
diān huàn
  • transversion;traser
颠换[diān huàn]
  1. 整个COⅠ基因序列的碱基转换数为2,颠换数为0。

    Of all CO ⅰ gene sequences , the number of the transition is 2 , and its of the transversion is 0 .

  2. 结果显示:牛亚科不同物种间线粒体细胞色素b基因的转换/颠换比值为4.9,突变未达到饱和状态;

    The results showed that among different species the transition / transversion ( Ts / Tv ) of Cytochrome b gene was 4.9 , suggesting that the mutation was not saturation ;

  3. 用吸收Markov链模型计算了氨基酸变异度和丰度,证明转换颠换和摆动突变的差别使不同氨基酸的变异度和丰度的相对变化加大。

    The relative mutability and frequency of amino acids are calculated by use of absorbent Markov chain model .

  4. RSVNS和N基因区虽较稳定,但仍有颠换突变。

    Although NS 、 N genes of RSV were rather stable , there were still exchanging mutations .

  5. 羊鲍和耳鲍COⅠ基因片段的核苷酸序列之间有29bp的差异,其中有8处发生碱基颠换,21处发生碱基转换,差异为15.03%,同源性为84.97%;

    There were 29 base differences between them , including 8 base transversions and 21 base transitions , and homology between them was 84.97 % ;

  6. 考虑碱基组成对碱基替换的影响后,转换对颠换的优势在四倍简并位点也存在,但不如线粒体DNA中显著。

    Taking into account of the effects of base composition on base substitution , it was found that the transition-transversion bias was evident but not as pronounced as in mitochondrial DNA .

  7. 可变碱基的主要变异形式为碱基转换(94.17%),其次为颠换(2.53%),最常见的碱基转换类型为A→G和T→C。

    The dominant type of variation was transition ( 94.17 % ), followed by transversion ( 2.53 % ) . The most common transition types were A → G and T → C.

  8. 结果表明:NcoⅠ位点多态性为A/G颠换;

    The Nco ⅰ polymorphism was A / G.

  9. 西安市病例p53第五外显子突变谱相对集中(157、159密码子为主),G→T颠换较多见(5/10);

    In Xi , an EC cases the mutation spectrums of exon 5 were relatively concentrated ( mainly codon 157 、 159 ), and the G → T transversion was most prevalent ( 5 / 10 );

  10. 一个位于3257,发生C到A的颠换。比较人IRS&1基因的阅读框发现,这两个SNP均可引起编码的氨基酸改变,可能具有重要生物学意义。

    One is G / A in position 2650 , another is C / A in position 3257 . Comparing to the ORF of human 's , both of the SNPs can cause the amino acid change , and maybe affect the functions of IRS-1 .

  11. 结果Best病家系10个成员中,9人VMD2基因外显子2第223位碱基C-T颠换,其中6人通过眼底和眼电生理检查证实为Best病患者,2人为该突变的纯合子;

    Results In the 10 members , T → C nucleotide change at the 223 base of exon 3 was detected in 9 , including 6 with Best disease who was confirmed by ophthalmoscopy and electrophysiological examination in whom 2 were affirmed as having homozygote of this mutation .

  12. 科学家发现位于LTC4S启动子区(-444)腺嘌呤与胸腺嘧啶之间的颠换与心血管疾病亚临床人群存在关联。

    The scientists found that the ( - 444 ) A > C promoter region polymorphism of LTC4S was associated with subclinical markers of cardiovascular disease ( CVD ) .

  13. 结果发现,3头中国荷斯坦牛mtDNAD-Loop区的平均核苷酸变异率为0.59%,其核苷酸变异类型包括转换、颠换和插入3种形式,其中,以转换最为常见。

    The results showed that the average nucleotide mutational rate of mtDNA D-loop in 3 Chinese Holstein cow was 0.59 % , and three types of mutations including transition , transversion and insertion were all found in mtDNA D-loop region , of which transition was the most frequent .

  14. 核苷酸的变异类型为转换和颠换,没有插入和缺失。

    There are two types of mutation of nucleotide .

  15. 117个转换和45个颠换,6个插入/缺失。

    There were 117 transitions , 45 transversions and 6 insertions / deletions .

  16. 在经过验证的165个非沉默突变位点中经常出现碱基的转换和颠换。

    Base transitions and base transversions were frequently found among 165 confirmed non-silenced mutations .

  17. 该序列与普通牛的相应序列具有很高的同源性(98.1℅),但存在8个碱基差异,碱基突变类型包括1个缺失,5个转换和2个颠换。

    The eight base differences include one deletion , five transition , and two transversion .

  18. 其中15次转换,8次颠换。

    There are 23 nucleotide substitutions ( 5.72 % ), including 15 transitions and 8 transversions .

  19. 嘌呤为嘧啶取代或嘧啶为嘌呤所取代,叫做颠换。

    The substitution of a purine for a pyrimidine , or vice versa is a transversion .

  20. 蛋白编码基因中四倍简并位点碱基转换与颠换的规律研究

    Study on the Principles of Base Change in 4 - fold Degenerate Sites of Protein Coding Genes

  21. 第7外显子的突变发生在249位密码子第3号碱基上,为G:C→T:A的颠换突变;

    Single base transvertion occurred at codon 249 in exon 7 : G : C → T : A.

  22. 结果显示:碱基变异的类型包括转换、颠换和缺失。

    Transforming Bridge The results show that the types of DNA base mutation included the transition , the transversion and the deletion .

  23. G:C→T:A颠换突变占总突变数的41%(9/22)。

    In all mutations , G : C → T : A transversions accounted for 41 % ( 9 / 22 ) .

  24. 检出11处单核苷酸变异,其中9个转换,2个颠换。

    Altogether 11 single nucleotide substitutions were observed among these sequences , of which nine belong to transitions and two belongs to transversions .

  25. 其突变类型有明显偏向性,以A/T的突变为主,转换多于颠换。

    But the mutation showed obvious base bias with most substitutions at A / T positions and a prevalence of transition over transversion .

  26. 该序列在3个位点处发生转换型突变,未发现碱基的增加、缺失以及颠换型突变。

    Nucleotide base transitions were found at 3 loci in the sequence , while there is no insertion , deletion and transversion mutation .

  27. 二者的序列有49处差异,其中21个位点为转换、22个位点为颠换和6个缺失/插入位点。

    There were 49 different sites between the two species , including 21 transition sites , 22 transversion sites and 6 deletion / insertion sites .

  28. 在D环区,有13和1个位点分别出现转换和颠换。

    In the D-loop region , there are 13 and 1 sites , respectively , characterized by transition and transversion among the 4 sun bears sequenced .

  29. 在433个核苷酸位点中,有插入/缺失35个,转换为34,颠换为21,转换/颠换比率为1.67。

    In the 433 nucleotide sites , 34 transitional and 21 transversional sites with 35 indels were found , and the ratio between transition and transversion was 1.67 .

  30. 在碱基置换中,转换的频率(58.3%)高于颠换的频率(29.2%)。

    Interestingly , the frequency of the base transition ( 58.3 % ) is obviously higher than that of the base transversion ( 29.2 % ) among the base replacements .