
sān jí tiào
  • triple jump;hop step;hop step and jump;hop jump
  1. 总体来说,20%的MBA毕业生实现了三级跳。

    Overall , 20 per cent of MBA graduates made the triple jump .

  2. 三级跳是MBA学生最难完成的壮举。

    The triple jump is the most difficult thing an MBA student can pull off .

  3. 简言之,他实现了MBA“三级跳”——即毕业后出国、跳槽和转行。

    In short , he achieved the MBA " triple jump . " This is when graduates change country of residence , career and industry after graduating .

  4. 另外,Hb含量的变化存在项目差异,变化幅度为:100/200米项目>400米栏>三级跳项目;

    Otherwise , The change ranges of the plasma Hb content had differences in the different projects : 100 / 200 meter > 400 meter hurdle > broad jump ;

  5. 美国的克里斯蒂安•泰勒(ChristianTaylor)是2012年奥运会三级跳冠军的得主,2015年同耐克签约。北京世界田径锦标赛期间,耐克为他提供的鞋还在定制中,因此允许他破例穿着阿迪达斯。

    Christian Taylor of the United States , who won the triple jump at the 2012 Olympics and signed with Nike in 2015 , was permitted to wear Adidas shoes at the world track and field championships in Beijing while Nike customized shoes for him .

  6. 我国优秀男子三级跳运动员跨步跳阶段动作技术的运动分析

    Kinematic Analysis of the Action Technology in the Step of Chinese Top Man Triple Jumpers

  7. 泰勒也是今年奥运会上三级跳的夺标热门选手,现在他穿的是耐克。

    Taylor , the triple jump favorite at this year 's Olympics , now wears Nikes .

  8. 本走路好像是做三级跳&这证明他此时的心情轻松愉快,而且还打算干点痛快高兴的事。

    Ben 's gait was the hop-skip-and-jump & proof enough that his heart was light and his anticipations high .

  9. 莱贝德娃,她是世界室内跳远和三级跳冠军,奥运会跳远冠军;

    Tatyana Lebedeva who is the world indoor long jump and triple jump champion and Olympic champion in long jump ;

  10. 从柏拉图到夸美纽斯,再到斯宾塞,标志着西方快乐教育思想发展的“三级跳”。

    From Plato to Comenius , then to Spencer , it signifies'three steps'in the development of western pleasure education thoughts .

  11. 在这个过程中我国经历了全面的行政垄断、行政垄断与经济垄断并存阶段,以及在现阶段社会之中行政垄断法律规制的三级跳。

    In this process , we experience overall administrative monopoly , administrative monopoly coexisting economy monopoly and administrative monopoly of statutory regulation .

  12. 奥运会即将在一个月后开幕。河北人李延煕于2006年亚运会荣获男子三级跳金牌。

    The Olympics open in one month . Hebei 's LI YANXI won gold in the men 's triple jump at the Asian Games in2006 .

  13. 其他金牌获得者包括喀麦隆的女子三级跳和突尼斯男子1500米自由泳。

    Other gold medal winners included Cameroon , in the women 's triple jump , and Tunisia , in the men's1500-meter swimming ( freestyle ) race .

  14. 三级跳健将不仅要面对学术、人际网络和求职等传统障碍,还要跨越语言、签证和文化障碍等壁垒。

    For triple jumpers , the traditional hurdles of academics , networking , and job hunting are compounded by language , visa , and cultural barriers .

  15. 图为多哈亚运会女子三级跳中的中国队选手谢荔梅。她在12月11日多哈哈里发体育场举行的该项目决赛中一举夺魁。

    China 's Limei Xie competes in the final of the women 's triple jump competition at the15th Asian Games at Khalifa stadium in doha , monday11december2006 .

  16. 特别是进入21世纪以来,我国在奥运会上的成绩取得了三级跳佳绩,实现了建设竞技体育强国的愿望。

    Especially entering into the 21st century , China obtains the gigantic achievements in Olympic Games to achieve the wish of being a strong country in competitive sports .

  17. 其他金牌获得者包括喀麦隆的女子三级跳和突尼斯男子1500米自由泳。银牌除了摩洛哥的男子马拉松,还有南非的男子跳远,苏丹的男子800米跑以及阿尔及利亚的男子柔道项目。

    Other gold medal winners included Cameroon , in the women 's triple jump , and Tunisia , in the men 's 1500-meter swimming ( freestyle ) race .

  18. 三级跳健将面临的风险确实太大了:就算他们往往利用暑期实习来减轻这些不寻常的职业变动带来的冲击,成功的天平也未必就会偏向他们一方。

    Triple jumpers are simply too risky : the odds are not exactly in their favor , even when using a summer internship to ease these unusual career moves .

  19. 虽然跳远、三级跳要的是“远”字距离,但更需要有更高的弹跳能力(高度)。

    Although the long jump , triple jump to the " distant " from the word , but more importantly , the need for higher capacity bouncing ( height ) .

  20. 尽管“三级跳选手”并不总能轻松得到全新的开端,但他们更丰富的阅历意味着他们能够在日益全球化的环境中工作。

    While " triple jumpers " do not always find it easy to make a fresh start , their broader experience means they are able to work in an increasingly global environment .

  21. 使能力训练更结合专项的新探索&介绍苏联三级跳运动员下肢能力训练的新方法

    A New Exploration on Tightly Combining Capability Training with Specific Event & Introduction of a New Training Method of Low Limbs Capabilities used by the USSR Hop , Step and Jump Athletes

  22. 一旦你开始讨论人才,那不过是来个三级跳,进入人才库,同时还会形成一种危险的误导性观念:大批人才正在四处游动,只待猎头钓上钩。

    And , once you start talking of talent , it 's only a hop , skip and jump to talent pools , with the dangerously misleading idea that schools of talent are swimming around , just ready to be fished out by the headhunter .

  23. 与西方渐近式的现代化过程不同,中国社会的现代化转型是三级两跳的跨越式进程。

    Different from the gradual process of modernization in the west , the social modernization in China is progressing in a leap-forward way .

  24. 一眨眼的功夫,这位美发的侦探先生就一步三级地跳上楼来,一直闯进了我们的客厅。

    and in a few seconds the fair-haired detective came up the stairs , three steps at a time , and burst into our sitting-room .

  25. 跳深跳远与三级跳远跨步跳起跳的动力学比较研究

    Kinetic Comparative Study on Taking-off of Depth-long-jump and Long Jump

  26. 优秀女子三级跳远三跳技术特征

    On the Technique Characteristics of Female Elite Triple Jump

  27. 对体育高考男生立定三级跳远3跳比例特征的调查研究

    The Investigation Of The Three Jump ' Proportion Characteristics In Halt Triple Jump For Boys In College Entrance Examination

  28. 结果显示,两步助跑跳深跳远练习可以作为发展三级跳远跨步跳起跳力量的专门训练手段。

    It is found that the two-step-running depth-Long-jump practice should be regarded as the specialized training method for promoting the taking-off strength of the triple jump .

  29. 采用文献研究及在实验条件下的动力学测试,对两步助跑跳深跳远练习与三级跳远跨步跳起跳力量在形式及内容上的相似程度和差异点进行对比分析。

    Adopted the documentary analysis and the kinetic test under the experiment conditions , this study conducted comparative analysis with attention on the similar and different aspects of the forms and contents in the two-step-running depth-Long-jump practice and taking-off strength of the triple jump .

  30. 我国优秀男子三级跳远运动员跨步跳技术运动学分析

    A Kinematical Analysis on Stepping Technique of Elite Male Triple Jumpers in China