
dīng dāng
  • ding-dong;jingle;clatter;tinkle
  • dingdong
丁当 [dīng dāng]
  • [jingle;clater;dingdong] 象声词,形容金属、瓷器等的碰撞声。也作叮当、玎当

丁当[dīng dāng]

(金属、瓷器等的撞击声) ding-dong; jingle; clatter; tinkle:

  • 那只小钟丁当丁当地报时。

    The little clock tinkled out the hours.

  • 碟子碗碰得丁丁当当的。

    The dishes and bowls slid together with a clatter.

  • 走路时, 他衣袋里的钱币丁当作响。

    Coins in his pocket jingled as he walked.

  1. 当雪橇向他们驶来时,他们能听见铃儿的丁当声。

    They could hear the jingle of bells as the sleigh came towards them .

  2. 珍宝在国王身旁行走,默默无言;因而他们之间没有什么别的声音,只有那挂在独角兽颈子里的粗大金链条的微弱的丁当声,人的两足踏步声,独角兽的四蹄唱唱声。

    Jewel walked beside him , saying nothing ; so there was no sound between them but the faint jingle of a rich gold chain that hung round the Unicorn 's neck and the noise of two feet and four hoofs .

  3. 走路时,他衣袋里的钱币丁当作响。

    Coins in his pocket jingled as he walked .

  4. 那只小钟丁当丁当地报时。

    The little clock tinkled out the hours .

  5. 铃儿发出欢快的丁当声。

    Bells jingle merrily .

  6. 我一定要到醉花林中的沉寂的树影里搜寻,在这林中,鸽子在它们住的地方咕咕地叫着,仙女的脚环在繁星满天的静夜里丁当地响着。

    I must search in the drowsy7 shade of the bakula grove , where pigeons coo in their corner , and fairies ' anklets tinkle8 in the stillness of starry9 nights .

  7. 要是你穷的丁当响,我可以借给你钱。

    If you 're broke , I 'll lend you the money .

  8. 风铃在微风中发出丁当声。

    The wind-chimes made a tinkling sound in the breeze .

  9. 风铃在我们头上的树上发出轻柔的丁当声。

    The wind-chimes jangled gently in the tree above us .

  10. 我听到钥匙在他的衣袋里发出丁当的响声。

    I could hear the keys jingling in his pocket .

  11. 那只猫行走时,脖子上的铃铛发出丁当声。

    The bell on the cat 's collar jingled as he walked .

  12. 她们听见了砰砰的声音,还听见了玻璃杯丁当的碰撞声。

    They heard banging and a clinking of glasses .

  13. 风高兴地带走了你踝铃的丁当。

    The wind carries away in glee the tinkling of your anklet bells .

  14. 我能听到零钱相碰而发出的熟悉的丁当声,他总是把这些零钱带在身上。

    I could hear the familiar jangling of the loose change he always carried .

  15. 当他搬运玻璃杯的时候,玻璃杯发出丁当的响声。

    The glasses tinkled as he carried them .

  16. 你为什么悠闲地坐在那里,把镯子玩得丁当作响呢?

    Why do you sit there and jingle your bracelets in mere idle sport ?

  17. 像教堂里的老鼠一样,穷得丁当响!

    As poor as a church mouse !

  18. 响起了一阵喇叭的嘟嘟声和警铃的丁当声,一辆消防车隆隆地驶了过去。

    There was a great tooting and clanging , and a fire engine rumBling past .

  19. 当我按下旅店招待员桌上的铃时,它发出了丁当声。

    The bell on the hotel receptionist 's desk went Ting when I pressed it .

  20. 当地女人穿戴长裙逛完市场走回家,敞亮的耳饰叮丁当看成响。

    Local women walk home from the market wearing long skirts with ringed by bright hoops .

  21. 呵,我不小心,它打到你的丁当的脚镯上而引起悲愁。

    Alas , I was not careful , and it struck your ringing anklets and came to grief .

  22. 媚兰好像并不知道,或者不关心,生活正马刺丁当地一路驶过去了呢。

    Melanie did not seem to know , or care , that life was riding by with jingling spurs .

  23. 她那闪光的脚铃随着我的脉搏丁当作响,她那薄雾似的面纱随着我的呼吸飘动。

    The glistening bells of her anklets rang in my blood , and her misty veil fluttered in my breath .

  24. 她走动的时候,不断发出丁当丁当的声音,因为许多假玉手镯在她胳臂上面上上下下地抖动。

    When she moved about there was an incessant clicking as innumerable pottery bracelets jingled up and down upon her arms .

  25. 妆饰阻碍我们的结合,它们横亘在你我之间,它们的丁当声会淹没你的细语。

    Ornaments would mar our union ; they would come between thee and me ; their jingling would drown thy whisper .

  26. 露西是我知己的朋友,我认识的丁当声县至她是一名西席的一个高中。

    Lucy is my close friend who I came to know in Jingling county in1999.she is a teacher of one high school .

  27. 去年2月的一天清晨,当她落在我腿上的时候,我感觉我的猫-丁当的爪子狠抓了一下。

    Early one morning last February , I felt the thud of my cat Tink 's paws as she landed on my legs .

  28. 耳环发出愉快的丁当声,令人听着非常满意,以致她想同瑞德在一起时一定要记住常常摇头才好。

    They made pleasant clicking noises which were very satisfactory and she thought that she must remember to toss her head frequently when with Rhett .

  29. 她拍着她的双手,她的手镯丁当地响着,你手里拿着你的竹竿儿在跳舞,活像一个小小的牧童。

    She claps her hands and her bracelets jingle , and you dance with your bamboo stick in your hand like a tiny little shepherd .

  30. 他慢慢走下楼来,马刺丁当地响着,她还听见军刀碰撞靴筒的声音。

    He came down the steps slowly , his spurs clinking , and she could hear the slap-slap of his saber against his high boots .