
  • 网络Sanqin;Three Qins
三秦 [sān qín]
  • [central Shanxi plain] 指关中地区。项羽破秦入关,把关中之地分给秦降将章邯、司马欣、董翳,因称关中为三秦

  • 城阙辅三秦,风烟望五津。--唐. 王勃《杜少府之任蜀州》

  1. 三秦大地是华夏文明之根。

    Sanqin land is the root of Chinese civilization .

  2. 集腋成裘振兴三秦交通&陕西省交通厅征费稽查局

    Shanxi Province Transportation Department Levy-check Bureau

  3. 本文首先概述了三秦公司企业概况、组织结构、2008年-2010年工程项目成本管理现状。

    This paper outlines the Shaanxi company corporate profile , organizational structure , from 2008 to 2010 the cost of the project management status .

  4. 据西安《三秦都市报》报道,为了使女儿的早餐更具吸引力,一位妈妈做出了一道独特的“古诗词早餐”。

    A mother has added an unusual ingredient to make breakfast for her daughter more attractive , with ancient Chinese poems arranged on the plate , Xi'an-based newspaper Sanqin Daily reported .

  5. 中华书局本《史记》、《汉书》,把汉高祖刘邦为三秦父老“约法三章”四字割裂开来解读标点是不妥当的。

    In The Book of History and the History of Han published by Zhonghua Books , Liu Bangs Yuefa-san-zhang ( Three Promises ) with people are punctuated and interpreted as four separate characters .

  6. 三秦文化属于地域性文化,它是指在三秦大地(即陕西地区)历史上形成发展起来的有其价值与特色的区域性传统文化。

    Sanqin culture belongs to the culture of region , it is a regional culture of its value and special features that has been developing in the history in Sanqin , namely , Shanxi region .

  7. 并推选为“陕西省农村科技致富带头人”等殊荣,先进事迹被录入《农科之星耀三秦》一书。

    And elects is " the Shanxi Province countryside science and technology becoming rich leader " and so on great honor , the exemplary deeds are input " Star of Yao Agricultural Branch Three Qin " a book .

  8. 而钢琴独奏曲《秦俑》是基于三秦文化,运用现代作曲技法创作的一首吟古小令,其中的散点透视、非均分律动体现了中国传统艺术的基本特征。

    And piano solo " clay " is based on integrating ecology culture , using modern composition techniques created a " Yin ancient poem ", the scatter perspective divide , non rhythm reflected the basic characteristics of traditional Chinese art .