
  1. 小明非常高兴以致于笑着从梦中醒来。

    Xiao Ming was so happy that he woke out of laugh .

  2. 这不是笑的时候。(指不适合于笑,或不是笑的场合。)

    This is not an occasion for laughter .

  3. 无论多么痛苦的遭遇,一旦诉诸于笑的神奇力量,你就可以坚持下来。

    And once you find laughter , no matter how painful your situation might be , you can survive it .

  4. 当记者问他关于他良好的健康状况时,他把这一切都归因于笑和开心过日子。

    When the interviewer questioned him about his apparent good health , he put it all down to laughing and having fun .

  5. 不说期待,只说无奈,我们无奈自己变成了这帮老面孔赚钱的素材,我们无奈于自己笑过以后内心涌现出来的那种无可名状的酸楚。

    Do not say to expect , but said the helpless , we can not help himself into the old faces make material , our helpless in myself laughing after heart emerges that unable to describe the sour .

  6. 听这愉快的节目在斯大林格勒,士兵们诅咒,这取决于每个人笑和喂活食长大的。

    Listening to this cheery programme in Stalingrad , the soldiers cursed or laughed , depending upon each man 's temperment .

  7. 笑一笑,世界与你同笑。但据挪威研究人员称,笑的功效甚至不止于此,笑还可以延年益寿。

    Laugh and the world laughs with you . Even better , you might live longer , a Norwegian researcher reports .

  8. 加州斯坦福大学的赖斯教授说:“女性对于回报的期待似乎更低,这在试验中相当于卡通画的笑点。所以当女性一旦领会了其中的妙处,她们会更享受其中的乐趣。”

    Professor Reiss , of Stanford University in California , said : " Women appeared to have less expectation of a reward , which in this case was the punchline of the cartoon . So when they got the joke 's punchline , they were more pleased about it . "

  9. 瑞士一小邦的宪法绝不适应于一个大帝国,同样罗马帝国的宪法如果移植于德国的一笑小城,也不会适合。

    The constitution of a little Swiss canton does not suit a great kingdom ; and , similarly , the constitution of the Roman republic was unsuitable when transferred to the small imperial towns of Germany .