
  • 网络Money Flow;flow of money
  1. 根据收入型的费雪方程,货币流通速度决定货币流量,从而决定收入。

    According to Fisher equation of income type , monetary velocity determines money flow then income .

  2. 以“再生产流程问题”为经济学基本问题,发现了社会再生产流程的“货币流量机制”,诞生了凯恩斯主义经济学;

    The study on the condition of reproduction process issues finds a money-flow mechanism , and gives birth to Keynesian economics .

  3. 只有将价格、重复交易量与真实的货币流量结合分析才能透彻地反映价格与交易量对经济稳定性的影响。

    Only by incorporating prices , repeated transactions and actual monetary flows can the effects of prices and transactions on economic stability be fully analyzed .

  4. 消费者所作出的购买选择是构成国内外产品需求组合的基本因素,总体消费选择的改变产生新的国内外产品需求组合,两国货币流量相对有所改变,因而,引起汇率变动。

    Purchasing choice made by consumers is the basic factor of the demand combination of domestic and foreign products . A change in total purchasing choices forms a new demand combination of domestic and foreign products and then a change in the flow of the relative currencies .

  5. 另一方面,如果货币外流量不能得到弥补,那么,所造成的货币供应量的紧缩就会减少国民收入。

    On the other hand , if the money outflow cannot be offset , the resulting contraction of the money supply will cut national income .

  6. 外汇风险之会计衡量,乃衡量汇率变动引起本国货币现金流量之变动,以及会计报表上资产、负债价值和报导盈余产生之变动。

    The accounting measurement for exchange risks is to measure the changes in the cash flow of our currency caused by the changes in exchange rates , the changes created by the assets on the accounting statement , the liability value and the surplus report .

  7. 因此,负责以美元为组合货币的交易员也必须熟悉、理解其他交叉货币的变化和流量,还要明确自己这个岗位的意义所在。

    Thus FX dealers responsible for a particular USD currency pair have to be familiar and aware of the movements and flows of other cross currency pairs , and the implications on his own positions .

  8. 货币流通速度是收入流通速度和交易流通速度的综合,反映了货币流量与存量、制度与交易、宏观变量与微观变量的综合特征。

    The velocity is a blend of velocity of income and velocity of transactions and reflects the comprehensive features of flow and stock of money , institution and transaction , and macro-and micro-variables .