
  • 网络pyrrhus;Price.J.
  1. 罗马的扩张:皮拉斯,迦太基战争及行省;

    Roman expansion : Pyrrhus , Punic Wars and provinces ;

  2. 皮拉斯对法布里丘斯十分景仰,邀请法布里丘斯做他的参谋长。

    Pyrrhus admired Fabricius and invited him to be his chief of staff .

  3. 罗马决定不向皮拉斯求和,公元前二七五年,在贝尼芬顿把皮拉斯打败。

    The Romans decided against seeking peace , and in275 BC defeated Pyrrhus at Beneventum .

  4. 皮拉斯见了,就下令麾下骑兵进攻,终于赢了这场战争。

    When Pyrrhus saw this , he commanded his cavalry to charge , and that won him the battle .

  5. 混乱之中,一个老婆婆从屋顶掷下一片瓦,刚巧打在皮拉斯脖子上。

    During this melee , an old woman threw a tile down from her roof , and it happened to hit Pyrrhus on the neck .