
The 7th reflects the lesson of Libra : share or separate .
If a commitment to each other happens , the seventh and eighth houses come more clearly into focus .
Jupiter , now in your seventh house of marriage and serious collaborations , will provide you with help just when you need it most .
Both will meet in your seventh house of partnerships , so to unlock your good fortune , you need to collaborate with a partner .
The closer a sixth house Pluto is to the descendant , the more it will be interpreted as though it were in the seventh house ;
If you are attached-dating , married , or in a long-term close relationship-you now have Mars in Aries , touring your seventh house of partnership .
Nevertheless , Saturn and Mars , even in good zodiacal state , but in an unfortunate house ( VIII and XII and partially VII ) produce pernicious effects .
You may have felt Saturn 's presence on the cusp of a key angle , the seventh house of serious committed relationships , either personal or business in nature .
When any Planet shall be partly on the cusp of the seventh in his own house , the Native 's death will be of the nature of that Planet and Place .
Venus will accompany her lover Mars in May , and with this majestic cosmic couple in that house , you have a chance now to make your relationship as warm and close as it was when you first met .
There will be a lecture at the Children 's Palace at seven this evening .