
  • 网络Three-step and make two-step
  1. 她从来不曾这么三步并作两步地上过楼梯。

    She had never run up the stairs so quickly .

  2. 女儿晃晃小脑袋笑了,三步并作两步地往楼道里奔。

    Shaking her pretty head , my daughter smiled , and ran toward the doorway in quick steps .

  3. 我开始乱跑,到处开门,三步并作两步地爬着高塔楼梯,尖叫着别人的名字,任何人都好。

    I start to run then , throwing open doors , climbing the tower three steps at a time , screaming for someone , for anyone .

  4. 他从座位上跳起来,把牛奶桶扔在那儿,也不管会不会被奶牛踢翻,三步并作两步地跑到他一心渴望的人跟前,跪在她的旁边,把她拥抱在自己怀里。

    He lumped up from his seat , and , leaving his pail to be kicked over if the milcher had such a mind , went quickly towards the desire of his eyes , and , kneeling down beside her , clasped her in his arms .