
sān jǐng
  • Mitsui
三井[sān jǐng]
  1. 曾为三井生命(MitsuiLife)工作过数十年、现已退休的田口吉弘也同意这个观点。

    Mr. Taguchi , who worked for Mitsui Life for decades before retiring , agreed .

  2. PTA工艺技术的发展&日本三井油化3GT技术分析

    Development of PTA process technology & 3GT technology analysis of Japanese Mitsui Petrochemical Company

  3. GPS在大佛寺煤矿三井贯通中的应用

    Application of GPS in the breakthrough survey of Dafo Temple Mine

  4. 三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)已经将其持有的债券期限从三年以上缩短到两年以下。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has cut the term of its holdings from more than three years to less than two years .

  5. 多年来,三井住友金融集团(SumitomoMitsuiFinancialGroup)一直等待获得在大连开设分行的许可,大连是距离日本最近的一个中国沿海城市。

    Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group has been waiting for years to get permission to open a branch in Dalian , the coastal Chinese city closest to Japan .

  6. 以三井(mitsui)为例,随着日本放弃金本位,三井从外汇交易中赚取了数百万美元。

    Mitsui , for example , made millions of dollars from currency trading as Japan left the gold standard .

  7. 在日兴证券被出售给竞争对手三井住友后,曾参与日兴证券竞购的三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufjfinancialgroup),撤回了对日兴资产管理的竞标。

    Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group ( MUFG ) , which had bid for Nikko cordial , withdrew its bid for the asset management business after the broker was sold to rival SMFG .

  8. 文章也叙述了Exxon、Dow、Mobil、BP及三井油化等公司金属茂研究开发的成果,及其在聚乙烯工业中的应用。

    Achievements of metallocene catalysts research and development of polyethylene and their industrial applications in Exxon , Dow , Mobil , BP , Mitsui , and other companies are also presented .

  9. 宁波的奥特莱斯则是三井不动产(MitsuiFudosan)与两家中国公司和另外两家日本公司携手开发的。

    Mitsui Fudosan is jointly developing the shopping centre in Ningbo with two Chinese and two Japanese partners .

  10. 两家银行的高管表示,这宗交易已经谈了几个月,更多是得益于三井住友高层与执掌东亚银行多年的李国宝(DavidLi)之间的私人关系。

    Executives at both banks say the deal has been in progress for months and has more to do with personal connections between senior ranks at Sumitomo Mitsui and David Li , who has presided over Bank of East Asia for many years .

  11. 全球双酚A生产能力已超过270万t/a,其中前5家生产商(GE、Shell、Bayer、Dow、三井化学)的生产能力占全球总能力的75%以上。

    The world capacity of BPA has exceeded 2 . 7 million t / a. The combined capacity of the top five producers including GE , Shell , Bayer , Dow , Mitsui Chemical accounts for over 75 % of the worlds total output .

  12. 主要介绍东锅600MW亚临界机组前后墙对冲燃烧锅炉的开发设计过程,与英国三井&巴布科克公司技术合作情况,同类型锅炉炉型选择及其技术特点。

    It introduces mainly the developing and design history of Dongfang 600 MW sub-critical unit opposite firing boiler , the technical cooperation with Mitsui Babcock , the boiler style option and technical characteristics .

  13. 三井不动产宁波购物中心项目经理TakehitoFukui表示:(在中国)消费一直在以令人瞠目的速度扩张。

    Takehito Fukui , Mitsui Fudosan 's project manager for the Ningbo shopping mall , says : Consumption [ in China ] has been expanding at an eye-popping rate .

  14. 三井&巴布考克能源有限公司(MBEL)研制生产的轴向涡流燃烧器在同类产品中具有一定的优势。

    Axial flow whirlpool burner , developed by the MitSui Babcock Energy Ltc ( MBEL ), is generally superior to other burners .

  15. 介绍了扬子石油化工股份有限公司塑料厂聚丙烯装置采用日本三井油化公司技术成功地进行了无规共聚聚丙烯树脂R180的试生产。

    This paper introduced the trial production of random copolymer of propylene R 180 with the technology of MITSUI in a polypropylene plant in Yangzi Petrochemical Company limited . The technical key factors in the production process of R 180 were discussed .

  16. 三井氧化反应器脱水段的水力学分析

    Hydrodynamic analyses for the dehydration column of Mitsui PX oxidation reactor

  17. 请转告三井公司化学部,此事已获圆满解决。

    Transmit following to Mitsubishi firm chemical Dept case settled amicably already .

  18. 三井化学公司新型聚醚多元醇的制备与应用

    Preparation and Application of Novel Polyether Polyol Developed by Mitsui Chemical Inc

  19. 三井物产:日本最大的综合商社

    Mitsui & co ,, ltd , the largest SOGO shosha in Japan

  20. 太阳煤矿新三井居民区下煤田条带式开采实践

    Practice on strip miming under the residential area in the Sun Coal Mine

  21. 三井保鲜膜是有利环境、安全的食品包装膜!

    Mitsui Hi-wrap a Pollution-free food wrapping films !

  22. 三井互助人寿保险公司

    " Mitsui Mutual Life Insurance , Co. "

  23. 单筒三井独桩简易平台桩腿力学性能试验研究

    Experimental study on mechanical properties of single-pile platform with three wells in one slot

  24. 流川本会拒绝,可三井扑得太快、隐蔽了。

    Rukawa would 've refused but Mitsui 's clutches were too quick , too sly .

  25. 所有权控制与家族企业成长&基于日本三井的案例分析

    The Ownership Control and the Growth of Family Enterprise & A Case Analysis on Mitsui

  26. 中上川改革使三井企业顺利实现了由政商到近代企业的转变。

    The reform makes Mitsui realize the transition from policy trader to capitalist of modern industry smoothly .

  27. 职业经理介入与家族企业成长&日本三井的经验与启示

    The Introduction of Professional Management and the Growth of Family Enterprise : Experiences and Implications of Mitsui Japan

  28. 东电很快将这笔资金存入在三井住友的账户,帮助后者度过了危机。

    It promptly put the cash on deposit at Sumitomo Mitsui , helping the bank through the crisis .

  29. 因此在大多数情况下,都选择三井、三菱和住友财阀的例子来予以说明和分析。

    So in most of the cases , Mitsui and Mitsubishi are selected as examples for explanation and analysis .

  30. 如果您对上述规定的实施有任何疑问或需要任何协助,敬请联系当地的商船三井的销售部或或客户服务部人员。

    Should you have any questions or require more information , please contact your local MOL sales or customer service representatives .