
  1. Man等研究过基态孤子在NLDC中的传输控制,便于对全光网络中数据的正确传输,由于目前研究集中在<100fs的超短脉冲传输特性上,显然基态孤子的特点不再适用于超高速网络;

    Man had studied transmission controlling with ground state soliton through NLDC , it is obviously not available to used in superhigh speed network ;

  2. 于超负荷后随即卡托普利干预者,心肌线粒体膜磷脂结构改变与对照组比较变化不大(P>0.05),心室作功能力却进一步降低;

    In the group treated with captopril post fistula immediately , compared with the control , even the localization of mitochondrial MPLs injury of myocardial cells had not marked change ( P > 0 . 05 ), the ventricular performance was further decreased ;

  3. 在常规单神经元PID控制的基础上,提出了一种改进的单神经元PID控制算法,并应用于超临界机组过热汽温控制系统。

    Based on the normal algorithm , an improved single neuron PID control algorithm is put forward in this paper . This algorithm is applied to the control system of overheating temperature of the hypercritical unit .

  4. 数值仿真方面:首先,本文通过与NASA的试验数据对比,验证了该仿真方法运用于超燃冲压发动机流场计算的可行性。

    About numerical simulations , at first the numerical results were compared with the experimental data published by NASA to prove the feasibility of the numerical method on the simulation of scramjet nozzle in hypersonic free stream .

  5. 第二天早上之前,我已经建立好一类Fuchsian函数的存在性证明,这些函数来自于超几何序列;

    By the next morning I had established the existence of a class of Fuchsian functions , those which come from the hypergeometric series ;

  6. 400Ma时活动的中酸性岩浆热液不仅使超基性岩变质,而且使呈分散状态存在于超基性岩中的金一部分破活化而进入热液形成含矿热液。

    Acidic magmatic hydrothermal solution in 400 my not only causes metamorphism of the ultrabasic rock but also dissolves part of gold which is scattered in the ultrabasic rock .

  7. 该试验台由高压气源、控制系统、模拟负载、检测及数据采集系统组成,适用于超高压气动减压阀及容积减压装置。

    The test bed consists of high-pressure air supply , control system , artificial load , detection and data acquisition system .

  8. 达涅利康力斯提供的硅质耐火材料热风炉设计与最优化升温和冷却方法,是适用于超高温热风炉的可靠技术。

    Silica stoves design and optimized heat up and cool down procedures by Danieli Corus , have proven to be a reliable solution for the ultra-high temperature stove .

  9. 在建立区域层序地层格架的基础上,指出区域性主力烃源岩及盖层主要形成于超层序的海侵体系域;

    Based on establishment of regional sequence stratigraphic framework , it is believed that the regional main source rocks and cap rocks would have been formed in the transgressive system tract of the supersequence ;

  10. 结果表明,该顶渣+喂线渣具有高的硫容量(logCS为-1.6~0.5),适用于超低硫钢的精炼脱硫;

    The results showed that the tested top slag + wire feeding slag had high sulphur capacity ( logC S being - 1.6 ~ 0.5 ) which were available for desulphurization of ultra-low sulphur steel during refining ;