- 名the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River
- the Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge) of the Yangtze river

[the Three Gorges (Qutang Gorge, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge) of the Yangtze river] 长江三峡的简称,即瞿塘峡、巫峡和西陵峡的合称,在长江上游,四川省奉节县白帝城与湖北省宜昌县南津关之间,长193公里
Forming of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River and Sedimentary Response in the West Edge of Jianghan Basin and Adjacent Area
On the basis of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River natural resources and cultural resources from the perspective of symbiosis undertook classified , put forward the Yangtze River Three Gorges heritage corridor construction scheme .
Many experts had argued for the Three Gorges water conservancy project for several years before its start .
Recently , Chongqing Three Gorges University has held an activity named " Cell Phone Ninja " .
Fuzzy Selection of Rock Mechanics Parameters for the Three-Gorge Project
FUZZY PO Optimization of Port Bank Slope Drainage Technique in Three Gorges Area
Application of M.Y BOX system in TGP
Application of GPS satellite positioning technique to monitoring of landslides in Three Gorges Dam
Research on PAHs pollution of the Three Gorges Reservior in ChongQing
Taking the Changjiang Gorges reservoir area as example , it enters into the working principle , establishing process and actual application for GIS information system of geological calamity early-warning .
Combining with the establishment of MIS in TOP M E equipment installation , it will do study about the model and organization chart of M E equipment installation .
This paper introduces the application of RTK technique in underwater topographi survey with an example in the TGP heavy_parts wharf . Some experiential conclusion presented .
Using the correlation relationships , the resolution ratio of DEM that meet the requirement of flood forecasting is studied in different areas , which provides the foundation for actual application .
This paper presents the status quo and tendency of development of the conductors for the 500 kV large capacity transmission lines used in the Three Gorges Project .
It is been proved successful that using the DDA program to forecast the Third-stage RCC cofferdams . In addition , this method has the positive guiding meaning to the similar project blasting design , construction and the safe protection , etc.
The concentration of NH_3-N , NO_2-N , NO_3-N , TN and TP were determined every month during June to December in 2003.Six horizontal monitoring sites and two vertical sites were set in Three Gorges reservoir .
Through the monitoring along the Shahe River and at the drainage mouths of the river , we got the campus sewage quality one time per month from 2004 to 2005 , the peper discusses the space-time dynamic change rule of the indexes .
The Three Gorges left powerhouse located at the left dam toe is of a diversion type , has a total installed capacity of 9 800 MW and 14 vertical shaft turbines of 700 MW each .
The inlet of the hydropower station at the left No. 11 ~ 14 dam sections is an important permanent structure , the penstock diameter being 12 4 ? m , the largest in China .
Just by using string heat model and commercial software MARC , the welding process of T steel and side plate which are used in the 1200T bridge crane of Yangtze hydroelectric power station is simulated , and fairly coincidences between analysis and measurement are obtained .
The influence of valve parameters and the value of stray capacitance on lightning impulse voltage distribution is analyzed based on calculation of the thyristor valve used for the Three Gorges - Changzhou ± 500 kV DC transmission line . Optimal measures for improvement of transient voltage distribution are recommended .
The first stage cofferdam of Three Gorges Project has a length of 2502 m , of which a 665 m long section 's foundation consists of the strong-weathered zone containing large ball rock blocks and the weak-weathered zone with a fault in its upper portion .
Study on ecological security in Three Gorges reservoir area of Chongqing
Heavy metal pollution in sediments from the Three Gorge Reservoir Area
Major Difficult Problems in the Construction of the Three Gorges Project
Exploring Construction of Dwelling Environment of Immigrant Community in Three-gorges Area
Research on Reservoir Bank Protection Works for Three Gorges Reservoir Areas
Benefit Assessment of Agroforestry Ecosystems in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area
Research of Advantages of Sports Tourism Resource in the Three Gorges
The Three Gorges Project and the Construction of Human Settlement Environment