
  • 网络Federer;roger federer;Fiedler
  1. 随着比赛的进行,两年前曾经在同一片场地战胜过费德勒的桑普拉斯开始发力,发出一记ACE和一个漂亮的截击拿下了第二盘比赛,将比赛拖入抢十。

    Sampras , who beat Roger Federer at the same venue in an exhibition two years ago , bounced back in the second set , serving an ace and using a delicate pickup volley to draw even .

  2. 费德勒:我的第一个想法就是首先应该把网球选手们集中起来,相互探讨一下,然后再和维里尔斯或者ATP中的其他官员进行讨论,而不是像现在这样,你说你的,我说我的。

    ROGER FEDERER : Well , my first concern is sort of get some players together and talk to each other , talk to Etienne or to guys at the ATP , sort of talk together .

  3. 尽管詹姆斯和费德勒在工资和薪水上要少一些(相比于C罗和梅西),但是这两人去年的代言费是最高的,其中17次大满贯得主费德勒去年代言收入达到了4100万英镑。

    Despite relatively low comparative competition earnings and salary , the pair were the two highest earners in regards to endorsement deals last year , with 17-time Grand Slam champion Federer earning pound 41 million .

  4. 此次胜利使穆雷在亚洲赛季实现了惊人的帽子戏法。苏格兰人显出锐不可当之势,排名超过16次大满贯冠军费德勒,成为ATP排名第三。

    The victory completed a stunning Asian hat-trick for Murray and allowed the seemingly unstoppable Scot to leapfrog 16-time grand-slam champion Federer into third spot in the ATP list .

  5. 安迪•罗迪克在Twitter网站为这对双胞胎留言。在上月温网决赛中,这位美国选手惜败27岁的费德勒,也成就了费德勒夺得第15次大满贯。

    American Andy Roddick , who the27-year-old Federer beat in last month 's Wimbledon final to claim his15th grand slam , sent a message from his Twitter page about the twins .

  6. 马克西姆·瑟盖(MaksimSurguy),29岁,华盛顿州费德勒尔韦

    Maksim Surguy , 29 , Federal Way , Wash .

  7. 自从2010年5月份澳网公开赛决赛费德勒跟穆雷(AndyMurray)较量以来,球迷们已经有很长时间没有在大满贯比赛中见到这样一位费德勒了。

    Tennis fans hadn 't seen this Federer at a Grand Slam tournament in years , not since he met Murray in the 2010 Australian Open final .

  8. 再次成为世界第一、七次夺得温网冠军追平纪录的费德勒(RogerFederer),时隔不久再次让世人叹为观止。

    It wasn 't long ago that Roger Federer , No. 1 in the world again and a Wimbledon champion for a record-tying seventh time , looked this spectacular all the time .

  9. 其他选手则早在12岁就进入了非全日制或函授课程,以便更多地专注于打网球,其中包括费德勒(RogerFederer)这样从青少年组比赛开始的选手。

    Other players , including those who begin on the junior circuit like Roger Federer , enter a part-time or correspondence program as early as the age of 12 to allow greater focus on tennis .

  10. 他把李世石形容为“围棋界的罗杰•费德勒(RogerFederer)”,因此对一些人来说,AlphaGo的成就类似于一台机器人站上了温布尔登的草坪并战胜了这位网球传奇冠军。

    He describes Mr Lee as the " Roger Federer of Go , " and for some the computer program 's achievement is akin to a robot taking to the lawns of Wimbledon and beating the legendary tennis champion .

  11. 美国网球公开赛期间——它总是在时装秀前举办——我们把比赛录下来,我来这里时,如果幸运的话,能赶上纳达尔(Nadal)、德约科维奇(Djokovic)或费德勒(Federer)的比赛。

    When the U.S. Open is on , which is always right before the show , we tape it , and I 'll just come in and hopefully , if I 'm lucky , I 'll hit Nadal and Djokovic or Federer . So that 's in here ;

  12. 费德勒:可能是有那么一段时间吧。

    ROGER FEDERER : Well , there 's a few moments .

  13. 他在对费德勒的半决赛中表现平平。

    He was far from impressive in his semi-final against Federer .

  14. 你已经练得很好啦,安迪。费德勒。

    You 've done very well for yourself , Andy fiddler .

  15. 如果费德勒可以进步,我也可以。

    If Federer can improve , I can too for sure .

  16. 费德勒:我真的没看到,只是听说而已。

    ROGER FEDERER : I didn 't see it at all .

  17. 费德勒期待着在澳网公开赛决赛上与安迪穆雷一决高下。

    Federer looking ahead meeting Andy Murray in the Australian Open final .

  18. 法国网球公开赛费德勒夺冠原因分析

    The Analysis of Causes for Federal 's French Open Championship

  19. 费德勒与纳达尔法网决赛3次颠峰对决比较研究

    Analysis On Three Times Of French Open Final For Federer And Nadal

  20. 费德勒:绝对是,我是这么认为的。

    ROGER FEDERER : Absolutely , I really do think , yeah .

  21. 你在走死胡同,费德勒。

    You 're going down a blind alley , fiedler .

  22. 费德勒的内收肌的良好灵活性更过的归功于他的天赋。

    Federer 's adductor flexibility accounts for a lot of his'talent ' .

  23. 伦敦知道单单杀了费德勒没有好处。

    London knew it was no good just killing fiedler .

  24. 费德勒:是的,我感到非常高兴。

    ROGER FEDERER : Yeah , well , I 'm very happy .

  25. 你已经听过费德勒同志的起诉了。

    You have heard the accusations of Comrade fiedler .

  26. 费德勒还称他现在很享受这种慢慢积累的兴奋感。

    In the meantime , Federer said he was enjoying the building excitement .

  27. 瑞士邮政局解开了关于费德勒邮票的种种迷团。

    Swiss Post has lifted the secret surrounding the Roger Federer special stamp .

  28. 这时费德勒的眼泪已如泉涌,他不得不停下来。

    At that point Federer had to stop as the tears welled up .

  29. 有一件事情一直是肯定的:费德勒靠得住。

    One thing was always certain : All would be well with Federer .

  30. 瑞士邮政局向发行了一张费德勒的肖像邮票。

    Swiss Post has presented the special Roger Federer stamp to the public .