
huò bì bài wù jiào
  • money fetishism
  1. 第二章深入地介绍了货币拜物教这一概念以及其普遍意义,尤其是它对中国的特殊的警醒作用。

    Then Chapter 2 offers a full-scale introduction to the theory of money fetishism and the universal significance of this theme , especially its importance to China .

  2. 我们可以将《资本论》中的拜物教思想视为马克思对前《资本论》时期的思想的一次批判性总结,他在这里完整地提出了商品拜物教、货币拜物教和资本拜物教思想。

    We can regard the fetishism in " Das Kapital " as a critical conclusion of the ideologies before " Das Kapital ", where he put forward the thought of commodity fetishism , money fetishism and capital fetishism comprehensively .

  3. 我国目前的社会主义市场经济中是否也存在货币拜物教?

    Is there fetish of money in our socialism market economy ?

  4. 当代中国货币拜物教产生的条件和存在的原因

    The Conditions for Contemporary Chinese Currency Fetishism to Come into Being and the Reasons to Exist

  5. 商品拜物教、货币拜物教是一种错误的观念,属认识水平问题,与道德无关。

    As wrong ideas , commodity fetishism and currency fetishism is of cognitive ability instead of morality .

  6. 拜金主义虽与商品拜物教和货币拜物教相通,但却又不相同。从前拜倒在绅士权力下面的人,现在却拜倒在农民权力之下。

    Although money worship and commodity fetishism , currency fetishism are the same in some respects , they are different form each other . Those who formerly prostrated themselves before the power of the gentry now bow before the power of the peasants .

  7. 货币是一种历史现象,它是在人类发展的一定阶段上出现的,而货币拜物教作为人与货币之间的一种关系更是显现出与人所处社会历史阶段的相关性。

    Money is a historical phenomenon , and that the fetish of money , as a connection between money with the human , shows the connection with the historical period in which the human are .

  8. 商品货币形式中人与人的关系表现为物与物关系的虚幻形式,就是商品货币的拜物教性质。

    The fetishism property of money is the relation of persons representing the shadowy forms of relation of substances .