
yī bān zhào mínɡ
  • General lighting;general illumination
  1. 光线强度的变化(如光束被遮断或是一般照明的降低)会造成侦测器里产生的电流随著改变。

    As the intensity of light varies - by the breaking of a light beam , say , or a decrease in general illumination - the amount of current generated by the sensor changes .

  2. 除一般照明外,盒子还有内置LED阅读台灯,而窗户也配备电动百叶窗来保护隐私。

    In addition to general lighting , the box has built-in LED reading lamps while windows are equipped with electric-drive blinds for privacy .

  3. 本文简要回顾了单色LED的发展和应用,着重叙述了白色LED的开发和作为一般照明光源的应用前景,阐明了LED照明技术对节能和环保的积极影响。

    The development and application of monochrome LEDs were briefly reviewed . This paper also described the evolution of white LED and its expectation application in general lighting . LED lighting technology has significant impact on energy-saving and environmental protection .

  4. 通过与荧光灯的理论分析对比,探讨了OLED应用于一般照明的优势和不足。

    Through theoretical analysis and the comparison with fluorescent lamps , the author discuss the strength and weakness of OLED 's application in the general lighting .

  5. 本标准采用房间或场所一般照明的照明功率密度(简称LPD)作为照明节能的评价指标,用瓦每平方米来定量(Wm2)。

    The lighting power density ( LPD ) of general lighting in room or place is taken as the criterion of energy efficient lighting .

  6. 对于一般照明而言,人们更需要白色的光源。

    For general lighting , people need more white light sources .

  7. 这些图像的色彩平衡的基础上的一般照明条件。

    These balance the image color based on those general lighting conditions .

  8. 一般照明只能观测光纤端面不透明的污染。

    Common illumination merely cares opaque contamination .

  9. 第一个解决方案是太阳能手电筒,村民可以把它用于室内一般照明。

    The first was for a solar-powered flashlight that villagers can use for general indoor lighting .

  10. 一般照明及电力配电

    General light and power distribution

  11. 根据地下商场的特殊环境提出在地下商场电气照明设计中应重视入口的过渡照明,合理安排商场内部的一般照明,重点照明和装饰照明,处理好三者之间的关系并探讨了照明光源的选择。

    According to the special surroundings of underground shop , putting forward that special attention should be paid to transition lighting , common lighting , accent lighting and decoration lighting in the shop are rationally arranged , while designing for the electric lighting of underground shop .

  12. 在国王城堡,在当天,该名男子,他谁救你不是一般的照明。

    On that day in King Castle , the man he who saved you is not General lighting .

  13. 高亮度发光二极管是用在室内的一切从一般天花板照明灯光显示情况推算。

    HB LEDs are used in the room for everything from general ceiling lighting to display case lighting to projection .

  14. 公路隧道照明,尤其是高速公路隧道照明与一般道路照明要求不同,隧道白天也需要照明,而且白天照明问题比夜间更加复杂。

    Tunnel lighting , especially highway tunnel lighting , has many different requirements from the ordinary roads . It needs illumination during the daytime , which is more complicate than illumination at night .

  15. 一般以直接照明为前提。

    Photometric Stereo Method ( PSM ) is generally based on the direct illumination .

  16. 该灯比一般的太阳照明设备更明亮,持续时间更长。

    The SecureLight LED lamp is brighter and lasts longer than typical solar lighting .