
shàng xiàn
  • upper limit;ceiling;upper bound;toplimit;superior limit
上限 [shàng xiàn]
  • [upper limit] 最早的时间 或最大的数量限度

  • 不能超过规定的上限

上限[shàng xiàn]
  1. 云南省多民族老年人头发中元素上限值与相关因素分析

    The analysis of element superior limit value and related factor in the elder hairs for many nation in Yunnan Province

  2. 为了进一步提高算法的运算速度,在分析比特分配损失上限的基础上,提出一种快速的次优分配算法。

    In order to further speed the algorithm , a rapid sub-optimal loading algorithm is also presented based on analyzing the bit loss superior limit of the method .

  3. 你能稍微奢侈一点吗?你的预算是否有上限?

    Can you afford to splash out a little ? Is your budget unlimited ?

  4. 最高处罚是最多7年监禁或者无上限罚款。

    The maximum penalty is up to 7 years imprisonment or an unlimited fine .

  5. 考虑一下你能承受花多少钱修一门课,上限是多少。

    Consider how much you can afford to pay for a course , and what is your upper limit .

  6. 上面引用的f的上限已经排除了由电磁相互作用引起的这种混合。

    The upper limit on F quoted above already excludes such an admixture due to electromagnetic interactions .

  7. 政府对进口原油的总量规定了上限。

    The government imposed a ceiling on imports of crude oil .

  8. 潭纳给出了在这种强相互作用中宇称破坏的上限。

    The upper limit for Party violation in this strong interaction was quoted by tanner .

  9. 因此,配音演员们有了获得二次补偿的想法——每当一款游戏卖出200万份游戏包或下载量,或者拥有200万订阅时,即获得一笔业绩奖金,上限为800万。

    So the voice actors are pushing for the idea of secondary compensation — a performance bonus every time a game sells 2 million copies or downloads , or reaches 2 million subscribers , with a cap at 8 million .

  10. 测量量程由上限值和下限值决定。

    The measurement span is determined by the higher and lower range values .

  11. 科学家们呼吁政府制定有科学依据的捕捞上限,以确保这些神奇非凡的动物能有一个更光明美好的未来。

    They 're calling on governments to set science-based fishing limits to secure a brighter future for these extraordinary animals .

  12. 测试生成所需的计算量的上限是2(n1+4n2)~2。

    The upper bound of the magnitude of computation for test generation is 2 ( n1 + 4n2 ) 2 .

  13. 基于上限方差配置的混合方差/H∞设计方法可得到满意的设计结果。

    Satisfied design results can be obtained by mixed variance / H ∞ method based on upper covariance assignment .

  14. 瑞利衰落信道Turbo码的精确性能上限

    Exact Upper Bound of Turbo Code Performance on Rayleigh Fading Channel

  15. 某些LotusiNotesfull模式外部脚本超出了这个上限。

    Several of the Lotus iNotes full-mode external scripts exceed this upper size limit .

  16. 调用range方法的一般形式是提供单个值,用作整数list的上限。

    The general form for calling the range method is to supply a single value , used as the upper limit for the list of integers .

  17. 随热循环上限温度升高,TiN沉积层的热疲劳抗力降低;

    The thermal fatigue resistance of TiN coating cuts TiN coating cuts down with the thermal cyclic upper temperature rising ;

  18. 血清淀粉酶水平高于正常上限3倍的总检出率为66.9%,CT诊断总阳性率为92.0%。

    Patients having serum amylase 3 times higher than the upper normal limit were 66.9 % . Around 92.0 % had cute pancreatitis confirmed by CT scan .

  19. 苹果的iPad为平板电脑设置了一个价格上限,因此安卓厂商都在跌跌撞撞地寻找自己的价格点。

    Apple set a price ceiling and everybody stumbled and searched for the right price point .

  20. 如果员工的薪资比政府设置的薪资上限要高,那么HM公司会补上高出的那一部分。

    HM pays the difference if an employee 's salary goes above the government-set salary cap .

  21. 在其中将名字设置为members,确保仅仅选择了changeable和containment,然后将上限设为-1。

    Set the name members , make sure only changeable and containment are selected , and set the upper bound to-1 .

  22. 上周三,奥巴马(Obama)政府提出一项人们期待已久的改革方案,拟把美国企业税税率上限由35%下调为28%。

    On Wednesday the Obama administration proposed a long-awaited cut in the top rate of US corporate tax from 35 per cent to 28 per cent .

  23. 设置在S3中能够存储的对象数量的最大上限。

    Setting a maximum limits the number of objects you can store in S3 .

  24. Sierpinski地毯的Hausdorff测度的上限估计

    An Upper Limit Estimate of Sierpinski Carpet 's Hausdorff Measure

  25. IgE高于正常值上限者6例,占9.4%,经统计学处理均无显著意义。

    The IgE levels were elevated above the upper normal limit in 6 ( 9.4 % ) psoriasis patients .

  26. 通过对标定矩阵的扰动分析,确定了标定矩阵C的扰动引起的测量力F的误差上限,并最终给出传感器的各项静态性能指标。

    By the calibration matrix perturbation analysing , the up limit of the measuring force error caused by the calibration matrix are computed . The static performance of the sensor is investigated .

  27. 此外,还建立对数寿命标准差和Weibull分布形状参数之间的关系式,从而能够根据工程上积累的大量对数正态分布标准差上限的数据求得Weibull分布形状参数下限,反之亦然。

    A relational expression between the standard deviation of logarithmic life and the shape parameter of Weibull distribution is also established .

  28. 摩根大通和美国银行(bofa)经过近期的收购后,存款额都接近这一上限。

    Both JPMorgan and Bank of America are close to the cap following recent acquisitions .

  29. 实际上,OFA注册为慈善机构是为了避开对个人竞选捐献上限的限制。

    In practice , it is registered as a charity to escape ceilings on individual campaign donations .

  30. 研究发现,当扫描电位的上限Eu≤0.70V(SCE)时,Sad可以稳定地吸附在Pt电极表面;

    The results showed that the Sad atoms were stable on Pt electrode below 0.70V ( SCE ) of the electrode potentials .