
  1. 而我国目前庭前审查存在许多不足之处,正确分析其现状,有助于庭前审查程序的重新构建。

    It is helpful to reconstruct the procedure of pre-trial investigation that analyses current status of pre-trial investigation correctly .

  2. 在一项法律草案中,老年人可以于庭上起诉,要求儿女在生理和精神上照顾自己。

    Under a draft legal amendment , elderly people could go to court to claim their right to be physically and mentally looked after by their children .

  3. 根据本条例进行的一切法律程序,均须于内庭处理。

    All proceedings under the Ordinance shall be disposed of in chambers .

  4. 审委会应当履行审判案件管理之责,不应当再讨论决定合议庭审判的案件,并将此权真正还权于合议庭。

    The judicial committee should in charge of administration rather than deciding cases so that return trial power to the collegial panel .

  5. 从世界各国的实践来看,仲裁的有效性在很大程度上有赖于仲裁庭与法院之间的一种确定关系,这种关系通常被称作伙伴关系。

    Judging from the arbitral practice of various countries , the arbitral legal force largely relies upon the ascertained relations , or ' partnership ' as usually called , between the arbitral tribunal and court .

  6. 荆轲毁灭于秦庭之上,但无法消失在历史长河之中,而他留下的历史价值,既是一笔历史遗产,也是一笔精神财富,激励更多后进之人。

    Jing Ke died in the Qin dynasty hall , but he did not disappeared in the history , the history value he left was a historical heritage and a mental fortune , encouraging later generations .

  7. 本章沿循历史的足迹,探寻了建国以来合议庭运行机制的产生和发展,并重墨于合议庭2002年以来的重大改革。

    Following the footprint of history , this chapter explores the establishment and development of the Operating Mechanism of the Collegial Panel , concentrating on the major reform of the Collegial Panel since 2002 in China .

  8. 笔者认为应将案件承办人的角色定位于合议庭的代理人或受托人,转变案件承办人的职责,并相应废止现行以承办人为核心的案件分配与操作机制以及考核机制。

    The case undertaker should be located the " agent " or " trustee " of the collegiate bench , while changing its responsibility , abolishing the system of distribution and operation , and the system of the checking , which centralizes on the case undertaker .

  9. 查尔斯·狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》是一部聚焦于大法官庭的法律文本,在法律与文学这一领域享有重要地位。

    Bleak House by Charles Dickens is a legal text with Chancery Court as its focus . It enjoys a significant status in the discipline of law and literature and has aroused the interests of both the literary and legal scholars .

  10. 奥利特法官同时赢得了来自于他的三审庭的法官同行的广泛支持。

    Judge Alito has also earned broad support from his fellow judges on the Third Circuit Court of Appeals .

  11. 如今,在人格理论指导下建立起来的人格调查制度已被广泛应用于世界各国的庭前调查中。

    Nowadays , the theory of personality established under the guidance of the personality survey system has been widely used in the world of the pretrial investigation .