
  • seven-year itch;The Seven Year Itch;Seven Years Itch;Seven Year Itch,The
  1. “七年之痒”容易过“十二年之痒”是难关。

    Forget the seven-year itch , the real test comes at TWELVE years .

  2. 我玩笑说,我们四个人,过了七年之痒了。

    I joke that the four of us , and have a seven-year itch has .

  3. 他们也有过七年之痒,不过当陈建州在去年的一场NBA比赛中向范范求婚时,他们的感情也安然度过了危险期。

    They had a seven years ' itch , but survived it when Chen proposed to Fan during an NBA game last year .

  4. 朋友之间有没有所谓的“七年之痒”呢?

    Is there so-called the seven year itch between two friends ?

  5. 回顾与展望:开放教育资源的七年之痒

    Review and Prospect : Seven-year Itch of Open Educational Resources

  6. 这就是《七年之痒》。

    It was The Seven Year Itch .

  7. 但成功度过“七年之痒”的夫妇不要沾沾自喜。

    But couples who manage to survive the seven-year itch would be wise not to get complacent .

  8. 已婚男女要警惕“七年之痒”说法由来已久。

    Those in a serious relationship have long been warned about the dangers of the seven-year itch .

  9. “地铁白裙”是玛丽莲•梦露在1955年拍摄电影《七年之痒》时所穿的。

    The " subway dress " was worn by Monroe in the1955 movie " The Seven Year Itch " .

  10. 出自1955年上映的经典电影《七年之痒》的这个著名时刻,被看做是电影历史上的一个象征。

    The famous moment in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch is now regarded as an icon of film history .

  11. 此举是为了七年之痒到来之时,想要分手的夫妻能够得到一个及时的提醒,告诉他们当初为何选择在一起。

    The idea is that couples thinking of splitting up will receive a timely reminder of why they got together in the first place .

  12. “七年之痒”的说法源于20世纪50年代玛丽莲·梦露主演的一部电影,描述夫妻在结婚七年后开始禁不住外面的诱惑。

    The seven-year itch or the theory that adultery becomes impossible to resist after seven years got its name from the1950s film starring Marilyn Monroe .

  13. 不知道会不会从玛丽莲·梦露的电影《七年之痒》里找到灵感,把内衣裤装在冰盒里,好随时给降降温;

    It remains to be seen whether they 'll take a cue from Marilyn Monroe in'The Seven Year Itch'and stash their undies in the icebox .

  14. 研究表明,我们对伴侣感到厌倦的时间比50年代提前了,那时候婚姻的危险期还是“七年之痒”。

    A study suggests that we tire of our partners far sooner than we did in the50s , when the danger point was the'seven-year itch ' .

  15. 程丁(音译)渴望彻底结束他和北京的七年之痒&返回家乡四川省。

    Cheng Ding is keen to end his " seven-year itch " against the city of Beijing once and for all - by retreating back home to Sichuan Province .

  16. 根据一项新调查,“三年之痒”已经取代“七年之痒”成为情侣间关系的转折点,这时候情侣们会开始不那么重视对方。

    The " three-year glitch " has replaced the " seven-year itch " as the tipping point where couples start to take each other for granted , according to a new survey .

  17. 夹在电价上涨和全球变暖恶果之间的美国消费者在是否应关掉冷气的问题上很是挣扎。不知道他们会不会从玛丽莲梦露的电影《七年之痒》中找到灵感,把内衣裤装在冰箱里,好随时给自己降降温。

    With electricity costs rising along with global-warming guilt consumers across the country are struggling to wean themselves from the A / C. It remains to be seen whether they 'll take a cue from Marilyn Monroe in The Seven Year Itch and stash their undies in the icebox .