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  1. 1982年在普通小麦春冬杂交组合阿彭13/75&1297的F1中发现部分不育株,经初步研究确定,是不同于提型的质核互作雄性不育系,称临型不育系,以Ls表示。

    Some complete male sterile plants were discovered in F1 of a hybridized combination , A-PENG 13 / 75-1297 of common spring and winter wheat in 1982 . After preliminary research , it is determined to be a nucleo-cyto plasmic interaction A-line that is different from the Timopheevi-type .

  2. 得到意大利时尚名媛安娜•戴洛•罗素(AnnaDelloRusso)青睐的手袋设计师保拉•凯德玛托利(PaulaCademartori)坦承“年轻设计师的成长空间太过有限”,但又说VogueTalents这类竞赛项目有助于提携年轻一代设计师最终脱颖而出。

    Paula Cademartori , a bag designer who caught the eyes of Italy 's style maven Anna Dello Russo , admits " there 's isn 't a lot of space for new designers " but says projects such as Vogue Talents , a competition promoting new designers , are helping to give some air to new arrivals .

  3. 鼓励运动员在打腿练习时,尽量把脸埋入水中,这样有助于提伸髋部,并能够进行全身的波动。

    Encourage swimmer to put face in water to help raise hips and use whole body movement .

  4. 在提供方向接受方披露时,已经由接受方独立于提供方开发出的信息;

    Information developed by the receiving party and independently of the provider when the provider discloses it to the receiving party ;

  5. on()方法调用的结构类似于前面提过的Server()调用。

    The structure of the socket . on () call is similar to the Server () call mentioned earlier .

  6. 结论匹多莫德具备调节Th1/Th2细胞功能平衡的能力,其机制可能与匹多莫德作用于抗原提呈细胞,刺激IL鄄12产生有关。

    Conclusion : Pidotimod could regulate the balance of Th1 / Th2 . The mechanism of Pidotimod might relate to its impact on antigen presenting cell to induce IL-12 .

  7. 并把CPA方程应用于汽提冷甲醇天然气脱水工艺的模拟计算,为工艺设计提供了必要的参考数据。

    Additionally , CPA equation was used to simulate the dehydration process of natural gas with chilled methanol distillation and provide reference data for the design of process .

  8. 当今免疫学的研究越来越支持这么一个观点,即机体免疫激活或免疫抑制依赖于抗原提呈细胞(Antigenpresentingcells,APC)的抗原提呈功能。由此可见APC在肿瘤免疫中发挥极其重要的作用。

    Increasing evidences support the notion that both immune activation and immune suppression depend on antigen presentation by antigen presenting cells ( APC ), APC play an important role in initiating the antitumor immune response .

  9. 这说明猴头菌甾醇类化合物主要存在于醇提浸膏中。

    Sterols of Hericium erinaceus exist mainly in ethanol extract .

  10. 你从约瑟于波提乏之妻事件中的表现学到什麽?

    What have you learned from Joseph 's dealing in Potiphar 's wife incidence ?

  11. 结论:南、北五味子镇静、催眠有效成分主要分布于醚提物和醇提物中;

    Conclusion : The effective compound should be found in the petroleum ether and ethanol extracts ;

  12. 他出生于奥地利提罗尔,1981年得到印斯布鲁克大学的化学博士学位。

    Born in Tirol , Austria , he received his doctorate in chemistry at the University of Innsbruck in 1981 .

  13. 然而动物实验结果表明茵陈蒿汤水提物的降胆红素、降甘油三酯活性及保肝作用却好于醇提物。

    However , the results of animal experiments showed that hepatoprotective effect of water extract was better than the ethanol extract .

  14. 将得益于这个提税提案的人,只会是卷烟走私者和造假者。

    " The only people that will benefit from this proposal are the smugglers and counterfeiters of cigarettes ," the farmers added .

  15. 结论从总糖含量及蛋白质吸收峰看,水提方法好于酸提方法;

    Results : To the total content of the polysaccharides and protein absorbance , the water-extracting method is better than the acid-extracting ;

  16. 在出现了一系列衍生品合约造成巨亏的重大案例后,这一问题已于今年提上政治议程。

    The issue has climbed the political agenda this year after a number of high - profile cases in which derivatives contracts went spectacularly wrong .

  17. 随着离子交换设备的不断发展与更新,连续离子交换技术开始应用于海水提钾工艺中。

    With the development of the ion exchange device , the technology of continuous ion exchange has applied to the process of extracting potassium from seawater .

  18. 他出生于柏提爱维一个小镇,在木头建成的农舍里长大,那时,他的院子里到牧场的路上都是母牛。

    He was born in the little town of Berthierville , and grew up around wood barns with cows crossing the backyard on their way to pasture .

  19. 结果表明:苜蓿叶的抑草效果取决于浸提条件(温度,浓度,时间等)和杂草种类。

    The results showed that the degree of weeds suppression was dependent on extract conditions , including extract concentration , incubation temperature and time , and weed species .

  20. 特斯拉建议于鑫泉提走一台展车,否则就要再等一个月才能提到从美国运来的新车。但于鑫泉说,这两个方案都不能令他满意,展车不能代替新车。

    Tesla suggested Mr. Yu take delivery of one of its showroom display cars or he wait for another month to get a new car from the U.S. Mr. Yu said neither of the Tesla proposals satisfied him and driving a display car is just not the same .

  21. 这要借助于我们前面提过的Qt的信号与槽机制。

    This is thanks to Qt 's signals and slots mechanism we covered previously .

  22. Chang于1958年提出来的,它是Lukasiewicz模糊逻辑系统相对应的代数系统。

    Chang in 1958 . It is the corresponding algebraic system of Lukasiewicz fuzzy logic systems .

  23. Hilbert-Huang变换(HHT)是黄锷于1998年提出来的一种新的信号处理方法,其核心部分是经验模式分解(EMD)。我们将HHT应用于说话人识别,获得了一些初步结果。

    Hilbert-Huang transform ( HHT ), its key part is empirical mode decomposition , is a newly signal processing method proposed by Huang in 1998 . In this thesis , we apply HHT to speaker recognition and obtain some initial achievements .

  24. 他习惯于每天夜里提着煤气灯,巡视大院。

    He is used to carrying gas lamps and patrolling the yard every night .

  25. 终点判断方法能够应用于葛根水提生产过程的快速终点判断。

    A fast method using Near-infrared Spectroscopy for on-line endpoint determination during Pueraria Lobata Ohwi extraction process was also developed .

  26. 我们将一直致力于为客户提供具性价比,高品质,个性化的绿色照明产品。

    We will consistently be committed to providing our customers with cost-effective , high quality , personalized green illumination products .

  27. 结论:本检测方法操作简便、准确、回收率高,适用于麦麸粗提液中阿魏酸含量的测定。

    Conclusion : This simple , accurate , and high average recovery method is quite suitable for the determination of ferulic acid in wheat bran .

  28. 声请承认及执行之一造,为取得前条所称之承认及执行,应于声请时提具。

    To obtain the recognition and enforcement mentioned in the preceding article , the party applying for recognition and enforcement shall , at the time of the application , supply .

  29. 究其起源,大致可追溯到原始人类的时代,而非正式群体这一概念却是现代管理学界相对应于正式群体提出来的。

    Study carefully its origin , can roughly trace back to primitive human era . But the concept of informal group is put forward by modern management educational circles correspondent to formal group .

  30. 社会主义市场经济是一个既能保留社会主义传统,又能反映社会主义在经济制度方面重大变革的概念。它首先是由德国著名经济学家阿尔弗勒德·韦伯于1950年提出来的。

    The socialist market economy , that was advanced first in 1950 by a famous German economist , Alfred Weber , is the concept that not only keeps socialist tradition but also reflects the important change of socialism in economical system .