
  1. 万达集团(WandaGroup)赢了一个回合。

    Chalk up a win for Wanda Group .

  2. 成功者包括万达集团和SOHO中国集团,将有巨大的收益。

    Winners included Wanda Group and SOHO China , which posted huge gains .

  3. 中国建筑业巨头万达集团(WandaGroup)也持有了西班牙马德里竞技俱乐部(AtléticoMadrid)20%的股份。

    Construction giant Wanda Group also owns 20 % of Spain 's Atl é tico Madrid .

  4. 王健林的万达集团(WandaGroup)在美国娱乐行业的收购对象包括电影院线AMC娱乐控股公司(AMCEntertainmentHoldings)和制片公司传奇娱乐(LegendaryEntertainment)。

    US entertainment purchases by Mr Wang 's Wanda Group include cinema chain AMC Entertainment Holdings and production company Legendary Entertainment .

  5. 近日,企业巨头万达集团正式成为中国首个FIFA顶级赞助商。

    Conglomerate Wanda Group has become the first Chinese top-tier partner of world football governing body Fifa .

  6. 大连万达集团于1月同意了以约35亿美元的价格收购传奇影业(LegendaryEntertainment),一家电影制作与金融公司。

    Dalian Wanda agreed in January to buy Legendary Entertainment , a film production and finance company , for about $ 3.5 billion .

  7. 白手起家的亿万富翁王健林是大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)的董事长,也是中国最大的对外投资者之一。王健林批评中国国有企业行动迟缓,缺乏长远的海外扩张战略。

    Self-made billionaire Wang Jianlin , chairman of Dalian Wanda Group and one of China 's biggest outward investors , criticised SoEs for being slow and lacking long-term overseas expansion strategies .

  8. 王健林,中国最富有的人之一,刚刚斥资6.5亿美元收购了世界铁人公司(WorldTriathlonCorporation)——通过他旗下的万达集团。

    Wang Jianlin , one of China 's richest men , has just paid $ 650m ( via his Wanda group ) for World Triathlon Corporation , the company that runs Ironman .

  9. 《长城》是传奇东方(LegendaryEast)的首次大考,这家好莱坞电影公司曾制作过《侏罗纪世界》(JurassicWorld),于今年1月被中国亿万富翁王健林的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)收购。

    The Great Wall is the first major test for Legendary East , the Hollywood studio that made Jurassic World and which was bought in January by billionaire Wang Jianlin 's Dalian Wanda Group .

  10. 万达集团(WandaGroup)董事长王健林依然是大中华区最富有的人,财富净值达260亿美元,只比香港富豪李嘉诚高了10亿美元。

    Wang Jianlin , chairman of Wanda Group , remains Greater China 's richest person with a net worth of $ 26bn , just $ 1bn more than Li Ka-shing , the Hong Kong tycoon .

  11. 这也代表了AMC的控股人、中国大连万达集团董事长王健林的一次大胆的举动,意在巩固美国的电影业。

    And it represents a bold effort by AMC 's controlling investor , Wang Jianlin of China 's Dalian Wanda Group , to consolidate the American cinema industry .

  12. 按照协议,AMC将成为总部位于北京的万达集团的全资子公司。万达是一家民营企业集团,资产达350亿美元,包括商场、主题公园和艺术收藏品等。

    Under the agreement , AMC will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Beijing-headquartered Wanda , a privately held group whose $ 35bn in assets spans shopping malls and theme parks to art collections .

  13. 主营地产与娱乐的大连万达集团(DalianWandaGroup)董事长、亿万富翁房地产大亨王健林,正押注其投资30亿美元新建的一个儿童主题乐园将吸引大批中国中产阶层新富。

    Wang Jianlin , billionaire real estate tycoon and chairman of the property and entertainment conglomerate Dalian Wanda Group , is betting his $ 3bn investment in a new children 's theme park will draw a newly flush middle class through its gates in big numbers .

  14. 万达集团支付的价格,比桑坦德银行(BancoSantander)2005年支付的3.89亿欧元低了约三分之一;2005年是西班牙房地产开发热潮的鼎盛期。

    The Chinese conglomerate is paying about a third less than the 389 million that Banco Santander paid in 2005 , at the height of Spain 's construction boom .

  15. 中国房地产集团万达集团(Wanda)正联手中国最大的两家互联网企业,共同投资8.14亿美元设立一家电子商务企业,希望借此打破阿里巴巴(Alibaba)对中国电子商务市场的统领地位。

    Chinese real estate conglomerate Dalian Wanda is teaming up with two of China 's largest internet companies in an $ 814m ecommerce joint venture aimed at loosening Alibaba 's stranglehold on the country 's booming ecommerce market , the FT 's Charles Clover writes .

  16. 中国汽车零部件公司万向集团(WanxiangGroupCorp.)本月同意投资4.5亿美元取得美国电池生产商A123SystemsInc.的控股权。5月份,中国大连万达集团股份有限公司(DalianWandaGroupCorp.)同意斥资26亿美元收购美国影院连锁企业AMCEntertainmentHoldings。

    Chinese auto-parts company Wanxiang Group Corp. this month agreed to invest $ 450 million for control of U.S. battery maker A123 Systems Inc. AONE - 4.85 % In May , China 's Dalian Wanda Group Corp. agreed to buy U.S. movie theater chain AMC Entertainment Holdings for $ 2.6 billion .

  17. 胡润研究院主席研究员RupertHoogewerf说道,“十年前,中国富豪大多不在中国大陆,今天情况完全改变了,比如万达集团董事长王健林就开辟了一条新路。”

    Rupert Hoogewerf , chairman and chief researcher of the Hurun Report , said : " A decade ago , the most successful Chinese were those outside the Chinese mainland . Today that has changed completely , with entrepreneurs like Wang Jianlin of Wanda charting a new path . "

  18. 万达集团管理信息系统设计与实施

    Design and Implement of Wanda Corp 's Management Information System

  19. 万达集团把共创财富,公益社会作为企业使命。

    Wanda takes Create Wealth together , Benefit the Society as the corporate mission .

  20. 大连万达集团由中国首富、地产大亨王健林一手经营的。

    Dalian Wanda is run by China 's richest man and property magnate Wang Jianlin .

  21. 开发商场项目的大连万达集团去年宣布将进军电子商务领域。

    Dalian Wanda , a mall developer , announced plans last year to go into e-commerce .

  22. 万达集团董事长王健林捐赠3.6亿,在榜单中排行第5;

    Wang Jianlin , the chairman of Wanda , ranked fifth with his 360 million yuan donation .

  23. 万达集团将提高社会教育程度、消弭贫苦作为万达慈善事业的重点,持续投入。

    Wanda Group has focused , and invested continuously , on development of education and poverty relief .

  24. 中国的文化娱乐市场正快速增长,且也是万达集团越来越关注的领域;

    China 's entertainment market is growing rapidly and is an area of increasing focus for Wanda Group ;

  25. 中国大连万达集团近日和索尼影业达成了一项协议,将在好莱坞扩张其足迹。

    China 's Dalian Wanda Group is extending its footprint in Hollywood after striking a deal with Sony Pictures .

  26. 万达集团称,传奇影业将会在青岛拍摄《环太平洋》的续集《环太平洋2:漩涡》以及《哥斯拉》的续集。

    Legendary will shoot sequels to " Pacific Rim " and " Godzilla " at the Qingdao facility , Wanda said .

  27. 万达集团在包括房地产,零售,体育,酒店,电影和专卖店等多个行业都有业务。

    Wanda Group operates in a number of sectors including property , retail , sport , hotels , film and stores .

  28. 王健林的万达集团将收购西甲卫冕冠军马德里竞技20%的股份。

    It will see Mr Wang 's Dalian Wanda Group take a 20 per cent stake in the reigning Spanish champions .

  29. 据悉,万达集团将获得直到2030年且包括2030年世界杯在内的国际足联所有赛事以及公司活动的权利。

    Wanda Group will have rights to all Fifa competitions and corporate activities up to and including the 2030 World Cup .

  30. 2008年8月,万达集团董事长王健林当选为全国工商联扶贫委员会主任。

    In August , 2008 , Wang Jianlin , Wanda Group CEO , was elected Director of the Poverty Relief Commission of ACFIC .