
  • 网络three gorges square
  1. 重庆三峡广场解析

    Analysis on the Design of the Three Gorges Square of Chongqing

  2. 三峡广场夜间景观研究

    A Research on Nightscape of Chongqing Three Gorges Square

  3. 营造城市公共开放空间的场所精神&关于三峡广场商业步行街的调研分析

    Construct the Place Spirit of Urban Public Open Space

  4. 基于场所理论的重庆三峡广场景观设计分析

    Analysis of design of landscape of Chongqing Three Gorg square based on place theory

  5. 旅游空间营造的理论与实例探析&以重庆三峡广场为例

    Theoretical and Empirical Exploration of Tourism Space Creation & Based on Chongqing Sanxia Square

  6. 论城市商业中心的旅游空间营造&以重庆市沙坪坝区三峡广场为例

    Tourist Space Creation on the Business Center of City & Based on the Sanxia Square

  7. 城市广场文化表达与形态的融合&重庆市三峡广场评析

    The Integration of Cultural Expression and Patterns of City Square & A Case Study of Three Gorges Square in Chongqing

  8. 课题结合实际工程,对重庆市三峡广场庆泰大厦中央空调的水系统进行了变流量改造。

    This thesis is on the basis of actual object that the hydraulic system of Qing-Tai edifice was converted into variable flow hydraulic system .

  9. 本文根据场所理论,从场所空间角度来分析三峡广场商业步行街系统的场所空间特色,并从实体形态、活动与含义等方面进行了阐述。

    This article analyzed the location space " characteristic " of the pedestrian mall system of Sanxia Square based on " location theory ", and further interpreted from the angle of " physical form ", " activity and meaning " etc.

  10. 本文从场所概念和场所理论入手,对重庆三峡广场改造之后取得的效果作简要分析,力求总结出城市设计过程中应该注意的问题和场所设计基本要素。

    Proceeding with space concept and space theory , this paper analyses briefly the performance achieved after modification of Sanxia square in Chongqing , and tries to summary the questions that should be considered and the basic factors involved in space design .

  11. 三峡城镇广场设计探析

    Study on the design of square in Three Gorges Areas

  12. 山地城市商业广场空间创造&兼论三峡明珠广场创作构思

    Space Creation of Commercial Plaza in Hilly City : Concurrently Discussing the Design of Sanxia Pearl Plaza

  13. 三峡万州和平广场滑坡区稳定性分析模型研究

    Research on reversion model for stability analysis of Heping square landslide of Wanxian city in TGP reservoir area