
huò bì fā xínɡ quán
  • right to issue paper money
  1. 但在欧元区,由于货币发行权掌握在欧洲央行手里,因此对于个别国家而言,债务货币化难以实施。

    A further curse is that countries of the euro zone do not independently control their own money .

  2. 我国银行法规定,货币发行权归中央银行。

    According to the Bank Law of our country , the authority to issue currency shall be vested in the central bank .

  3. 中央银行的央行职能有所加强,但还没有独占货币发行权。

    Bank and promoted the Central Bank of China to be a central bank , but the banknote issue did not be centralized .

  4. 馀深信当银行机构拥有了货币发行权,其对自由的威胁更胜军队。&托马斯·杰斐逊。

    I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money , are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies . & Tomas Jefferson .

  5. 更重要的是,国家的权威取代了黄金的权威,国家以货币的发行权为切入点,直接渗入全部经济生活并干预经济活动。

    It is much more important that the authority of state replaces the one of gold , with the right to issuing currency , infiltrates into the whole economic life and interferes with the economic activities .

  6. 电子货币时代货币发行权的分散化趋势研究

    Decentralization of currency emission authority in the electronic times

  7. 南京国民政府是从货币本位制度、货币发行权制度和发行准备金制度三方面进行改革以稳定币值的。

    In order to stabilize the currency value , Nanjing conducted the Reforms from three institutional aspects which is the Institutions of Monetary Standard , the Institutions of Issuance of Currency and the Institutions of Issue Reserve .

  8. 货币犯罪的法益既包括国家的货币发行权,又包括货币的公共信用;

    The legal interests of currency crimes include distributing authority of currency and public credit of currency .

  9. 从电子货币的职能与特性、电子货币的发行主体等方面来看,进入电子货币时代后,货币的发行权将趋于分散化。

    This essay props into the diversified trend of money issue in electronic currency times according to the function , characteristic and the issuer of electronic currency .