
  • 网络ESD;static
  1. 高楼林立中的静电干扰是引发大楼病综合征的原因之一。

    Built-up static contributes to sick building syndrome .

  2. 起初是一阵静电干扰声,紧接着是一连串刺耳,慌乱,令人毛骨悚然的尖叫声。

    At first there was a burst of static , then immediately a succession of piercing , frantic , chilling screams .

  3. 该仪器具有抗静电干扰特性,能满足测量涤/棉浆纱直至1.5%的低回潮率的要求,并输出一个可供回潮率PI自调的标准信号。

    It can measure the moisture regain of sized polyester / cotton warp as low as 1.5 % satisfactorily , in spite of the disturbance due to static charge and offer a standard signal for PI automatic regulation of moisture regain .

  4. 为防止静电干扰产生的噪声,有必要采用屏蔽。

    Shielding is necessary to prevent noise due to electrostatic interference .

  5. 我打开无线电,但除了静电干扰,什麽也听不到。

    I switched on the radio and get nothing but static .

  6. 测试系统静电干扰的仿真实验研究

    A Simulating Test Study on Electrostatic Interference of Testing System

  7. 我的电视机没静电干扰。

    I don 't have any static on my set .

  8. 这个电台在哪个波段?无线电波长的静电干扰。

    What wavelength is this station on ? static at radio wavelengths .

  9. 频率调制不允许静电干扰混入。

    Frequency modulation does not allow static to creep in .

  10. 因为有太多的静电干扰,我不能听到节目

    I can not hear the program because there is too much static

  11. 但这些信号容易遭受静电干扰。

    These signals can easily be disrupted by static .

  12. 她认为掠夺者的反应可能引起了静电干扰

    She thinks the static may be caused by the skitter 's reaction .

  13. 静电干扰对计算机装置的危害这种现象进行讨论。

    The phenomena which electrostatic disturbance do harm to computer installations are discussed .

  14. 证明掠夺者和静电干扰之间没有联系

    That the skitter and the static are unrelated .

  15. 减反射抗静电干扰镀膜

    Anti-Reflectance Anti - Static and Contrast Enhancing Coating

  16. 当把某个带电的物理拿到样本附近时就会产生静电干扰。

    Electrostatic interference occurs when an electrically charged object is brought near the sample .

  17. 真好又听到了静电干扰

    It 's nice to hear static again .

  18. 针式打印机的抗静电干扰问题及其解决方案

    Electrostatic Interference in Pins Printer and Solution

  19. 为避免静电干扰,该电容器应放在一个屏蔽的测试夹具内。

    To prevent electrostatic interference , the capacitor is placed in a shielded test fixture .

  20. 无线电波长的静电干扰。变电站和换流站电磁骚扰的测量与特征分析

    Static at radio wavelengths . Measurement and Analysts of Electromagnetic Disturbances in Substations and Converter Stations

  21. 起初,他们的语言听起来很走调,像是勒着喉咙发出来的辅音和静电干扰的噪音。

    At first , their language sounded out of tune , full of strangled consonants and static .

  22. 无线电干扰波场强计无线电波长的静电干扰。

    Static at radio wavelengths .

  23. 你得给人最好的印象,嗓门盖过静电干扰声或汽车喇叭未免不专业。

    You need to make the best impression , and talking over static or car horns is not professional .

  24. 我的电视机没有静电干扰。静电陀螺仪加转磁场转速对加转力矩和加转时间的影响

    I do not get any static on my set . Variation of run-up torque and run-time by changing the rotational speed of ESG magnetic field

  25. 带阴极射线管的显示设备,当受到静电干扰时,会引起图像紊乱,模糊不请。

    With a cathode ray tube display device , when subject to static interference , it will cause the image disorders , blurred not ask .

  26. 研究设计了干法粉磨用大电流迅变脉冲粉体静电干扰装置。

    In order to research and design the transient large current pulse equipment which is used for dry mill equipment to interfere the electrostatic condition was designed .

  27. 拳引供电系统对铁路通信信号设备的干扰主要有三方面:静电干扰、电磁辐射和传导性干扰。

    The interference caused by the traction power supply system on the railway signaling equipments mainly has three aspects : electro-static discharge interference , electromagnetic radiation and conductive interference .

  28. 你有没有拿起电话接听却只听到另一端传来噪音的经历,或者你听到的是夹杂着静电干扰声的点滴谈话或歌唱声这种经历?

    Have you ever picked up your telephone only to hear noise on the other end ? Or maybe you heard bits of conversation or singing over some static ?

  29. 切换和测量具有高内阻的电压源会受各种误差的影响,包括偏移电流、寄生漏泄通路,以及静电干扰。

    Switching and measuring voltage sources with high internal impedance are subject to a number of errors , including offset currents , stray leakage paths , and electrostatic interference .

  30. 作者通过对测量生物电用前置放大器两种接地方法的分析比较,阐述了提高前置放大器抗工频干扰和抗静电干扰能力的方法。

    The author mainly analyses and compare two different methods of grounding of preamplifier , and illustrate the ability of resisting static and the interference of work frequently while testing the bioelectricity .