
  1. 预审费于预审核前支付。

    Pre-audit fee shall be paid by Party A before the pre-audit .

  2. 大宗金钱费于建设模范农场。

    Large sums were expended on model farms .

  3. 大宗金钱费于建设模范农试论可持续消费与全面建设小康社会

    Large sums were expended on model farms . Sustainable Consumption and Building All-rand Well-off Society

  4. 折旧费用和已耗保险费于会计期末在调整分录中记录。

    The cost of depreciation and expired insurance may be recorded as adjustments at the end of the accounting period .

  5. 体育馆提供免费停车服务,不收入场费,于早上11:30开门。

    There is free parking and no admission charge to the stadium , where the gates open at11.30am .

  6. 超市向供应商收取进场费源于美国,1995年由家乐福带入中国。

    It was from U.S.A. that the supermarket collects the slotting fee from its supplier , and it was brought into China by Carrefour in 1995 .

  7. 曼联为博格巴支付的转会费相当于该俱乐部2015年营业收入(最新可获得数据)的20.2%,如果2016年能够实现预计收入的话,这一比例可能降至不足18%。

    Manchester United 's outlay on Pogba represents 20.2 per cent of its operating income for 2015 - the latest figures available - and could fall to less than 18 per cent if expected earnings for 2016 are realised .

  8. 宽带初装费大约相当于500美元(约合3100元人民币),而速度为每秒1M的网络服务的月使用费为70美元;

    Installation costs the equivalent of about $ 500 , and the monthly rate for a 1 megabyte-per-second connection is about $ 70 ;

  9. 宽带初装费大约相当于500美元(约合3100元人民币),而速度为每秒1M的网络服务的月使用费为70美元;2M的则为120美元。

    Installation costs the equivalent of about $ 500 , and the monthly rate for a 1 megabyte-per-second connection is about $ 70 ; the monthly rate for a connection twice as fast is $ 120 .

  10. 按同样的方法衡量,马拉多纳1984年的500万英镑转会费,相当于今天的1200万英镑或1750万英镑。

    Maradona 's 5m transfer fee in 1984 is worth 12m or 17.5m today , by the same metrics .

  11. 只要家里有一人患脑膜炎,医疗费就会相当于全家3至4个月的收入。

    A single case of meningitis can cost a household the equivalent of three to four months of income .

  12. 总而言之,网站和报纸互为替代品,收取订阅费有助于适度避免两者互相竞争。

    The website and the newspaper are substitutes after all , and charging for subscriptions helped prevent a modest amount of cannibalisation .

  13. 费恩出生于加泰罗尼亚农村,孩提时随家迁往巴塞罗那一个工人阶层聚居的郊区。

    Born in rural Catalonia , he moved with his family to a working class suburb of Barcelona when he was a child .

  14. 同样的,非属本会计年度的预付保险费不会出现于损益表中的费用项目。

    Similarly , insurance premium paid for any part of the next financial year will not go to the expense in the income statement .

  15. 请在存款单(客户副本)或自动柜员机交易纪录上写上姓名,并将申请费收据贴于申请表上之指定位置。

    Please mark your name on the original customer copy of the Deposit Slip or the ATM Advice and stick it onto the application form .

  16. 王子费利佩出生于1968年1月30日,西班牙马德里,是女王索菲亚和国王胡安·卡洛斯一世的第三个儿子。

    Prince Felipe , the third child of Queen Sof í a and King Juan Carlos , was born on January 30 , 1968 , in Madrid , Spain .

  17. 无/低费方案着重于企业内部生产管理和小的工艺改进,具有投资少、见效快和易操作的特性。

    Non and low cost option of cleaner production is focused on the improvement of industrial production management and small technological reformation , and it has such merits as low investment , easy operation and quick profit .

  18. square收取2.75%的交易服务费,大致相当于传统信用卡处理器的收费标准,但不收月费和初装费。

    The transaction fee of 2.75 per cent is similar to that charged by conventional credit card processors but square does not charge monthly or set-up fees .

  19. 文比加特队的官员们开了一个短会,决定把克里斯滕森的转会费定为相当于其体重的虾。

    After a brief meeting , Vindbjart 's officials decided that the transfer payment would be Kristensen 's weight in shrimp .

  20. 在前一种情况下,统一比例的手续费可以分别应用于作为整体的索赔,或者索赔的每一个词尾。

    In the first case the flat charge can apply to either claim as a whole or each suffix of the claim separately .

  21. 但是《哈克贝利费恩》出版于1884年,而如今,脑力工作像体力活一样,将流向能提供最好性价比的人。

    But Huckleberry Finn was published in1884.And brain work is going the way of manual work , to whoever will provide the best value for money .

  22. 奥林巴斯承认支出了6.87亿美元的咨询费,这相当于交易总价的三分之一,对于任何并购来说,都是前所未有的咨询费金额。

    Olympus has acknowledged paying out $ 687m in fees , equivalent to a third of the deal price and an unprecedented amount for any acquisition advisory fee .

  23. 它们的候选人遭到了恐吓和严格审查,并需要缴纳500美元的登记费&几乎相当于这个赤贫国家的人均年收入。

    Its candidates have faced intimidation , strict censorship and a registration fee of $ 500 , not far short of annual per capita income in the impoverished country .

  24. 张曼玉不费吹灰之力地游走于商业片和艺术电影。她的炫目光彩让亚洲和欧洲的观众着迷,而构成她光彩的体态和优雅,又让人回想起旧时的电影明星。

    Moving effortlessly between commercial and art-house , Cheung has dazzled Asian and European audiences with a poise and elegance reminiscent of a movie star from a bygone age .

  25. 客户支付此类产品维修费的义务将于产品从合同中被去掉的当月月底终止。

    Customer 's obligation to pay service fees with respect to product removed from this Agreement shall terminate at the end of the month during which such product is removed .

  26. 乔丹一个人的出场费、广告费收入就相当于一个企业,乔丹本人就是国家的纳税大户。

    The in - come of Jordan 's fee of entering the arena and advertisement are equal to that of an enterprise . Jordan himself is an important customer of taxpaying for the country .

  27. 本文提出了污水处理费要从水价分离,首次提出污水处理费是独立于水价的一种收费。

    This article proposed the sewage handling fee needs from the sailor separation , to propose for the first time the sewage handling fee is the independence in the sailor one kind of charge .

  28. 去年,C罗以8千万英镑(1.212亿美元)的转会费从曼联转会至皇家马德里,创下世界足坛最高转会费纪录。C罗于上周六称,自己当上父亲感觉非常开心。

    The winger , who moved to Real Madrid from Manchester United for a record fee of 80 million pounds ( $ 121.2 million ) last year , said on Saturday that he was overjoyed to have become a father .