
  1. 结合中山市南三公路改建工程,论述旧水泥路面加铺沥青面层改建设计取得成功的关键因素;

    Combining with the rebuilding project of Nansan Highway in Zhongshan City , the paper estates the key factor for obtaining the success in rebuilding design of paving bituminous surface on the old cement pavement .

  2. 三级公路改建设计的问题及对策

    Problems and Treatment Measures of Second and Third-classed Road Reconstruction Design

  3. 三级公路改建设计分析

    An Analysis of the Second and Third-Classed Road Reconstruction Design

  4. 三车道公路隧道射流风机设置位置研究

    Study on the Installation of Jet Fans in a Three-lane Highway Tunnel

  5. 三车道公路隧道在不同构造应力作用下的力学行为研究

    Study on mechanical behaviour of three lane road tunnel under tectonic stresses

  6. 关于一、三级公路安全性认知因素的试验建模研究

    Tests and Modeling for the Safety Perception Factor on First-grade and Third-grade Highway

  7. 我们沿三号公路向西北进发直到里维尔

    We 'll move northwest along Route 3 till you get to Revere .

  8. 沿边三级公路建设工程质量管理探讨

    The Investigations on the Quality Control of the Third-Grade Highway Construction in Yanbian

  9. 山区二、三级公路汽车安全行驶状态研究

    Study on the Second and Third-classed Mountain Road 's Driving State of Vehicle Safety

  10. 三车道公路隧道洞口段含水粘土状围岩施工

    Construction experience of the portal section of a three-lane highway tunnel in water-contained clayey rock

  11. 三车道公路隧道监测分析研究

    Measurement and Analysis of 3-Lane Carriageway Tunnel

  12. 最后提出了山区双车道三级公路纵坡坡度的安全值为7%。

    Finally this paper suggested the safe slope grade for the third class mountain area highway should be 7 % .

  13. 通过大比例尺模型试验和有限元方法对三车道公路隧道在不同构造应力作用下的力学行为进行了深入研究。

    In this paper , by the large scale model tests and FEM , authors study the mechanic behaviour of three lane road tunnel under tectonic stresses .

  14. 研究结果表明,构造应力对三车道公路隧道的承载能力、破坏形态、位移规律都有很大影响。

    The results show that tectonic stresses have influence upon the bearing capacity , the destruction form , and the surrounding rock displacement rule of three lane road tunnel .

  15. “中国企业修建三条公路的价钱,相当于德国企业修建一条的要价,”一位加纳官员在同一个会议上表示。

    " The Chinese build three roads for the same price that the Germans would charge to build one , " said one Ghanaian official at the same conference .

  16. 文中对我国接受世界银行贷款的三个公路工程项目&京津塘公路,四川附鱼公路,陕西西三公路,在成本-效益分析的基础上,提出了风险分析意见。

    Based on cost-benefit analysis , this paper puts forward the risk analysis to three highway en-gineering projects-Beijing-Tanggu highway , Fucheng-Yuquan highway and Xi'an-Sanyuan highway which all received the loan from the World Bank .

  17. 此外,在国家公路网中,有许多二、三级公路也需要改造,同样也涉及到路基的加宽加高等问题。

    What 's more , many 2 or 3 grade highways in the highway network of country also need to be rebuilt , and this also deal with widening and heightening of the embankment .

  18. 本文通过对三地公路桥梁运营管理现状的分析,找出了三地运营管理模式的主要差异。

    Through the analysis of operational and managerial situation for the road and the bridge in three places we can find out the major differences of the operational and managerial mode in these three places .

  19. 在空间上,黄土粒度分维值存在显著的区域性变化规律,该区域性变化规律与甘肃黄土地区三级公路自然区划的5个三级区一致。

    Analyzing results also show that the fractal dimension ( D ) of loess grain size has obvious spatial variation law , well reflecting the difference among the five sub-regions of Gansu third-grade highway natural zoning .

  20. 在我国,面层裂缝是二、三级公路的主要病害形式,尤其是半刚性基层温缩及干缩引起的反射裂缝。

    The surface crack is one main disease for the second and third highway in our country , especially the reflection crack caused by the dry - shrinking property and the temperature shrinking property of semi-rigid base .

  21. 在对山区双车道三级公路上实测速度的统计分析的基础上,使用数理统计和分析的方法,得到速度累计频率分布曲线,确定85%位速度为51km/h。

    Based on surveyed speed data on the third class mountain area highway , the statistics method was used to draw the speed distribution curve and it was found that the 85 percentile speed was 51km / h.

  22. 继则对2000年我国高速公路和一、二、三级公路上水泥混凝土路面的发展规模水平进行预测,并估计出实现这一设想所需耗用的水泥数量。

    And then , the scales of cement concrete pavement construction on freeways and on first , second and third class highways in China by the year of 2000 are predicted , ann the total quantity of portland cement required for construction of these pavements is estimated .

  23. 将要修建两条三车道的公路穿过乡间。

    Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside .

  24. 薛三线县乡公路过境。

    Xue three-lane county and township road transit .

  25. 三是推行公路特许经营制度,发展特许经营公司;

    Using the " Road Concession System " and establishing the concession companies for toll road construction ;

  26. 结合现行的公路管理与养护体制,从管理人员不能把手段当目标、稳妥推进逐步实施、让职工满意三方面对公路管理体制改革的思考。

    Combining the current system of highway management and curing , the article analyses the reform of highway administrative system from three aspects .

  27. 通过分析交通运输与区域经济相互发展的关系,建立了三种划分公路主枢纽客运区域的方法和具体的数学模型,结合实际情况划分出了七大客运区域;

    The mathematic model and the method of dividing passenger transport region of highway transport hubs are built through analyzing the relative of development between transportation and regional economy , and the seven regions are divided .

  28. 其中第一节政府管理在新农村建设中的责任,第二节作为政府职能的县乡公路管理,第三节县乡公路管理对新农村建设的重要意义。

    Which the first section in the new government of responsibility for rural development , section II , government functions as the management of the county and township roads , county and township highway management section III , the new significance of rural development .

  29. 弗雷泽·克莱因已经连续第三年获得苏格兰公路赛跑比赛冠军了。

    Fraser Clyne has won the Scottish Road Running Championship for the third year in succession .

  30. 从以下三个方面对公路地理信息系统的数据库进行了设计:(一)GIS数据库的结构;

    Designing the database of the highway GIS as follows : Firstly , the structure of GIS database ;