效方法;

    CONCLUSION FPR is an effective treatment for spastic paralysis of lower extremities .

  17. 目的探讨胫神经缩窄术治疗下肢痉挛性瘫痪、矫正内翻马蹄足的手术适应证、手术方法。

    Objective To explore indication and approaches of neurotomy of tibial nerve for the treatment of the talipes equinovarus and spastic paralysis .

  18. 本文报告一例49岁男性病人,有慢性肝病史,在门体静脉分流后四个月出现双下肢进行性瘫痪。

    We reported a case of progressive spastic paraparesis in a 49 year old man with surgical portal systemic shunting which developed due to chronic liver disease , It developed insidiously in about 4 months following surgical shunting .

  19. 目的评估A型肉毒毒素(BotulinumtoxinA,BTX-A)在下肢痉挛性脑性瘫痪(CP)患儿的治疗作用。

    Objective To determine whether botulinum toxin ( BTX-A ) was an effective treatment for lower limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy ( CP ) .

  20. 下身轻瘫,下肢轻瘫下肢部位部分的瘫痪四肢伸开地坐下或躺着。

    Partial paralysis of the lower extremities . sit or lie with one 's limbs spread out .

  21. 本组收治的15例脊椎血管瘤都具有症状,除患病部位、下肢疼痛及麻木外,伴双下肢瘫痪者7例,多数为中晚期病人。

    Fifteen cases of angioma of the spine with various symptoms , including pain , numbness and paralysis were treated with radiotherapy either alone or in combination with laminectomy and decompression surgery .