
huò bì qū
  • Currency area;monetary area
  1. 完全美元化与建立东亚货币区

    From Full-dollarization to Setting up the East-Asia Monetary Area

  2. 因此,东亚货币区的建立可以考虑分步实现。

    Wherefore , the establishment of the East Asian monetary area can be considered a step-by-step implementation .

  3. 最优货币区理论的实证研究&欧洲经货联盟(EMU)案例分析

    Empirical Research on the Theory of Optimum Currency Area & Case Study on EMU

  4. 当然,退出一个货币区在财政上是复杂的,但以前就有国家这么做过,这只会凸显出有必要拟定(不公布的)b计划,而不是混乱地退出。

    Of course , exiting a currency area has its financial complexities . But it has been done before and that merely underlines the need for an ( unpublished ) plan B rather than a messy exit .

  5. 最优货币区内生性假说争议探析FR内生性假说和Krugman专业化假说的对立与并存

    An Analysis of the Controversial Hypothesis on the Endogenous Money Supply of the Optimal Currency Area Co-existence and Antithesis of F R Hypothesis and Krugman Hypothesis

  6. 最优货币区理论是国际货币经济学领域内最重要的研究课题之一,欧洲经济货币联盟(EMU)是最优货币区理论最典型的应用和验证者。

    The theory of Optimum Currency Area ( OCA ) is one of the most important topics of international monetary economics .

  7. 根据建立货币区的相关衡量标准,目前东亚地区还存在着经济趋同障碍、政治障碍、第N种货币问题以及缺乏区域性的超国家货币管理机构等制约因素。

    Now there are a lot of obstacles such as economy convergence , politics , the Nth kind of currency problem and the lack of a common currency organization based on the Theory of Optimum in East Asia .

  8. 货币区理论的先驱罗伯特蒙代尔(robertmundell)解释了格雷欣法则的正确现代推论“如果‘廉币’和‘贵币’按照同样的价格兑换,则前者驱逐后者”。

    Robert Mundell , the doyen of the theory of currency areas , has explained the correct modern generalisation " cheap money drives out dear , if they exchange for the same price " .

  9. 针对这些研究的不足,本文主要通过最优货币区理论和Logit回归模型对东亚货币合作进行理论和实证分析。

    To make up these defects , this dissertation will give Eastern Asia Monetary Cooperation both a theoretical and an empirical analysis by using the Theory of Optimum Currency Area ( OCA ) and Logit regression model .

  10. 作为最优货币区(OCA)内生性研究重要分支的F&R内生性假说,在贸易一体化与经济相关性的动态作用关系上,与Krugman专业化假说存在截然不同的观点。

    F & R Hypothesis is a branch research field of the Endogenous Money Supply of the Optimal Currency Area and is diametrically different from Krugman Hypothesis on the assumption concerning the dynamism of trade integration and economic relevance .

  11. 蒙代尔率先提出了最优货币区理论(OCA),这一理论经过众多经济学家的发展,已经逐渐成为了指导国际区域金融合作的重要理论体系。

    Robert Mundell firstly mentioned the Optimum Currency Area ( OCA ) theory , and with the effort of many economists , it gradually becomes an important system for the direction of regional financial cooperation in the world .

  12. 本文把常用于国际经济领域的最优货币区理论运用于我国这样一个大国内部,指出我国并不满足最优货币区标准;利用VAR模型和IRF检验也证实我国货币政策存在显著的区域效应。

    This essay applies the theory of optimum currency areas , which is mostly applied to international economy to China , a very large country per se , and adopts VAR model and IRF , to verify that there exist manifest regional effects of monetary policy in the country .

  13. 而其它货币区(比如卢布区)则并非如此。

    Others , such as the rouble area , did not .

  14. 蒙代尔最适度货币区理论的发展及其现实意义

    Mundell 's Theory of Optimum Currency Areas : Development and Practise

  15. 最优货币区理论及其对我国的启示

    The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas and its Implications to China

  16. 关于建立东盟统一货币区的可行性分析及实现途径

    The Feasibility of Single Currency Area Established in ASEAN and Achieving Approach

  17. 中国是否为最适货币区的实证分析

    Is China an Optimum Currency Area : An Empirical Analysis

  18. 构建东亚固定汇率区的经济基础&兼论东亚单一货币区的可行性

    On the Economic Foundation of Establishing East Asia Fixed Exchange Rate Area

  19. 第一,欧元区并非最优货币区。

    First the eurozone is not an optimal currency area .

  20. 东亚建立最优货币区的不可行性

    The Optimum Currency Area Is Infeasible to Build up in Eastern Asia

  21. 共同货币区理论与实践的综述和发展

    Synthesis and development of the theories and practices of the common currency area

  22. 第三章对最优货币区理论和相关文献进行综述。

    In chapter ⅲ optimum currency areas theory and relative literatures are reviewed .

  23. 大臣们暗中抱怨,单一货币区的进一步整合乃大势所趋。

    Logic is driving the single-currency club towards closer integration , ministers murmur .

  24. 依据最适货币区理论,重新划分了中国的经济区。

    Second , under the optimum monetary areas theory , redistrict Chinese economic areas .

  25. 对东亚经济体的最优货币区理论的实证检验

    A Practical Test for OCA Theory in the Case of East Asia Economy Community

  26. 第二部分对最优货币区理论进行了阐述。

    Second part , the paper starts from the theory of Optimum Currency Areas .

  27. 最优货币区理论研究的发展

    Review of Recent Research on Optimum Currency Area

  28. 三是最终过渡到亚洲单一货币区。

    MONEY HISTORICAL the third is to finally change to Asian single currency area .

  29. 我更喜欢说可持续货币区,不过我们先不讨论这个。

    I would prefer to say sustainable currency area , but let that pass .

  30. 建立东亚人民币货币区问题探讨

    Analysis about Establishing East Asia RMB Area