
  • 网络electrostatic hazard
  1. 计算机房静电危害及其防护

    Electrostatic hazard and its protection in computer labs

  2. 由于对于静电危害的认识不足而导致事故的发生和风险的存在,促使我们要加强对粉体静电危害的研究。

    Accidents resulted from lack of awareness of electrostatic hazard and the existence of electrostatic risks urges us to strengthen study on powder electrostatic hazard .

  3. 由于PE和PP具有极高的体积电阻率和表面电阻率而导致静电荷的积累,因此在使用中经常发生静电危害。

    However , because of ultra-high bulk resistivity and surface resistivity of PE and PP materials , the articles made of PP or PE have notorious static problem .

  4. 为消除静电危害,工业上一般将材料的表面电阻率限制在10~(12)Ω/sq.以下。

    To minimize these hazards , the surface resistivity of materials will be generally limited below 10 ~ ( 12 )Ω / sq.

  5. 液压系统静电危害及其防范措施的研究

    Research of Electrostatic Harm and Its Preventive Measures in Hydraulic System

  6. 电装车间的静电危害及静电防护

    Electrostatic Hazards and the Electrostatic Protection of the Electronic Assembly Workshop

  7. 浅谈静电危害与静电防护

    Talking about the Hazard and Prevention of the Static Electricity

  8. 静电危害的防治

    The Prevention and Control of the Harms of Static Electricity

  9. 涤纶聚酯切片生产包装静电危害防治对策

    Preventive measures for static hazard in manufacture and packaging of polyester chips

  10. 工厂计算机房的静电危害及防护措施

    Static Accidents and Their Protective Measures in the Computer Room of a Factory

  11. 静电危害与直流离子流静电消除器

    Electrostatic Nuisances and the DC Ion Airflow Electrostatic Eliminator

  12. 地质灾害防治对策简析油品的静电危害及防范措施

    Analysis of Electrostatic Hazards and Prevention Measures

  13. 轻质油品铁路充装作业的静电危害及防范措施

    Doing Homework Electric Static Harm of Light Oil Loading in Railroad Tank and its Prevention Measure

  14. 防静电危害

    Preventing Harm from Static Electricity

  15. 阐述了各种静电危害和消除静电的方法,指出了防止静电危害的劳动防护措施。

    The paper describes a great deal of static harms and anti-static technologies , and points out labour protection measures to prevent static harm .

  16. 导电屏蔽塑料是防止静电危害、电磁波污染的一种有广泛前景的功能高分子材料。

    Conductive and shielding plastic is one of functional polymer materials which can resist static hazard and electromagnetic wave pollution and has extensive research and application prospect .

  17. 加油的时候要避免潜在的静电危害,可以在出汽车的时候摸一下金属门框。紧抓着金属门框,直到完全走出汽车。

    Avoid potentially dangerous shocks while pumping gas by touching the vehicle 's metal doorframe before you get out of the car.Hold the metal until you are completely out of the car .

  18. 静电的危害与PACS机房的静电防护

    The danger of static electricity and its protection of PACS computer room

  19. 静电的危害与防静电包装

    The Harm from Static Electricity and The Anti - electrostatic Packaging

  20. 浅谈静电的危害和防护教育

    Introducing The Dangers and Static Electricity Preventing Education

  21. 油品储运过程中静电的危害及预防

    The harm and prevention of static during the storage and transportation of oil product

  22. 对火工生产静电的危害及对策措施的研究与探讨

    Study on the Hazard and Countermeasures of Static Electricity in the Initiating Explosive Device Production

  23. 煤矿井下静电的危害及防治对策

    The Harm of Static Electricity and Antidote

  24. 通过介绍静电的危害性和普遍性,说明静电防护及静电防护教育的必要性。

    The static electricity preventing and static electricity preventing education are necessary through introducing the dangers and generality of static electricity .

  25. 综述了塑料静电的危害,抗静电剂的分类和特性,论述了抗静电剂的使用技术和作用机理,介绍了国内外抗静电剂的生产厂家和产品类型。

    The harm , classification and characteristics of antistatic agents are reviewed , the applied technology and mechanism of the action of antistatic agents are discussed .

  26. 日本是ESD(静电放电)危害问题比较严重的国家,日本学者对ESD电磁场进行了比较全面的研究。

    The hazards of ESD are severity in Japan , so Japanese scholars have conducted comprehensive research on ESD EM-fields .

  27. 文章介绍了当采用IGS惰性气体系统和COW原油洗舱的措施之后,可有效地防止或减少静电产生的危害。

    He states in the article that after taking the measures to wash tankers with " IGS " inert gas and " COW " crude oil , the damage caused by static electricity can be effectively prevented or lessened .

  28. 日常生活生产中,静电问题和危害普遍存在。

    The hazards from electrostatic charging exist in daily living and production .

  29. 石油化工装置生产过程中静电产生的危害及其防护

    Harmfulness of the static electricity generated in petrochemical plant production and it 's protection

  30. 化工生产过程中的静电火灾爆炸危害与防护

    Fire Explosion Hazards of Static Electricity and its Prevention during the Process of Chemical Production