
  • 网络Disruptive Technology
  1. 如今,颠覆性技术问世的频率似乎赶不上经济稳定增长的需要。

    Disruptive technologies now appear less frequently than steady economic growth requires .

  2. 但他们的创新却成了颠覆性技术的牺牲品。

    But their innovations fell victim to disruptive technologies .

  3. 量子科技发展具有重大科学意义和战略价值,是一项对传统技术体系产生冲击、进行重构的重大颠覆性技术创新,将引领新一轮科技革命和产业变革方向。

    The development of quantum science and technology is of great scientific significance and strategic value . It is a major disruptive technological .

  4. •“我们的产品是真正的颠覆性技术。”

    • " our product is truly disruptive technology . "

  5. 移动平台将成为企业的下一种颠覆性技术。

    Mobile platforms have become the next disruptive technological force in the enterprise .

  6. 超强的盈利能力也会吸引超强的竞争对手,而且颠覆性技术可能在突然之间就取代了业已成熟的模式。

    Super profitability attracts super competition , and disruptive technologies can take even established models by surprise .

  7. 看重技术解决方案、需要颠覆性技术的公司也是如此。

    Also less effective are companies that emphasize technology solutions and need a robust pipeline of game-changing technology .

  8. 而颠覆性技术孕育新的产品和服务,其市场影响力难以预测。

    But disruptive technologies foster new products and services with a market impact that cannot be easily predicted .

  9. 颠覆性技术往往需要多年时间才能被市场所接受,这么长的时间投资者可等不起。

    Disruptive technologies typically take years to catch on , which is longer than they can afford to wait .

  10. 经济学家们表示,这种不稳定可能加剧已经在应对颠覆性技术变革的家庭和企业的脆弱性。

    Economists said the instability threatened to exacerbate the vulnerability of households and companies , which were already responding to disruptive technological changes .

  11. 某种商业模式一度曾大获成功,但有朝一日,颠覆性技术和新商业模式开始崛起,取而代之,这就是百视达的遭遇。

    The blockbuster story is about a business model that was successful until a disruptive technology and a new business model displaced it .

  12. 他们已经因颠覆性技术将对社会产生的影响而饱受抨击,他们不希望看到自己的商业创新被改造后用于制造毁灭。

    Already under fire for the impact that disruptive technologies will have on society , they have no wish to see their commercial innovations adapted to devastating effect .

  13. 在颠覆性技术和后危机思维模式的帮助下,这一力量也有潜力改善更广泛的金融中介流程,将可产生效益的资本的提供者和使用者集合到一起。

    Enabled by disruptive technologies and post-crisis mindsets , they also have the potential to improve the broader intermediation process that brings together sources and uses of productive capital .

  14. 一位知情人士表示,李嘉诚和维港投资并不搜寻特定的公司,而是识别那些正在浮现的、需要颠覆性技术来解决的社会和行业趋势。

    Rather than hunting for specific companies , Mr Li and Horizons have identified specific societal and industrial trends that are coming and that require disruptive technology to solve , according to a person close to the group .

  15. Uber甚至在它的主场地盘&美国也遭到了抵制,对于颠覆性的技术来说,美国是最大的自由市场之一。

    The company has even run into resistance on its home turf of the United States , one of the most freewheeling markets for disruptive technologies .

  16. 一些OLED的支持者深信他们拥有的是一种“颠覆性”技术,它将在中、小型显示器市场以快速增长的态势来挑战TFT-LCD。

    Some OLED proponents believe that their technology is a " disruptive " technology that will challenge TFT-LCDs in the rapidly growing market for small - and medium-sized displays .

  17. 托尼·法德尔曾经是苹果公司(Apple)高管,离职后与人共同创建了Nest【这家公司最近被谷歌(Google)斥资32亿美元收购】。他因为创造性的思维和颠覆性的技术被人们比作史蒂夫o乔布斯以及拉里·佩奇。

    Tony Fadell , a former Apple AAPL - 1.03 % executive who went on to co-found Nest ( which recently sold to Google GOOG 0.26 % for $ 3.2 billion ) , has been likened to Steve Jobs and Larry Page for his innovative thinking and disruptive technology .

  18. 一旦颠覆性的技术威胁到现有秩序,从而影响金融稳定,那么监管部门很有可能会取缔这些技术。

    If disruptive technologies were to threaten the existing order , and hence financial stability , regulators would probably throttle them .

  19. 有时候,一项真正“颠覆性”技术的到来能摧毁整个行业,如数字成像技术。

    Occasionally , a genuinely " disruptive " technology , such as digital imaging , comes along and wipes out an entire industry .

  20. 假性出勤问题还没有明确的答案,特别是如果你所在的行业正在经历颠覆性的技术变革。如今这种变革似乎覆盖了大多数行业。

    The answers to the presenteeism problem are not clear , especially if you work in an industry undergoing serious technological disruption , which seems to cover most sectors today .

  21. 冈萨雷斯说:无论是某种突破性的配方,还是某种颠覆性的技术,只要它让顾客觉得惊艳,这种发现感就会加深顾客与品牌的联系。

    A sense of discovery will deepen a customer 's connection of the brand as they embrace the ' wow ' factor , Gonzalez says . Be it a groundbreaking formulation or a disruptive technology .

  22. 每年我都会花时间思考,今年有哪些从具有误导性变成颠覆性的技术,今天的领导人需要思考这一问题并开始利用这些技术。

    Every year I spend time thinking about what are the technologies going from deceptive to disruptive this year that today 's exponential leaders need to be thinking about and actually beginning to work with .

  23. Isis公司的技术转移团队主管理查德o霍利迪表示,如果这些研究人员能为自己的产品找到合适的用途,这项发现将催生非常具有颠覆性的显示技术。

    Richard Holliday , a technology transfer team leader at Isis , said that the discovery could lead to very disruptive display technology if the researchers can find the right use for it .

  24. Isis公司的技术转移团队主管理查德o霍利迪表示,如果这些研究人员能为自己的产品找到合适的用途,这项发现将催生非常“具有颠覆性的显示技术”。

    Richard Holliday , a technology transfer team leader at Isis , said that the discovery could lead to very " disruptive display technology " if the researchers can find the right use for it .

  25. 颠覆性创新是技术的发展轨迹与需求的变化轨迹不同步造成的。

    Subversive innovation is caused by the reason that the track of development of technology and changes in demand is not synchronized .