
  1. 头上生虱子并不说明不讲个人卫生。

    Infection with head lice is no reflection on personal hygiene

  2. 旋毛虫种株基因组DNA多态性研究同株上生两种花序。

    Study on the Polymorphism of Genomic DNA of Trichinella Spiralis by Means of RAPD ; Two types of inflorescence are found within one tree .

  3. 树上生灭过程的Dirichlet特征值估计

    Estimation of the Dirichlet Eigenvalue of Birth-Death Process on Trees

  4. 她敢在沙发上生,就得买。

    She gives birth on that couch , she buys it .

  5. 贫民区逐渐蔓延,像市容上生的一块癣。

    Slums gradually spread like ringworm over the face of the city .

  6. 我在一家商场快速通道上生闷气。

    I was in the express lane at the store quietly fuming .

  7. 世界上生孩子最多的女人共生下了69个孩子。

    The record for most babies born to one woman is 69 .

  8. 热有时使皮肤上生剌痛的疹子。

    Heat sometimes causes a prickly rash on the skin .

  9. 我的手上生了冻疮。

    I am suffering from frostbite on my hands .

  10. 加上生菜叶,甜椒和奶酪。

    Top with lettuce , green pepper and cheese .

  11. 基生胎座,上生24枚胚珠,通常12枚发育,其余败育。胚珠倒生型;

    Placenta basal with 2 - 4 ovules ;

  12. 有的妇女在听众席上生了孩子。

    Some women gave birth in the stands .

  13. 每位与疾病、伤痛作抗争的朋友都有权过上生常的生活。

    Everyone who fights disease and injury deserves a chance at a normal life .

  14. 美国西部壳上生疣的河龟;喜欢在安静的水里。

    River turtle of western United States with a warty shell ; prefers quiet water .

  15. 阿拉丁不明白这是什么意思,但还是为叔叔在地上生了一堆火。

    Aladdin did not understand , but he made a fie for his uncle on the ground .

  16. 不要同这种人混在一起。同株上生两种花序。

    Never mix in with such people . Two types of inflorescence are found within one tree .

  17. 还要再追男的?还要在街上生孩子?

    Need to pursue for a boy again ? Need to give birth in the street again ?

  18. 在地面上生小火使叶子在充满浓烟的环境中调制。

    Small fires are built on the floor , and the leaves cure in a smoke-laden atmosphere .

  19. 由于误诊,内德的腿上生了坏疽而不得不被截肢。

    The leg was improperly treated and had to be amputated , as gangrene had set in .

  20. 史蒂夫:或许我会试看看。露露为了某件事上生我的气。

    Steve : Maybe I 'll give it a try . Lulu 's mad at me for something .

  21. 同株上生两种花序。这两种方法各有利弊。

    Two types of inflorescence are found within one tree . They each have their pros and cons .

  22. 您的孩子手指上生了疣,这引起了我的注意。

    It is brought to my attention that your child has the case of warts on her fingers .

  23. 奥西里斯死后,其妻子伊西斯通过祈祷竟然神奇的怀孕了,并在一个岛上生下了何鲁斯。

    Horus was conceived magically after the death of Osiris and brought up by Isis on a floating island .

  24. 碰上生人大笑或是唱歌,它从不摆出凶神恶煞的样子。

    Don 't he look fierce at any strange cove that laughs or sings when he 's in company ! '

  25. 火山岩渣似的地方上生起来的呢?那么,请你走到那边那座高楼大厦去瞧瞧那些具有象征意义的铁标枪,你的疑问就可以获得解答。

    Go and gaze upon the iron emblematical harpoons round yonder lofty mansion , and your question will be answered .

  26. 一类软体动物,特征是有一个盘旋的壳,扁平强健的脚,头上生有杆状眼。

    A class of mollusks typically having a one-piece coiled shell and flattened muscular foot with a head bearing stalked eyes .

  27. 又到了开花时,东家开始给石榴打药了,因为石榴树上生了许多的虫子。

    The owner of the pomegranate tree sprayed the pesticide on its tree when the flowers were about to come out .

  28. 小巷又黑又冷清,路灯立在那里,像一个头上生着一只红眼睛的巨人。

    The lane is dark and lonely , and the street-lamp stands like a giant with one red eye in its head .

  29. 对于中国文化传统与哲学的再探讨,有助于我们更深层地把握中西方女性主义批评发展差异的根源所在,在此基础上生发中国本土的女性主义理论。

    A further study of the Chinese philosophy and cultural heritage will give us insights into the differences between Chinese and western feminist criticism .

  30. 一种高度传染的病毒性疾病,通常发烧皮肤上生斑。

    A highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars .