
yà jūn
  • runner-up;second place;silver medal winner;frunner-up
亚军 [yà jūn]
  • [second place;frunner-up] 体育、游艺项目的竞赛中或其他竞赛活动中评比出来的第二名

亚军[yà jūn]
  1. 上海队获亚军。

    The Shanghai team won second place .

  2. 巴黎高等商学院连续第四年屈居亚军,西班牙IE商学院(IEBusinessSchool)的排名上升四位,至第三。

    HEC Paris stays in second place , a position it has held since 2014 , while Spain 's IE Business School jumps four places to third .

  3. 这两支队将在明天的冠亚军决赛中厮杀。

    The two teams clash in tomorrow 's final .

  4. 我为摩纳哥队、AC米兰队效力时两次都只拿到了亚军,但是事不过三,我希望能为流浪者队拿下一个冠军。

    I 've had two runners-up medals with Monaco and AC Milan , but I hope it will be third time lucky and I get a winners ' medal with Rangers .

  5. 最后,来谈一谈冠亚军。

    And finally , a word about the winner and runner-up .

  6. 10位亚军会得到一箱葡萄酒。

    The ten runners-up will receive a case of wine .

  7. 英国在圣乔治赛马大奖赛中荣获亚军。

    Britain came second in the Prix St Georges Derby .

  8. 他连续4年获得锦标赛亚军。

    He finished second in the championship four years in a row .

  9. 这是世界杯决赛首次用抽签的方法来决定亚军和季军。

    For the first time in a World Cup finals , lots had to be drawn to decide who would finish second and third .

  10. 采购产品垂饰,枕头,壁挂,表亚军,钟

    Tassels and Trimmings , Pillows , Wall Hangings , Table Runners , Bell .

  11. 其他项目亮点频出乒乓球女单8级决赛,中国选手茅经典和黄文娟打成3比1,分获冠亚军,茅经典实现了该项目三连冠。

    During the women 's singles class 8 table tennis final , China 's Mao Jingdian won 3-1 against her teammate Huang Wenjuan , dominating the event with her third straight gold medals .

  12. RideOnCurlin在普利内斯克马赛中获得亚军。

    Ride On Curlin came in second .

  13. 位于加州的斯坦福大学商学院(StanfordGraduateSchoolofBusiness)排名第二,2016年排在第五位,该学院曾在2014年获得亚军。

    Stanford Graduate School of Business in California rises from fifth place in 2016 to second , a position it last held in 2014 .

  14. LucyKay成为亚军,而正太组合BarsandMelody位列第三。

    The runner-up was Lucy Kay , with Bars and Melody in third place .

  15. 在奥运会百米赛跑中SamGraddy获亚军仅次于冠军CarlLewis(CarlLewis美国著名运动员)

    Sam Graddy finished second behind Carl Lewis in the 100-meter dash at the Summer Olympics .

  16. 对于他的努力下,勒布朗被评为亚军了纳什在NBA赛场上的MVP投票。

    For his efforts , LeBron was honored as the runner-up to Steve Nash in the NBA MVP voting .

  17. 总部设在英国的新兴市场银行渣打银行(StandardChartered)获得亚军。该行经营所在的国家正面临因气候变化、环境退化、贫困与疾病等造成的问题。

    Runner-up in the awards was Standard Chartered , the UK-based emerging markets bank that operates in countries facing problems created by climate change , environmental degradation , poverty and disease .

  18. 合并后的新公司将挑战美国竞争对手、以棕色货车和制服闻名的联合包裹(UPS),角逐欧洲递送市场的亚军位置。

    The new company would challenge US rival UPS , known for its brown vans and uniforms , for the number two position among European delivery companies .

  19. 乐队的2名成员都有非常丰富的音乐经历:Grey刚从和超具魅力的“美国偶像”亚军AdamLambert一起的巡回中得到短暂的休息,她还曾经和Dr。

    Both have colorful music backgrounds : Grey is here on a quick break from touring with super-glam " American Idol " runner-up Adam Lambert , and has played with Dr.

  20. 组织者已经将皇冠戴到了亚军AshleyDixon的头上,但Ramirez的律师已经递交了法院禁制令。

    Pageants directors had already passed the crown to runner-up Ashley Dixon , but Ramirez 's lawyer filed a restraining order .

  21. 英国华威商学院(WarwickBusinessSchool)连续第三年排在亚军位置,英国杜伦大学商学院(DurhamUniversityBusinessSchool)首次跻身前三甲。

    IE came in ahead of the UK 's Warwick Business School , ranked number two for the third year running , and Durham University Business School , which made it into the top three for the first time .

  22. 第9届全运会男子400m栏冠亚军选手技术探析

    Discussion on Technique of Gold and Silver Medallists of Men 's 400 m Hurdle of the 9 ~ ( th ) National Games

  23. 最近发布的KindlePaperwhite以及69美元Kindle则分列销量亚军和季军。

    The recently released Kindle paperwhite and $ 69 Kindle are the number two and three bestselling products , respectively .

  24. 法国巴黎高等商学院的排名上升一个位置,成为亚军,Iese位居第三。

    HEC Paris moved up one place to second , while Iese came third .

  25. 也许个人荣誉比不上一块亚军奖牌,但是,他绝对有理由为自己在FIFA世界杯上的精彩表现而感到骄傲。

    And while the personal accolade may be scant reward for a runners-up medal , he can be justifiably proud of his performances at this FIFA World Cup .

  26. 由桑德拉•布洛克(SandraBullock)主演的华纳兄弟公司(WarnerBros.)影片《弱点》(TheBlindSide)位居票房亚军,5天总票房5750万美元(周末3天票房4010万美元)。

    The Warner Bros. drama ' The Blind Side ' starring Sandra Bullock finished in second with an impressive five-day total of $ 57.5 million ( $ 40.1 over three days ) .

  27. 美国投资银行高盛(GoldmanSachs)的研究显示,中国已成为全球第三大奢侈品消费国,预计将在2015年超过日本,摘下亚军桂冠。

    The country is already the world 's third-biggest luxury goods consumer and is expected to surpass Japan in second place in 2015 , according to research by Goldman Sachs , the US investment bank .

  28. 尽管欧洲工商管理学院与清华大学的合办项目重新跌至亚军位置,但欧洲工商管理学院自己的EMBA项目的排名却上升3个位置,排在第四位,该项目上次获得第4名是在2011年。

    While Insead 's joint programme dropped back into second place , its single-school programme moved up three places to fourth , a place it last occupied in 2011 .

  29. 比赛的亚军LilD也是去年的参赛者,她去年第一轮就被淘汰了。

    Her runner-up , Lil D was also a competitor in last year 's Glare-Off , but she didn 't make it past the first round .

  30. 日本游泳运动员萩野公介(KosukeHagino)和濑户大也(DaiyaSeto)可能会分获男子400米个人混合泳的冠亚军。

    In the men 's 400individual medley , the Japanese swimmers Kosuke Hagino and Daiya Seto couldfinish 1-2 .